Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Is This a Joke??? Mir Rosh Yeshiva Calls To Extend Winter Zman Until 3rd Of Nissan

Is he being serious?  Am I the crazy one?

This proves that the Roshei Yeshiva do not believe that "Torah is Matzil" if they did, there would no breaks for Bein Hazmanim! They lie saying that they the torah learners are equally carrying the burdens, How So? If they truly believed in their hearts that it is the Torah that is protecting the Jewish people, they would be learning nonstop 24/7 including Pesach! They wouldn't leave Klall Yisrael unprotected for a minute, But unfortunately, they do not believe it! And what is insane is that the Charedie Press is so excited to report this. This proves my point that the Chareidie Leaders of Klall Yisrael are totally disconnected to the rest of the Jewish people and reality! 

 In the wake of the difficult situation in Israel, both due to the protracted war with Hamas and Hezbollah and the cancellation of the draft exemption for yeshiva students, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, decided to extend the winter Zman until Thursday, the 3rd of Nissan.

In a letter distributed in all of the yeshiva’s different buildings to its over 9000 students, the Rosh Yeshiva explained that he was following the directive of the gedolim to strengthen “Torah diligence” during the Bein Hazmanim period.

The Rosh Yeshiva wrote: “Happy are you who are standing on guard with courage and strength to protect the world and disseminate life in the world through the study of Torah and prayers during such a long and tense period, while ignoring all the temptations of the world and immersing yourselves in Torah study with great diligence. Now it is time to prepare for Pesach and help in the home which is one of the fundamentals of Torah to assist one’s friends and all the more so one’s family.”

The Rosh Yeshiva added that “We cannot ignore the decrees and tragedies during the war, with the sword unleashed outside and with the decrees against the world of Torah and it is certainly a call from heaven to strengthen out Torah study and this is our obligation at this point.

The Rosh Yeshiva specified extending the study in the mornings to the 3rd of Nissan, and added that “In the merit of this devotion the decrees will be abolished.”


Nisht ken Galachter said...

If the 3 days remain vakatzia you shrey about that too. Wouldn't you prefer that once they aren't taking up arms that they at least learn instead of living the Life of Riley, sipping pina coladas on a beach?

Garnel Ironheart said...

Such an incredibly stupid leadership.
People are mad at your community because you don't serve in the army and say that it's your Torah that's the true protection. Then you go on vacation.
The government wants to draft you and you threaten to bring it down if they push even though new elections would lead to a leftist government without any religious parties that would push the draft through.

Anonymous said...

Gosh you are dumb as nails, or just dishonest, or both.

Of course they believe that Torah protects, DON’T YOU ???

What in the world does that have to with learning 24/7 ????

No one soldier fights 24/ 7 , if they did the would instantly burn out and be very ineffective.

So perhaps, let the Generals general, let the ROSHEI YESHIVA be Roshei Yeshiva, and you stick to looking
For negative things to write about other Yidden - you do an excellent job of that.

Dusiznies said...

In the 12 years that I have the זכות of blogging and to bring the truth out so that we can better ourselves, this is the dumbest comment anyone ever wrote.
You win the "Dummy Comment" award. מזל טוב
It seems that you have never been a soldier and you have no concept what a soldier goes thru. Soldiers are on the front 24/7 sometimes for months רצופים
If a guy in Yeshiva "burns" out he is in the wrong profession and should get a job as a cashier in Bingo! The Chazon Ish, the Steipler, or any Gadol that learned never, burn out.
"burning Out" from Torah? I don't get it. Here is a guy that sits in Bais Medrish, has no other care in the world, no bills to pay, not taking care of his children and hot meals waiting for him and he "burns out?"
Also when I wrote that there shouldn't be a break for Bein Hazmanim, means that the Yeshiva should officially announce that there is no break and all Sedarim will go on as usual as long as there are soldiers on the front. Of course there should be some sort of rotation, the Yeshivas know what to do, but they chose not to do that. The Mirrer R"Y is causing a huge Chillul Hashem for his "extension of 3 days" He should have said nothing.
And you by supporting this Chillul Hashem is "doing an excellent job" in promoting ביטול תורה and for that there isn't a כפרה

Dusiznies said...

Dear Readers
There is a DIN follower a masochist actually, who trolls me all the time, who seems to know me personally, and who hates me. If his wife ever found out that he surfs the internet she would send him packing even days before Pesach.
So I decided to post his latest comment and my response. I'll call him "loser"

DIN: True but a child of mine is serving in the IDF, with distinction. Those serving or served in the IDF and who now have children serving, all say that it is a far greater sacrifice for a child to serve than the parent themselves. The anxiety, the fear etc cannot be described.

Loser: I was wrong to say you’re dumb as nails- it’s an insult to nails.
You think you know better how to run a Yeshiva than the RY of the biggest Yeshiva in the world??
You care more about Torah than he ?? (Hahahaha)
DIN: Without diminishing the Gadlus and Tzidkis of Rabbi Finkel Shelita, He became R"Y because he inherited his position. If his father wasn't Rabbi Finkel z"l I doubt he would be the R"Y today. He does NOT run the Yeshiva, he may have an "influence" but he runs the MIR like I do. I think that I care more about Torah than he does, apparently, since I am now full-time in Kollel and I have no break for Bein Hazmanim and unlike this R"Y I don't get paid. I am responding to you during my Lunch Break!

Loser:You stam are full of Sinas Amaratzim of Talmudic Chachamim.
DIN: B"H I give multiple Shiurim and though I won't call myself a "Talmud Chachim" I am striving to be one, and what I can call myself is a "Ben Torah" and "a Marbitz Torah" I actually love Talmeidei Chahchamim and hang around them all day now, the one who has "Sina" is YOU! וכל הפוסל במומו פוסל

Loser:My obvious point was that it’s silly to make general comparisons. Like “if Torah protects then they should wear boots like in the army”-
That’s the intelligence level of your comparison.
DIN: That sentence is incoherent, and I have no clue to what you are blabbering about! There is no "point" so how can you say "my obvious point?"

Loser: Many yeshivaleit learn day and night even bein hazmanim.
DIN: That was not my point, My point was that the R"Y who inherited his position made a mistake by stating that he is extending "Bein Hazmanim for 3 Days" opening himself up to mockery and ridicule all over the Chareidie Press!

Loser:As an aside, Bain hazmanim is not about “ burn out “ but For the record there have been MANY Gedolim that have burned out from over exertion, and had to drastically tone down , and lower their learning , in some cases for years ,to recover.
Besides only one out of a thousand are gedolim so why compare to them.
DIN: The one who mentioned "burn-out" was actually YOU! "Many Gedoilim?" I love these guys who always throw around the word "Many" when they cannot cite ONE single example. And now you bring "burn-out" back and shlep the "gedoilim" into your BS theory!
So now that you scribbled that "Bein Hazmanim is not about burn-out" then what is it about? To help their wives? Guys not in Kolel who work don't have that luxury, the IDF doesn't have that luxury! Ad that was exactly my point of the post!

Loser:Go find a Talmid Chachom and bite him like the Am Haaretz Chamor that you are.
DIN: I learned that when someone insults you, you should in turn give them a bracha. So I will give you the following bracha:
May all your children and grandchildren serve in the IDF with distinction and may your wife find out that you surf the internet and follow my blog and put an end to it! Amen Kein Yehi Ratzon