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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Turkey Lobbyist Ezra the Kapo Gives "divrei Chizzuk" To Hunter Biden


Chassidic lobbyist Ezra Friedlander shared divrei “chizuk” with Hunter Biden, allegedly one of the most corrupt presidential sons in U.S. history, and tweeted about their conversation.

Mr. Friedlander, a well-connected person who has had many memorable encounters with politicians, posted a picture of himself mingling with Hunter Biden, the renowned artist and former board member of a Ukrainian energy company, at the White House Chanukah event, saying, “Had a very good conversation with Hunter Biden at White House Chanukah Reception.”

 Ezra commented that he and the younger Biden, who was indicted last week on serious tax charges, shared words of Chizuk.

He said, “I basically gave Hunter chizuk from one human being to another. Did not discuss any details about his legal troubles.”

He added, “I actually found Hunter to be very friendly, down to (sic) warm and quite charming. Having a civil and polite conversation at the Chanukah Reception shouldn’t raise eyebrows.”

Friedlander also bumped into National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who has been a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jews. He rightfully heaped enormous praise on Kirby, and posted a video of the exchange.

Freidlander is no stranger to close encounters with controversial figures. In April, he came under fire after posting a photo of himself with antisemites Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

He then defended his encounter, tweeting:
 “Was invited by a guest of @RepAndreCarson as a plus one to the Muslim Congressional staffer Iftar in the US Capitol where I utilized the opportunity to lay the foundation for future communication w @Ilhan and @RepRashida. As easier as it would be to not engage in conversation, I believe to my core that not communicating is even more risky. Had no idea what to expect when I entered the room but the reception could not have been warmer and hopefully can lead to mutual understanding somewhere down the road even if it’s a remote possibility.”


Kapo Konvention said...

Hey Ezra, were you trying to get tips from Hunter on zoynos?


'fess up already!

Fat Jerrold Nadler said...

I warned Hunter to be nice to Ezra or else I'm gonna sit on him

Frum but normal said...

two filthy gangsters having a friendly discussion

Anonymous said...

"hopefully can lead to mutual understanding somewhere down the road"

Understand this: they will like you a lot more when you're 6 feet under. They would put you, me and all Jews there now, if they thought they could. Never forget that they support the genocide of Jews as their slogan "from the river..."explicitly says. And they define a Zionist as a Jew.

Anonymous said...

They are about to finalize a deal for hunter to design the new lisker synagogue for 2.3 million

Anonymous said...

anyone who is a bar daas and a roeh es hanolad farshtays that ezra is chanfuning him for the future; whatever you think of them personally, its kdai to have the current presidents son to have a good opinion of unzere, rather then to have a negative one. you never know where a hatzalah for klal yisrael can come from...(ayin shum nixon during the yom kippur war when he airlifted supplies to e"y during the watergate scandal)

Dusiznies said...

To the guy who wrote me that I shouldn't use the term "Kapo" during wartime, so first of all "dee kenst mich kishin vee dee yeedin huben geriet"
second of all you may forgotten but the "capos" were actually "capos" during wartime, so it is indeed appropriate.
We will never forget when Ezra wrote an Op-ed on all the blogs that Jews should back the then President Obama's Iran plan. Ezra also gave a Congressional medal to someone who was directly responsible for the murder of over 2,000 Jewish soldiers leaving widows and orphans. This Ezra is a very sick puppy and is a danger to the welfare of the Jewish people. Now he lobbies for the murderous Turkish Government.