Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Police Return Lost Chareidie Child in Bet Shemesh Bet, Instead of thanking them, They Riot and call Police "Nazis"


Whenever I post videos like the one above, I get emails chastising me and telling me that I am causing Sinas Chinum and speaking Loshon Hara against Chareidim.

Watch the video, and you will notice that it isn't only a handful of ungrateful Chareidim, but actually a mob of hundreds. I am not the one causing a Chillul Hashem and I'm not the one causing Sinas Chinum, I am just posting how these "tzaddikim" behave. As far as Loshon Hara is concerned I suggest you learn the Chofetz Chayim' sefer on Loshon Hara before you criticize me.

Their was a WhatsApp message to all who live in Beit Shemesh that a child from Beit Shemesh Bet was lost. Beit Shemesh Bet is where the crazed "ahrelich" live and it was actually one of their own that went missing.

Well the police were notified, and they found the child walking near  highway 3885 or Route 10, a very dangerous highway in Beit Shemesh that has no lights, and cars speed there all the time. The Police called the parents notifying them that they found their little "jewel" and are coming to return him. 

When the police came to return the child, instead of having a welcoming committee greet them, they were met with a full blown riot with grown men yelling "Nazi" at the cops, and who tried smashing the police cruiser and putting obstacles on the road so that they could beat the hell out of the cops that found the child. 

No good deed goes unpunished! 

*Beit Shemesh News*

Chairman of the Likud in the city of Shalom Edri condemning the violence against the police officers

As we reported yesterday, there was a violent incident against policemen in the Rambash B neighborhood, this after policemen returned a missing child.

The residents of the neighborhood gathered around the policemen shouting insults and using severe violence.

Shalom Adri, chairman of the Likud and a member of the city council, commented on the event:
"It is unthinkable that Israel Police officers, after doing their job, would receive a barrage of curses and unbridled behavior from residents of the Rambash 2 neighborhood.

Nasty chants such as Nazi nicknames are a red line that must not be crossed.

I request that they be treated with intolerance and that the city leadership, and the police take enforcement action against them."

יו"ר הליכוד בעיר שלום אדרי בגינוי נגד האלימות כלפי השוטרים*

כפי שדיווחנו אתמול התקיים אירוע אלים נגד שוטרים בשכונת רמב"ש ב', זה לאחר ששוטרים החזירו ילד נעדר.

תושבי השכונה התקבצו סביב השוטרים בקריאות גנאי ואלימות קשה.

שלום אדרי, יו"ר הליכוד וחבר מועצת העיר הגיב על האירוע:
"לא יעלה על הדעת ששוטרי משטרת ישראל, לאחר שעשו עבודתם, יקבלו שטף של קללות והתנהגות חסרת רסן מצד תושבים בשכונת רמב"ש ב'.

קריאות נאצה כמו כינוי נאצים הם קו אדום שאסור לחצות.

אני מבקש לנהוג בהם בחוסר סובלנות  ונקיטת אכיפה נגדם מהנהגת העיר והמשטרה."


Garnel Ironheart said...

Why were they all outside? Shouldn't they be in yeshiva learning?

Anonymous said...

Speaking for Ramat B.
They NEVER EVER wanted or returned a child.
In (not) fact they kidnapped him in order to use his blood for......
Do We have to continue about what they are thinking or saying ????!!!!
We know its a bit heavy, but if you post it some will comprehend what these Ramat B guys are up to and how they have been been brain washed.

Moishe Gabbai Friedman said...

DIN is obviously a koifer in the alter pisgam that no good deed goes unpunished.

Anonymous said...

FYI din