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Thursday, December 7, 2023

UN Hoarding Food Away from Gaza Civilians in a Deliberate Attempt to Have them Starve to Blame Israel


A video posted on social media appears to show desperate Gazan civilians ransacking the UN's  stockpile of supplies.

The video would support longstanding suspicions that the UNRWA is corrupt and refuses to do its ostensible job–protecting civilians

The footage was posted on popular Palestinian social media accounts expressing anger at the UN Relief and Works Agency, accusing it of holding on to humanitarian aid.

The agency, a UN group that claims to help Palestinians, has long faced accusations of corruption, and Israel believes it is merely a wing of Hamas.

The “Jerusalem Rises” account tweeted : “Today, people in the Gaza Strip attacked UNRWA warehouses and found large quantities of rice, lentils, flour and oil! While the people are starving and literally have nothing to eat!”

The “Gaza Report” account cited a low-level UNRWA employee as saying he was “shocked by the amount of food, cleaning materials, mattresses, and tents ready, in large numbers, piling up in the warehouses.”

Dramatic videos earlier this week showed local Gazans throw stones and withstand gunfire from Hamas agents in order to stop them from looting new humanitarian aid shipments that crossed in from Rafah.


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