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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Williamsburg Resident and Hatzolah Paramedic, Levi Steinberg, Arrested and Charged with Sexually Assaulting Woman


Levi Steinberg is a paramedic for Hatzolah of Williamsburg, and a resident of Williamsburg. Following an indictment by a grand jury, Steinberg was arrested on one count of rape in the 3rd degree, and one count each of forcible touching and sexual misconduct. The charges are in relation to his alleged sexual assault of a woman in Williamsburg.

If you have been abused by Levi Steinberg, please reach out to get support and discuss your legal options.


Anonymous said...

Kol Hakavod to the woman who is pressing charges. You are like Deborah and Yael who were wonderful Jewish leaders. You are protecting the women of Am Yisrael. May Hashem repay you on this world and the world to come.You are amazing!

blondie said...

So I guess this is why Ezras Nashim had start...lots of sickos

Anonymous said...

Strongly agree. Only one way to stop this

Anonymous said...

Actually ‘the women’ is his ex wife that he finally left separated and divorced after many years of mistreatment by her. She threatened to file charges. Sadly his kids are aware of the instability of their mother and are fully supporting their father. He’s a genuine kind and gentle man that was on an abusive marriage.

Dusiznies said...

That's NOT what the police report reads. He is a very sick wicked man

Zako said...

To DIN 8:35 … The police functions with facts, and then there are many nigla v’nister stories behind each and every fact.
Some people have even been sent to the electric chair because of false accusations.

Dusiznies said...

With all due respect to you, I am very familiar with the story and know who the accuser is!
I agree that "Some people have even been sent to the electric chair because of false accusations!
In this case he is a present danger as he is in a profession where he can take advantage. Also others have now come forward and these women are married chassidishe women!

Anonymous said...

This story is about a wonderful person, a truly devoted hatzolah member, being accused by his ex for r....g her, in order to deny him custody_visitation

Dusiznies said...

No one is denying that he is a "wonderful person" just that he took this job in Hazalah to have the opportunity to give into his taevois giving him access to vulnerable women who needed his help!

Anonymous said...

Feel sick to my stomach. I always thought his brother who is a macher at an Upstate Hatzolah is a wonderful baal chesed. The mishpooche own a hotel in the mountains

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled that news would be shared without verification. This is an ex-wife trying to hurt her husband in a state where ZERO proof is necessary and charges can be filed against anyone at any time. This is simply a custody battle gone ugly.
There were no other women who said anything negative about this devoted family man who has given so much of his time and energy to the community and Hatzolah. Using Hatzolah is just a dirty tactic to hurt him further.

Anonymous said...

Sickos might exist. He's not one of them. This is a devoted Hatzolah member who is has an exwife with an agenda.

Anonymous said...

This would be "wonderful" if there wasn't an exwife with an agenda.Trying to hurt a good kind mind with dirty lies, to damage his volunteer efforts and try to hurt his custody rights.

Anonymous said...

In NY you need ZERO proof to file charges. Be careful. You can be next.

Anonymous said...

That is a blatant lie. There hasn't been a single woman other than that ... exwife of his who has claimed anything so ridiculous. EVERYONE who knows him knows about his kindness, ehrlichkeit and decency.
He's given his life to his kids and to Hatzolah. I've seen it firsthand when he helped my family. How dare you spread lies about a Yid?!! Have you no shame? Are you really not afraid of sin??

Anonymous said...

His family is devoted to chesed and do tremendous things for Hatzolah. So does he! Don't believe the lies you read. It's so easy to make up a story... especially when there's an exwife with an ax to grind.

Anonymous said...

To whoever is moderating / approving these comments: shame on you for nitpicking which comments to post and hiding the rest! This is a kind family man and you clearly want to hurt him. Have you no shame?
Are you not afraid of the din v'cheshbon you will have to give for spreading lies about good people?!
What goes around comes around. Be very very afraid. In NY there is no proof required for sexual allegations of any sort.

Anonymous said...

You are clearly a sicko with a dirty mind if that is what you think Hatzolah men are all about. Ask the women who have called upon him for help. No one will tell you they ever felt uncomfortable with him. He's always been professional, proficient and kind.
This is an angry exwife who is seeking ways to keep hurting him, still after the divorce. And you are enabling her. Keep that in mind. YOU are perpetrating the abuse right now. This a man who has suffered at her hands for years and YOU are continuing the abuse by spreading lies about him. Think about that next time you look yourself in the mirror.

Dusiznies said...

Ok guys
I'm stopping all comments supporting this pervert! I'm very aware of the charges and who made them!
There will be a court date and all things will come out !
Meanwhile Hatzala better fire this walking timebomb!

Cohen said...

Nebach. Whatever the merit of the case,putting this woman in some category as Deborah & Yael.
Obviously have a minimal opinion of what heroines can be capable of.Or it should've be posted with sarcasm alert.

p.s.According to tradition,Yael ironically was inclined so happens to the opposite

Anonymous said...

Typical DIN

Anonymous said...

Please provide the details, I actually know this man and his sad custody battle, this has nothing to do with anybody, besides of a personal war his ex is waging against him, in order to keep him away from their kids

Anonymous said...

Sorry din, but you got it all wrong this time

Question for DIN said...

How many outside women are you aware of that stepped forward about Steinberg?

Dusiznies said...

The one who pressed charges is not his ex! So now you will say " well his ex put her up to it" So I ask you? would you risk perjuring and filing a false report to cover for your friend? Especially a married lady?
I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

The one who pressed charges IS his ex. Everyone familiar with the case knows that. If you wish to claim otherwise, kindly provide proof.

Dusiznies said...

So what you are saying is that he raped his ex? Because whoever pressed charges and the police find out that it was a false charge then they will be charged with perjury and filing a false claim, so far this pervert has not counterclaimed anything to the police!

Anonymous said...

Someone close to this story said that the accuser is his ex-wife in a custody battle trying to use this as leverage.