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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Every 'rabbi' for Kamala Harris' belong to anti-Israel groups


Democrats have tried to reassure Jewish voters that they have nothing to worry about despite Kamala’s harsh criticism of Israel’s war on Hamas. But the Kamala campaign platforms and normalizes anti-Israel activists while shutting out normative figures in the Jewish community

Every single ‘rabbi’ presented by ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ is also affiliated with anti-Israel groups. This raises troubling questions about not only the anti-Israel extremism that had already infiltrated the Jewish Democratic Council of America, but Kamala’s campaign.

Not only does ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ appear to be co-hosted with the Kamala Harris presidential campaign, but several of its anti-Israel clergy have ties to Kamala.

‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ shows that the Kamala campaign, like the Obama campaign, calculatedly platforms and normalizes anti-Israel activists while shutting out normative figures in the Jewish community. It is not a coincidence that all of the clergy at the virtual rally were anti-Israel activists. It also not a coincidence that no pro-Israel clergy or members of more traditionally religious denominations were on the call.

The ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ rally anticipates a Kamala administration that will pursue anti-Israel policies while surrounding itself with anti-Israel activists of Jewish descent.

Jewish Democratic Council of America has sent a clear signal that the only Jews welcome by the Kamala campaign are those that will join it in opposing the Jewish State.


Barack Hussein Osama said...

"while surrounding itself with anti-Israel activists of Jewish descent"

Alter nyess. Didn't you see all the Kapos whom I installed during the 12 years of myself & Biden?

Sdoim said...


Restraining a violent Shvartza who is high on drugs now has a chazokah of being a criminal act in the America of Obama-Biden-Kamala. Even the Agudah Fressers agreed & condemned the police officers arresting George Floyd. You have to set them free so that they can strike, bite & maim people.

Friday the 13th said...


Scroll down. Did DIN ever see this 2018 update on Chaim Weiss Hy"d? Is there any truth to an online comment that the FBI suspects a current Los Angeles resident of having a motive in 1986?

Jerrold said...


Burich Dayan Emess. Rebbitzen of Lisker Rebbe R' Tzvi Hersh. What is the exact relation to the Kapo Ezra?

Dusiznies said...

The nifteres is Ezra's step mother, his biological mother is alive and well and lives in Florida