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Friday, December 15, 2023

IDF Soldier Speaking In Arabic in the Jenin Mosque on Microphone "From now on, the situation will be clean for the residents of jJenin."


In the central mosque in the Jenin : 

Israeli solder in Arabic
 "In the name of the merciful and compassionate God, here speaks the IDF. Dear residents, honorable residents, the story is over! We will not accept the current situation; we will not tolerate findings of terrorists in the camp. From now on, the situation will be clean for the residents of jenin."

1 comment:

OU Eyepopper said...

The OU's rabbi David Bashevkin is making noise for the wrong reasons, again.

He was previously seen as the propaganda tool for the OU to not lose any $$ on pork flavor snacks with a CHAZIR prominetly featured on the packaging. The OU had Bashevkin starring in an infomercial as Chief Clown & sidekick to rabbi Elefant trying to convince everyone why such a product is good for them.

Before that, Bashevkin hosted YU "rosh yeshiva" Marc Penner on his podcast to promote Penner's binge for toieveh acceptance. It seems that Penner is all toieveh acceptance all the time ever since Penner's son with the ponytail got "married" to a non-orthodox clergyman.


Now, in the last paragraph of this article, Bashevkin shamelessly announces that he is a fan & weekly viewer of the television show "Saturday Night Live", which is a yesod of letzonus & much worse.

Who knew that OU officials are at the forefront of promoting such 'wholesome' values?