Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Satmarer Who turned Out to be a Goy!


On x-mas day on December 25, 2017, we at DIN posted an article where we questioned the validity of a Satmar Ger who married a woman twice his age. Satmar's chessed doesn't stop at feeding sick people chicken soup, they also pay for weddings for goyim as long as they want to join their cult called "satmar!" 

The "satmarer" Boyd also commented on that post and corrected me on some of the things I wrote, for example, I wrote that his wife was 52 years old, but he said that this was false as she was actually 50! He also claimed in the same comment that his conversion was 100% kosher. 

On this U-tube podcast (listen at the 3:57 mark) he actually states that he is a full fledged Goy and he did this whole shpiel for his "magic" whatever that even means. At the 8:53 mark he actually mocks the halachos of nidda and the Jewish Calander. 

Some commented that he must be a genius to have learned so much in 5 years, but what is there really to learn to become a Satmarer?  It's actually pretty easy, you start hating other Jews who believe that Jews should have a state and have in mind in the Shemonah Esra 3xs a day that the State should be eliminated and poof you are a Satmerer. And as you can see from this story, you don't even have to be Jewish! 

A member of the Satmar hasidic community in New York, who converted to Judaism together with his wife, recently became irreligious - and the community is now saying that he was an imposter from the beginning.

The individual, known as Yechiel Yisroel Bloyd (Bartimaeus Black), joined the community approximately five years ago.

At the time, he claimed that he had undergone conversion through well-respected rabbis, who he named. Over the years, he became part of the hasidic community in Williamsburg, and became officially part of the Satmar community.

"He baked matzahs on the day before Pesach (Passover), in the best bakery, he gave speeches in synagogues, we gave him everything he needed in order to raise a family, hasidim would go around collecting charity for him," the Satmar community described.

According to sources in the Satmar hasidic community, on Thursday it became known that throughout the past five years, the couple had led a completely secular life - which shows that they had been imposters from the very beginning.

After he was no longer religious, Bloyd announced that he intended to publish a book about his life in the Satmar community. The community, however, claims that this was his intention from the beginning: To infiltrate the community, become part of it, and publish the "findings" of his "research."

Bloyd, however, denied this claim, saying that he converted according to Jewish law and even named, again, the rabbis who converted him, and said that the lifestyle of the Satmar community was no longer appropriate for him.


Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! said...

"what is there really to learn to become a Satmarer? It's actually pretty easy, you start hating other Jews who believe that Jews should have a state and have in mind in the Shemonah Esra 3xs a day that the State should be eliminated and poof you are a Satmerer. And as you can see from this story, you don't even have to be Jewish!"

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, it sounds like a waste of 8 years of their lives and sounds like they have severe psychological problems.

FYI said...

Zev Brenner had him on the air last night.

More here said...

More here

Lishke said...

Worth noting the Orthodoxy he mentions is not Jewish Orthodoxy, but Christian Orthodoxy. He's clearly smarter than alot of frum people, that said, he still has a pretty superficial understanding of Yiddishkeit

Anonymous said...

from his blog This rasha was a complete ovaid avodah zarah with all chumras.

My Personal Experience with Plural Observance

I personally am a Christian Gnostic, but I do have a background heavily involved with chassidic Judaism. I go to Mass every Sunday, and beforehand I sing the Tikun HaKlali from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. I make Kiddish every Friday night and Saturday morning, along with Havdoloh after the sun goes completely down. I also call upon St. Cyprian to help me, along with the Christos and Sophia. I have a good relationship with the Egyptian goddess Hathor, I burn incense I make for her and give her offerings of water or wine. If you look through many of our ancient texts, such as the Bible, the Corpus Hermeticum, Gnostic Writ, Kabbalistic writings, chassidis, Buddhist texts, etc., we all share many similar core ideas in our esoteric traditions. Due to this, I see no reason why one shouldn't engage in a practice that will be helpful to them, so long as it's done with respect to the tradition it is coming from. Per example, if one were to decide they wanted to build a sukkah and celebrate the holiday of Sukkos, to maintain adherence to the core protocols and traditions involved with the construction and dwelling in a sukkah, instead of going off and just making some crazy structure that doesn't show respect to the original ideas or rules of what a sukkah is.