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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Unvaccinated Students Can Enter Israel


Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of Eretz Hakodesh announced on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, that anyone with valid student visas can now enter Israel even if they’re not vaccinated or recovered.

Students holding valid student visas can just show up at the airport and will be allowed to fly to Israel. This means that yeshivah bochurim and seminary students will be able to return home for Pesach without being vaccinated or recovered.

Another new development is that children of student visa holders will no longer need special permits to enter Israel.

In a sign of the increasing easing of Covid rules, non- vaccinated and non-recovered student visa holders will be permitted to enter Israel.

Since November 1, student visas holders have only been granted entry to Israel if fully vaccinated or recovered (in Israel). This rule has caused untold difficulties for visa holders who for whatever reason did not hold this status. It has especially been a major headache for children of visa holders, who live in Israel, but are too young to be vaccinated. Special permits have been required to obtain special permits to return to Israel if they travelled abroad for any reason.

On a daily basis, Chaim V’Chessed has needed to intervene to obtain permits for such families who were stuck abroad, having difficulty obtaining these permits. In the past day alone, 9 families have availed themselves of this assistance. This will now be unnecessary, as all unvaccinated/ non-recovered travelers will be permitted to enter if they hold valid visas. Furthermore, presumably, all yeshiva and seminary students with valid visas will be permitted to travel for Pesach, regardless of their vaccination or recovery status.

Students in this category will receive a Red notice on the pre-flight form. Still, they will be allowed to board upon presentation of a valid student visa. Chaim V’Chessed is currently contacting airlines to make sure that they are appraised of the new rules. Thanks are due to our colleague, Rabbi Nechemia Malinowitz of the Igud who was instrumental in this new rule.

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