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Monday, March 27, 2023

Chaim Weiss Investigation Making Progress

 Since we again put the brutal murder of Chaim Weiss a"h on the agenda, we received a lot of new leads and information.

 One of Chaim's former classmates has volunteered to be the point man, the person who will sift thru information and will then transfer pertinent leads to  the Nassau County detective in charge. 

Some have also suggested that in order to give this priority we start a "Go Fund Me" page to hire a private detective. 

We will put together a committee that will decide where to go from here!

Anyone who has any new information, even if you think its trivial, should immediately email us.

Also very important: Anyone out there that was in Camp Horim in 1986? I need to ask you some questions! 


Once we have the committee in place, all info will be sent to them directly. We will update as soon as we get this off the ground.


Just Curious said...

Not that anyone should need a personal connection to step up to the plate for an inyan as vichtig as justice for the nirtzach Hy"d, but does DIN happen to have a personal connection?

Dusiznies said...

Just Curious
I have no other connection other than being a father myself, and cannot even fathom the pain he is going thru, I want to give him some closure.

Frum but normal said...

DIN. It’s well know that the authorities know exactly who is responsible for this heinous crime, and so does the whole HANHALH of the Yeshiva.
Three months after the murder the Police where ready to arrest the major suspect.
But millions of Dollars where raised in a jiffy to make it go away, and guess what! It went away,It was covered up by everyone, the DA the cops and everyone involved.
This was done to avoid one of the biggest CHILLUL HASHEM in history.

Hope and pray you are successful, but be aware it’s going to be an uphill battle, as you are fighting with very powerful people with unlimited MONEY at their disposal.

Anonymous said...

Mamesh ah Zaddik.

Anonymous said...

Rumors flying that one the dorm monitors had allegations of molestation abuse and might of even had legal problems or some jail time, I have no confidence with nassua detectives ,I find it hard to believe that after all these years they have no firm suspects no firm leads I dont believe anything regarding DNA, my hunch is were wasting time as it smells as if a coverup bribe and if the case is cracked this wont be good for nassua police as they can go to jail for corruption like those two cops in brooklyn eppolito, its silly to trust them and with the all the money out there how can a private team of the best in world detectives not be hired all these years? Have you reached out to LA RECH gvir for help and funding? he gives millions to every yeshiva from a to z. we dont need a go fund me page let him fund it. He was at yeshiva long beach and horim , SOMETHING REALLY STRANGE all these years it bothers me daily. Obviously if MR REC dosent want to get involved and crack this case there must be so many dominoes and reprucussions

Left Coast said...

Oh please! Not only Rechnitz deosn't have the backbone to go up against his alma mater, but when he did take a stand once against corrupt chadorim, he folded like a cheap camera after a few days because the chadorim administrator mafia was attacking him by posting dirt about him on the internet.

Rechnitz is very much an Agudah Fresser who wants to cover up for the establishment which is why he paid in the ballpark of $1 million for Failed Shmatta Rosenberg to surrender his blog.

Anonymous said...

Few scum bags were thrown out after the zman was over in June/July 86 amd came back that shabbosnand murdered Chaim.

Anonymous said...

So who did it? The dorm counselor because Chaim was ready to out him as a predator?

Inside Info said...

The new Long Beach campus in the Chestnut Ridge section of Monsey was bought for them by Toronto billionaire Bentzion Heitner, an immigrant from South Africa.

The project manager for constructing the campus is a Tuna Beigel named Motty Moseson. I think Moseson sometimes works on his own & sometimes works under the Satmar character Schlesinger, known as Fortis.

Anonymous said...

When we catch the guy for sure some insanity plea religous syndrome mental the DYBUK the gilgul defense made me do it bad dream Hashem told me to he was a rodef , also rumors about some real religous fanatic wackos in this class that are in Israel and states , I wonder if they became wacko due to the incident or these guys were always wack jobs, every yeshiva has some wackos but long beach had and this class had many. Ive said it before I dont understand how the frum community including rabbonim have been so calm and not interested in this crime of a bochur murdered in his bed on friday nite shabbos. No real outrage I know its not egla arufa as its outside eretz yisroel but where is the outrage? If this happened today chas veshalom what would be the reaction? today we have a non for profit for every frum need and every suicide overdose in the community is a plane accident motorcycle accident death followed by a 2 million dollar go fund me raise for the family, chaim weiss never got the chance to even have a family but what did the frum community do to avenge his murder? I still cant believe no big gvirim askanim rabbonim hiring detectives? any protests in front of cooper house?, nothing against dus is nies but its sad that hes the only person thats trying????? This is no ponzi scheme ,this is no get refusal this is the probably one of the worst nightmare incident in the frum community ever and were cool with it. unsolved mystery my tuchus somebody or many people are hiding and covering up. I doubt this blog can do it, if we look back at what busted the walder coverup the blogs helped but if not for a powerful Israeli rabbi with guts who wouldnt back down he would got away with it. We need help ideas powerful people to make moise thats the only way anything gets done.

Satmar Poop said...

I heard that this Tuna Beigel Moty hangs out with the Shvartz-Satmar mafia who Satmar proper don't allow that gantz chevra to live in Old Monsey. As far as Schlesinger, his name comes up in all kinds of interesting places but you better have your facts 100% correct before you open your mouth about him. There is some dumb yenta lawyer, daughter of diehard anti-frum Yiddishists, who was badmouthing him online. He caught her on some inaccuracies and is suing her out of house & home. She is literally crying & begging people to donate to her legal defense. I can't say I feel sorry for her. She was the one commenter on the Failed Shmuck site who was spewing even more anti-frum poison than Shmarya alein.

Energizer Goniv said...

Leib Pinter was prohibited by the government from owning public institutions so he put Camp Horim in Donner's name. He eventually had a huge falling out with Donner & they were tangled with each other in the courts. Pinter is known to have covered up the circumstances of an infant's death. It would be no surprise if he knows dirt on Long Beach but keeps quiet because it's 'good for business'. He is mamash scum who among his many chilul Hashems was even machshil the rabim with treif that was labeled "kosher".

Anonymous said...

This is way more simple matter to tackle. There are too many people involved (This is not Sam of Sam or The Zodiac Killer), which took time, That's catching a "one man show" As long as we can can give them enough proof that it is a suspicion that the Nassau Police department AND the DA are corrupt! The FBI will "eat at at it" up very quickly.

The FBI have unlimited funds and a great star for them. Front cover of every news paper and Media will drive this and go viral!

Anyone has any connection to the FBI, contact DIN of this blog!


Anonymous said...

FBI: There are many approaches to getting the FBI excited enough to open this cold case.
1. If anyone knows an FBI in the Criminal or his job is Cold Cases.
2. After creating a professional Press Release, detailing as much as we have about the Crime and cover-up of Corrupt Police and the then DNA - And send email to all news outlets, Digital Media-All Social Media.
3. Calling the FBI constantly... Fax/email/phone.
4. REPORTER_ If anyone knows a crime reporter -- Excellent!! They will do their own digging...This crime has 4 elements to excite the FBI. Ess ee Ex, Killing, Murder, Corruption, Money! Major impact on the FBI who are now down in the trust of the USA. This will give them a boost of solving this Murder! (unfortunately) the fifth element Rabbis, International, Involving three or more states. MAIN ASPECT IS GET THE PRESS REALEASE-RELEASED TO EVERYONE SO THEY CAN RUN AWAY WITH IT TO ENABLE PEOPLE TO HAVE THE Language AND CURRENT UPDATES ON THIS HORRIFIC CASE.

Yours truly FBI.

Anonymous said...

Another thing I dont get and is painful to judge rachmonis is the weiss parents, family members and close friends what are they doing where have they been besides some vague press releases here and there every time the case opens up again you hear from anton , it could be the pain to much or they gave up or the settled civil lawsuits gags them from talking. or they are also hiding something? Its hard to believe they dont know more , Anton was upset with yeshiva faculty and police but again all these years and no real big rabbis involved or organizations to put pressure on cooper,pitter rebbeim and students to get tzedek tzedek on a murder.where is the staten island community? its strange to me that the family and friends are not screaming louder making more noise, my hunch is that the public is misssing many pieces here but one common denominator on every board chat is the majority feel coverup by police and yeshiva involving some homosexual activity. we know every abuse scandal in the frum community was a coverup for years, walder, kolko, mondrowitz, many others and many frum yeshivish in denial yidden covered up and said the police know about it and they didnt charge so we did our histadlus . all in name of chilul hashem, but the biggest chillul hashem is that the top unsolved crimes in last 50 years involves the frum community . The nassua detectives have to be investigated by a new team of private expert detectives , cmon are we that stupid that the HAIR DNA they still dont want to test until they find a suspect? I would think that the nassua police have intentionaly sabotaged this case and every new piece of information and evidence they use against the case to coverup.And if im crazy that its not a coverup they should be removed due to incompetence .At the very least the family should gather a petition and protest and force the dna testing NOW. cmon who u kidding its almost 40 years and they still saying they dont want to test the hair dna WTF?and whoever says whats the toelis in finding the roitzach he has grandchildren by now blah blah chillul hashem is a rasha and thats not judiasim

Nassau said...

The County, the PD & many of the municipalities have long been incredibly corrupt. And they cover up for each other. I have a lot of info on the corruption that happened in other instances. For sure such people are capable of covering up the Weiss murder too

Anonymous said...

He originates from Australia

Anonymous said...

Fair enough.However it was a different era

Dusiznies said...

I sincerely believe that only a private investigator who was a cop or an FBI agent and who still has ties with his former colleagues is the only way to go. It needs to be someone who knows presently nothing, someone with a fresh perspective. I believe that a lot of our readers would welcome this and donate to this cause.

Anonymous said...

I still say that we need a heavyweight person on our side like a very wealthy gvir or politician or trump or powefull rabbi or organizations , nothing will get done until we have that, look at rubashkin who got him out? who released eli weinstein? nobody thought those 2 getting out for a while? trump through help with kushner and his rebetzin .we cant get it done here, there are many people who dont want to know and afraid. so we need to spend time put pressure on a very powerful person/ rabbi/ organization/ politician who will make noise get a petition force the dna to be tested? A fresh team private investigator is only good if we have a heavyweight on our side demanding and putting pressure. Did the family friends, parents write letters or ask for help to any powerful people? I think we need thats what helped rubashkin and many others , at least we all agree that its a police/ yeshiva faculty coverup so the pressure needs to start there. I think whats on our side is that we are all seeing how corrupt america is and the authorities whether Fauci, FBI, AG, PROSECUTORS are all corrupt , America no different then Mexico, if we want justice we need noise , letters, petitions, protest, ads in papers, t.v , social media NOISE , NOISE NOISE but who do we have on our side? NOBODY, again where is the family friends and the family rabinim, politicians? Rubashkin and family friends and eli weinstein family friends very involved with helping raising funds? I must be missing something I keep on saying that the family , friends might know somthing we dont as thats why they not involved. Not many people care I guess no money involved, or DAAS TORAH HAS SPOKEN LOL not to pursue.