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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kollel in Yerushalyim Supports and covers for a "Get-Refuser"


Rabbi Eliyahu Maimon, Head of the Rabbinical Court's Division for Agunot, at the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem

In a rare, possibly precedence-setting ruling against the troubling phenomenon of men refusing to release their wives from unwanted religious-Jewish marriages, the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court last week sanctioned that a specific get-refuser should be denied housing by any property owners—including his current landlord.

The case involved a couple who married in 2006 and had five children before the marriage began to deteriorate after about ten years. In 2017, the wife officially began divorce proceedings in the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court but was largely ignored by the husband, who repeatedly refused her requests for a get, claiming that he still loved her and that she was being manipulated by others who were opposed to the marriage.

In 2019, with representation by the Yad La’isha Legal Aid Center, part of the Ohr Torah Stone network, the Court imposed a legal demand for the husband’s compliance and issued a series of sanctions against him upon his continued refusal.

However, Yad La’isha advocate Dina Raitchik explained that the nature of this man’s refusal made it clear that additional measures would likely be necessary. “We realized that the more commonly used sanctions – such as nullifying his driver’s license or even putting a hold on financial accounts – would have only a limited impact because he didn’t drive and his accounts had already been frozen because of previous legal and financial issues. As the individual was from the Haredi community, we favored imposing more halakhically-oriented options like refusal to accept him as part of a prayer quorum, or forbidding him from learning in public Torah-learning forums, and so forth.”

Those measures also had limited success as the kollel where the man was learning refused to comply with the sanctions and even requested that the court nullify them. Despite their request being denied by the court, the kollel continued to defend the man and welcomed him to learn and pray with no reservation.

In response, Yad La’isha demanded that the head of the kollel appear before the Rabbinical Court, but several days before he was scheduled to present testimony, the kollel agreed that the recalcitrant husband would no longer be accepted in their midst. Except that, according to Raitchik, as soon as the planned date of the hearing passed, the kollel again reneged, and the man was welcomed back.

“Not only did they accept him with open arms, but they even contributed 10,000 shekels to address a court order he faced over absent alimony payments, which if left unpaid would have led to his arrest,” Raitchik said.

Raitchik commended the Rabbinical Court for their determination towards resolving the case but says that with the ongoing support of the kollel and the man’s community, those actions would have limited impact.

As a result, Yad La’isha took additional measures and requested that the court impose a ruling prohibiting the man’s landlord from renewing his rental agreement, which was coming to an end. In a rare, possibly precedential decision, the Rabbinical Court agreed and even instructed any other landlords in Israel to avoid renting to the man. In its decision, the Court cited halakhic sources as well as prior Israeli High Court decisions.

“We thank the Rabbinical Court for accepting our request, and hope and expect that this man’s community will comply with it as well as the previous decisions made in this case so that this deeply unfortunate and painful case can be resolved after nearly five years of captivity,” said Adv. Raitchik.

Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander, President and Rosh HaYeshiva of the Ohr Torah Stone network said: “The ruling in this case represents a further example of the dedication, creativity, and expertise displayed daily by our team of women rabbinical court advocates, lawyers, and social workers. We have been working to free chained women for over 20 years and will continue to do in the constant pursuit of justice.”


Anonymous said...

Lol, effectively the Kollel lied. Maybe they didn't get to that part in Shulchan Aruch. Chillul Hashem

Joe Magdeburger said...

A chiropractic approach to this recalcitrance seems desirable. This can,it should be noted, result in broken ribs.

Frum but normal said...

This filthy swine has the morals and brains of a rabies infected sewer rat, and maybe should be treated exactly as such.
After all the MISHNA tells us a married woman can free herself from a marriage ,either with a GET or if the husband dies,
if the former is not possible,then maybe the latter should be the option.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Another day in the obscene, corrupt world of Orthodox Judaism, another woman oppressed via an artificial ordinance refusing her the same legal prerogatives as a man. Time to modify Orthodox Halacha!

Anonymous said...

Hey weirdo!

The mishna does not say a woman can free herself. It says that she becomes free when her husband consentually divorces her or dies. Do you know specifics about this case? Or, are you merely suggesting that anyone who's wife wants out (regardless of whether she is entitled or not) deserves the death penalty?

Grow up!

Dusiznies said...

Anyone that wants out of a marriage should be able to get out . Anyone not allowing it deserves to be locked up until he gives it .
We don't know the story here, but what we do know is that she wants out, and that the kOllel lied.
He should give the get or die prematurely

Anonymous said...

That is ridiculous! When someone makes a commitment they are expected to stick with it. I have no idea who this guy is - maybe he deserves to die or maybe he doesn't. Either way the concept that "Anyone that wants out of a marriage should be able to get out" is total nonsense. That's like saying "anyone who wants out of a business contract should be able to get out" or "anyone that wants out of parenthood should be able to get out". People need to understand that certain commitments are long term or possibly even eternal.

Anonymous said...

DIN 8:22 PM, definitely, a woman must be let out of a marriage. But a Get is like a Judgement of Divorce. It happens as the final document after all custody & financial disputes etc. are adjudicated.

If everything was adjudicated properly, sure. But if the bes din took shortcuts or detours like they did with Walder Yemach Shemoy & Kolko Yemach Shemoy, for decades, then it's a different story, a bes din Yemach Shemoy, you agree?

ORA min Hatorah Assur said...

Whenever these Open Maggotdox feminists champion a case, you really need to know what's going on. It's easy for you to say anyone who wants out let them out when there are reptillian women extorting the husbands with outrageous demands. Yes there are also men who do such things but according to the feminists women are incapable of such evils, which nothing could be further from the truth.

Kenny Brander is incidentally Stevie Riskin's shlock shamass, and they are protecting pedophiles like Richard Andron & George Finkelstein.

Dusiznies said...

Your idea that a marriage is "certain commitments are long term or possibly even eternal."
is a Christian idea, in the Torah a get is actually a mitzvah!

Anonymous said...

Huh? I can't figure out if you are deliberately twisting the truth or just plain not that sharp.

I don't deny the institution of divorce. It is a very important and useful concept when applied properly. Again, maybe the guy should give a get. I know nothing about this alleged story. However, this mantra of "anyone that wants out..." is BS. Evil personalities transcend gender, and it is very possible for a woman to be cruel to a man just as a man could be cruel to a woman. The torah that you mentioned has rules about gittin. No where does it say that a woman is born with an innate right to demand a divorce. She needs to have legitimate claims to be entitled.

Dusiznies said...

WE are Jews not Christians or Muslims. If a lady or a man want out for any reason, she should get her get. Learn the gemmarah which actually permits a guy to divorce his wife if she burnt his meal. She actually does not need "legitimate reasons' in fact if she tells Bais Didn that her husband disgusts her, Bais Din will force her husband to give her a divorce.
A Get is part of the 613 mitzvois.

KIN said...

It seems from your comment that you are a Get with=holder.
You say:
" it is very possible for a woman to be cruel to a man just as a man could be cruel to a woman"
So if she is cruel why does he want to stay in the marriage? It's because he wants to punish her. Well, for that alone he should either give her the get or committ suicide