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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Williamsburg Resident and Hatzolah Paramedic, Levi Steinberg, Arrested and Charged with Sexually Assaulting Woman


Levi Steinberg is a paramedic for Hatzolah of Williamsburg, and a resident of Williamsburg. Following an indictment by a grand jury, Steinberg was arrested on one count of rape in the 3rd degree, and one count each of forcible touching and sexual misconduct. The charges are in relation to his alleged sexual assault of a woman in Williamsburg.

If you have been abused by Levi Steinberg, please reach out to get support and discuss your legal options.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kol Hakavod to the woman who is pressing charges. You are like Deborah and Yael who were wonderful Jewish leaders. You are protecting the women of Am Yisrael. May Hashem repay you on this world and the world to come.You are amazing!