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Monday, February 7, 2022

Chassidim Upset Because of Swastikas Spray-Painted on School Buses in ... But Will they burn the Israeli Flag on Purim?


So I see that when their vehicles are defaced with hate slogans, they don't like it one bit, but come Purim they will burn the Jewish flag on the streets of Williamsburg and stand around like drunk baboons mocking a flag that for Goyim around the world represents the Jewish people. 

That flag that they despise represents them as well, as goyim given the opportunity will shove them and the Zionists into the same ovens.

Rabbanim always say "this is because of this, and this is because of that"

So maybe just maybe, this is a wake up call from Above, not to be "metzaar" other Jews that hold that flag sacred!

Frum Jews in Williamsburg were the victim of yet another hate crime on Sunday when a suspect spray-painted swastikas on multiple school buses at Division Avenue and Rodney Street.

The incident comes just a day after multiple chasidim were victimized in unprovoked attacks over Shabbos. The NYPD’s 90th Precinct, Hate Crimes Task Force, and Williamsburg Shomrim are investigating the incident and seeking to identify the suspect in this case.

“I am angry & heartbroken by two more anti-Semitic, violent incidents in our community over Shabbos,” Councilman Lincoln Restler wrote on Twitter. “A man was violently struck upside the head in Bed Stuy by Marcy & Myrtle. Swastikas & other graffiti were spray painted on yeshiva school bus in Williamsburg by Division & Rodney.”

The ADL wrote on Twitter “We are horrified that yeshiva school buses clearly marked in Yiddish could be vandalized in such a way with hateful symbols, especially on the same day that we found two Jewish men to have been assaulted in the area. NY must be a safe heaven for all and this hate must stop!


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