Sunday, June 30, 2019

Litvak Who Went From Shul to Shul To Tear Up The Sefarim "Yalkut Yoisef" Caught Red Handed

Amongst us frum Jews ... this is nothing knew .... the Rambam's Seforim were burned.... not by the goyim but by "Frum Jews."

The Seforim of the Ramchal were destroyed and he was chased out of town by "Frum" Jews! etc etc ....

And now the Seforim of Harav Yosef Yitzchok ...
ילקוט יוסף

Shuls all over put cameras in to see who was doing it ...
it didn't take long and they found the culprit ...
A Litvak .... .....

Hey forget about the prohibition of destroying seforim containing Torah ...
What about "Gezilah" .... stealing????

So now if you are a Litvak not only do you stop people from getting to work by protesting about nothing .....
Now you are destroying property of others ....

The Litvaks read the words of the Aseres Hadibrois that states:
לא תגנוב
לו תגנוב

They are "Talmeidei Chachomin"  and they read the Kree (meaning how it is read) not the Ksiv (how it's written) ...
They read that it's a "Mitzvah to Steal" if I don't agree with what's written in those  Sefarim!


Abe said...

What sect did the Litvak belong to? What did he have against Yalkut Yosef?

james said...

how do u know its a "livak"?

Dusiznies said...

Did you read the headline?
"Caught Red Handed"
We know who he is