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The Frank Spaced Out! |
Even though Rabbi Moshe ben Nachmon, known by his acronym "The Ramban" died in the year 1270 ... approximately 627 years before the Zionism movement even came into being.
The ironic part about this "editorial" is that the Ramban as a "monei ha'mitzvos" (one who itemizes the 613 mitzvos) includes "yishuv Eretz Yisroel" "residing in Israel" as a mitzvas eseeh de"orisah, bzman hazeh" " a positive biblical commandment in today's day and age."
In fact the Ramban himself made aliyah and was buried according to the Ari Z"L next to the Mearas Ha'machpeilah!
So this demented snake, hater of Eretz Yisroel, takes the words of the holy Ramban who was a proponent of Jews living and conquering Israel, twists it to make the Ramban sound like he was a "anti-Zionist" even though the Ramban was gone for over six hundred years, before Zionism was even an idea.
Please press "read more" below:
The Evil fool who calls himself Frankfurter first quotes the famous first Rashi in Sefer Bereishes that states the reason why the Torah starts with story of creation.
Rashi questioned why, if the Torah is a book of laws, didn't the Torah start with the first commandment given to the Jewish people which was Parshas Hachodesh?
Rashi therefore points out, that the Torah specifically started with the story of creation to notify the gentile nations that accuse the Jewish people of stealing Eretz Yisroel, that Hashem is the One who created the world and He gives it to whomever He sees fit!
He saw fit to give it first to them (the Canaanites) then decided to take it from them and then decided to give it to us (the Jewish people).
The fool Frankfurter frothing from his hateful mouth states"
"Since the very act of creation serves as a refutation of the claim that the Jewish people stole the Holy Land, it should therefore come as no surprise that religious Zionists keep this famous comment at their fingertips, or - as in the case of Naftali Bennett - post it on their Facebook page."
My question to The Fool, the Frank:
What's wrong with anyone quoting the very first Rashi that points definitively according to the Midrash Raba that Israel belongs to the Jewish people? Is that now a crime?
And whats the problem with Naftali Bennet posting it on his Facebook page?
Because Bennet doesn't have a scraggly beard like Frankfurter that looks like a mouse nibbled on it ..... that prohibits him from posting a Rashi?
Only this smelly skunk is allowed to quote Rashis'?
Then the "Chuchem fin dee Ma Nishtana " adds:
Conveniently, though, they ignore the Ramban's crucial explanation of Rashi's comment"
This Rashi, my dear friends, doesn't need any explanation from anyone, "crucial" or not, including the Ramban....
The Rashi is very clear to anyone that reads it and is self explanatory!
Rashi states unequivocally that the reason the Torah starts with Creation is solely because Hashem is letting the entire world know, including The Frank, that Eretz Yisroel belongs to the Jews! Period! No ifs ands or buts!
Rashi holds like the Torah states in Parshas Eikav that the Land of Israel was given to Jews no matter what!
So what does the Ramban say? Is he explaining Rashi? Or is he adding to Rashi?
Good question!
The Ramban is NOT and I repeat NOT explaining Rashi at all...
but this am haaretz with his small velvet Yarlmukah on his misshapen head wouldn't know that!
The Ramban was initially confused with the Midrash, specifically Reb Yitzchok, that Rashi quotes.
If its in fact true that Hashem took Eretz Yisroel from the Canaanites and granted it to the Jewish people, then why were we exiled? Why did Hashem exile us after the destruction of the First Bais Ha'mikdash?
To that, the Ramban answers that the land was given to the Jews conditionally .... if we would adhere to the "bris" that Hashem made with the Jewish people then we would have the land and if not then we would be exiled ..... and that's what actually happened!
Nobody argues with that point .... because our bloody history actually proves the point...
Notice the words of the Ramban .... he writes "exiled"
Eretz Yisroel is owned by the Jewish People even in exile!
The fact that the Land was given to us conditionally does not negate the fact that every Jew be he Frum,Secular or even Zionist, has a biblical obligation to live in Israel! And not only to live there but according to the Ramban to conquest territories!
One has nothing to do with the other!
The Ramban himself is proof positive of this idea!
No one, not even The Fool is the judge that decides who is frum, who is not .....
According to the Chazon Ish ...all secular Jews are in the 'geder" of Tinuk she'nishbah"
After the story of Mordechai and Esther, the Prophet Nechemia and Ezra Hasoifer saw fit to ask the Jews to return to their homeland even-though Eretz Yisroel at the time was occupied by assimilated Jews and was occupied by Jews that had totally forgotten the Torah and in fact worshiped Idols.......nevertheless Ezra begged the Jews in Bavel to return to Israel and make Aliyah. Ezra in fact praises and then itemizes by name all the families that made Aliyah with him in Sefer Ezra and Sefer Nechemyeh!
Those families are recorded for posterity in Tanach!
Thankfully the filthy self hating rag, Ami, wasn't in print then!
So it seems, that yes, we were exiled, but we as Jews have an obligation .... a Mitzvas Esseh D'Orisah according to the same RAMBAN that the poisonous snake Frankfurter quoted, to return and live in Israel! Absolutely!
In fact approx 200 years ago, the Ohr Hachyim Hakodosh who I'll venture to say knew that Ramban better then The Fool, immigrated to Israel. In his writings (Vayikra, 25:25) he expressly states that his aliyah represented a "bringing closer" of the Redemption.
In the year 1877 the foremost student of the Maggid from Mezrich, the Admor, Rebbe Menachem Mendel from Vitebsk made Aliyah accompanied by 300 followers.
Two of the greatest talmidem of Reb Akiva Eiger, R' Eliyahu Gutmacher and R' Tzvi Hirsh Kalisher began to encourage mass immigration to Israel, in order to build the prophesied Jewish Kingdom in Eretz Yisroel!
Just a few years later, Torah giants from Eastern Europe, including R' Shmuel Mohilever, R' Mordechai Elishberg, and the Rosh DYeshivah of Volozhin, R' Naftali Tzvi Berlin, known as the Netziv, encouraged Aliyah within the framework of the "Chibat Tzion " movement.
I can go on and on!
But I'll get to the point...
Later in this vicious "editorial"
He, the descendant of the meraglim, writes:
"The Ramban thus invalidates the entire religious Zionist argument for the intrinsic Jewish right to the Land of Israel, and in fact promotes the anti-Zionist shittah that unless Jews behave according to the dictates of the Torah, they forfeit all rights to the Holy Land"
This menuval, The Frank, takes the words of the Ramban, who explicitly states that all Jews must live in the here and now in Israel and states that a Jew cannot and doesn't have any permission to relinquish any captured lands to the goyim, .... says that the Ramban "promotes the anti-Zionist shittah!"
How evil and sick can a guy get?
The Ramban never ever said that a Jew "forfeits" any rights to the Holy Land!
The Zionists, yes the secular Zionists listened to the Ramban and built the land and religious Jews didn't and missed the opportunity to join them and instead perished in the Holocaust!
The Zionists, even the secular Zionists have the same obligation ,as the Ramban to live in Israel, conquest territories and build the infrastructure!
Just because someone isn't religious that doesn't "forfeit' his "rights to the Holy Land."
Not one Jew can "forfeit" any part of Israel.
The Orach Chaim Hakodosh says in Vayikrah 25.2, that Israel was given to the Jewish people (and that includes Zionists) without any conditions and can never be relinquished because Israel is a "yerusha" an inheritance!
And belongs to the Jewish people for ever, even if they sin!
In fact in Parshas Metzorah, the Orach Chayim says that when Moshiach comes, he, Moshiach will be "metaheir" clean up those Jews that need repentance!
This "forfeit" business is something the vicious snake Frankfurter made up himself!
Hashem and only Hashem decides when to allow Jews to reside in OUR country ......not the snake Frankfurter!
But as Jews who are 'maminim bnei maminim," we must make all efforts to move to Israel or at least to support those that do!
See for yourself what the Ramban states in his Sefer Ha'Mitzvos:
Sefer Hamitzvos ... Ramban in Mitzvah 4 ... besides settling the Land we are
commanded for conquest & redeem the Land in all generations even under the jurisdiction of other nations i.e. exile ...
"That we are commanded to take possession of the Land which the Almighty, Blessed Be He, gave to our forefathers, to Avraham, to Yitzhak, and to Yaacov; and not to abandon it to other nations, or to leave it desolate, as He said to them, You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the Land and dwell in it, for I have given the Land to you to posses it, (Numbers, 33:53) and he said, further, To Inherit the Land which I swore to your forefathers, (to give them,) behold, we are commanded with the conquest of the land in every generation."
Reb Yaakov Me'emdin in his preface to his famous siddur, in fact states that all the troubles (Pogroms, Crusades, expulsions etc.) came about because Jews were comfortable in exile and refused to make Aliyah!
Instead, the menuval bershus ha'torah heaps loshon hara on people who put their lives at stake for the Jewish people on a daily basis and spews his vicious vitriol on those who sacrifice and live in Israel.
His sick obsession with the Zionists will ultimately destroy his family, his filthy Nazi rag, Ami and his sick supporters!
We now have more Jews living in Israel than ever in the entire Jewish history and more Torah being learnt in Israel than anywhere in the entire universe!
Is it perfect.... no... of course not .... are the Zionists ...Tzaddikim, no... do they want a religious state ... no
And when in Jewish history was Israel ever perfect?
The answer my friends is ....never! ever!
Even when Dovid Hamelech reigned, his own son wanted to kill him...
Shlomo Hamelech's children divided the kingdom ... the Children of the Chashmonim were by in large a bunch of murderers ....
One of the Kings from the Chashmonim murdered practically all Tanoeim!
Did anyone ever say ...you shouldn't live in Israel until Moshiach comes????
As religious Jews we can make a difference by making Aliyah and changing the system ..
but to take the words of Rishonim that advocated Aliyah and actually made Aliyah themselves and then twist and profane those words and say that they were anti-Zionist is the most vile and disgusting demented way of looking at these holy Angels!
I know that some of my readers are upset that I even give this sick skunk space on my blog, but I feel that there are people who read his anti-Jewish rag and are truly searching for answers.
We must put this Israel hating antisemitic rotten frankfurter out of business,and the only way to do it successfully,is to start a massive campaign of tens of thousands to contact every single advertiser and threaten to boycott their products if they don't stop advertising in that Nazi antisemitic rag.
And the same thing should be done with other two Satmar antisemitic jew hating rags "Der Yid (der goy) and the Blatt
Ed Day declares war on all Rockland property tax cheats
Tax cheats???
In the Rockland property tax file are listed are a number of Jewish religious organizations and l'havdil several churches.
Why are these corrupt Demo-rat bosses imposing property taxes on a whole slew of religious organizations?
Sefer Hamitzvos ... Ramban in Mitzvah 4 ... besides settling the Land we are
commanded for conquest & redeem the Land in all generations even under the jurisdiction of other nations i.e. exile ...
"That we are commanded to take possession of the Land which the Almighty, Blessed Be He, gave to our forefathers, to Avraham, to Yitzhak, and to Yaacov; and not to abandon it to other nations, or to leave it desolate, as He said to them, You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the Land and dwell in it, for I have given the Land to you to posses it, (Numbers, 33:53) and he said, further, To Inherit the Land which I swore to your forefathers, (to give them,) behold, we are commanded with the conquest of the land in every generation."
Crazy are the people who are buying the AMI MAGAZINE)) at all and after reading it ,they just get angry at what he wrote,? It doesn't make sense to buy it at all, because who cares what every meshugener Wright's in a Magazine,?
Oh wow you are a real symbol of a top notch idiot, bigger shysters tried to boycott Satmar even before Satmar became an empire and what did they accomplish? Triple zero, i guess you have nothing better going on in life so keep on and VER TZUZEZT and let's see how far you gonna get
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