You know guys, the Heimishe Hashgachos don't let you live, and they don't let you die anymore either,(a topic for another day) before they rip you off !
Now they are selling us "Salt Water" for Pesach!!!!
Who buys this crap? Someone must be buying this....
I'll bet it's the poor families, they must be buying this crap after listening to their Rabbis scream and rant at Shabbos HaGodal drashos, that everything without a "Heimishe" Hechsher is treif....they are probably buying this...
They also sell month old eggs for the seder....
Someone is going to die from this, and the Holy Gedoilim will blame it on the Zionists...
Like the bizzare Shitah of Satmar that blames the Holocaust on the Zionists....ignoring the fact that the Zionists who were in Israel all survived and the anti Zionists were gassed to death!
I noticed that the Heimishe Groceries also sell vegetables for Pesach covered in dirt!
I thought I was imagining it ..... but noooooooooooo
they then put the veggies with the "pesach dirt" on the scale and charged me for the dirt too!
Notice that the Kosher L'Pesach Smartphone covers, have no Hashgacha, because the Billionaire, the Nirbarter, won't put his name on anything that has anything to do with a smartphone....
He would rather get you on the Kosher Le'Pesach Bleach!

You Nazi Ben Amalek Rasha Ben Rasha you're hate and hateful writings against Judaism has nothing to be ashamed of the shtirmer
Unfortunately,hashgacha today is a business, especially when it comes a yoim tov, and especially when it comes the holy yoim tov of (pesach?) everything becomes a business, unfortunately ,the matzos cost a arm and a leg, the same potatoes what you buy in your grocery the entire year,? Would suddenly go up triple the prices,? Same thing in the butcher store,? Why because its pesach time,? Why,,?? Why when it comes Passover lots of families are going mamesh broken,? But the biggest question is, where are the rabunim to say something about it,? Or to stop this crime against poor families,? ( Question,2,) who is stupid to buy salt water for pesach or ready hard boiled eggs when it takes seconds to make salt water or to cook boiled eggs,? Why do we try to fool ourselves for all this craps? And who knows how long ago this eggs where cooked,? Maby week's ago,?
There are a lot of things to complain about but these are just not good examples.
KF is the London Kosher Federation. They are on less of a level than the modern orthodox KLBD.
Pomegranate caters to feinshmeckers who don't want the hassle of hard boiling an egg. This is for the kind of customer who spends $1200 for a regular Shabbos to buy their take out food for all the seudos.
A cellphone is something that is always contaminated by chometz. Nothing wrong with a fresh cover.
Another question to ask for everyone because pesach is a very very expensive yoim toiv and unfortunately lots of yiddish families do have to go trough the ((pesach chalikas)) where food are being given out for free, today we have (chalikas),burech hashem, in every Jewish neighborhood So my question is to the people who can not afford to buy potatoes or eggs or etc etc etc,? Where is there suddenly extra money to buy a new,shtriemle,? and a new talis,? For yoim toiv when you can not afford to buy some potatoes,? It became a sickness in the frum communities that every erev pesach their is being made Supposedly sales for ,shtriemlech, and new talisim, where in the world dose it say that every pesach you gotta buy a new shtriemle and a new talis,? Or new clothing for the children if you don't have money to buy potatoes or eggs or carrots and other stuff, but its such a shame to see lots of this people who unfortunately went to the chalikas they will be sitting (( Shabbat hagodol)) in hotels, plus they will be sitting pesach with nice new ,shtriemlech, and new taliesim, but they can not afford to buy potatoes for yoim tov? So how does this work,?, plus summer they will be sitting,8,weeks in the Catskills,? Can someone explain me the math over here,?
No shtriemle on the sale is under,thousand dollars, so for thousand dollars you walk in to the grocery and you but your potatoes and eggs and carrots, ((it really doesn't make sense to see people who even got muois chitim or kumcha depuscha money)) sitting in hotels, Shabbat hagudol,?, is that halacha to,? To sit in hotels Shabbat hagudoil,? (( especially when someone can not afford to buy potatoes or someone who is getting quality a donation to be able to make his yoim toiv pesach,?) What else is becoming a pesach halacha,? I think we should print a new, shilchun uruch, for hilchos hapesach,? The new testament of pesach, (1) Shabbat hagudoil is a must to be in hotels, (2) pesach you gotta buy a new,shtriemle, and a new talis, (3) the matzos gotta cost a arm and a leg,
I added a photo of Salt water from a Monsey establishment with the hashgacha of R' Binyomin Gruber
Where can we obtain ...
נישט געוואשענער אייער פאר פסח ...???
Somebody who can not make salt water must be so invalid or a paralyzed person, what's the big deal to make salt water,? Or to boil eggs,? Is it better to pay money for it,?
The heimishe world today is unfortunately divided between those who control the money and the commerce and those who are merely peasant followers who have been trained to follow blindly and not use their minds. So you have one group which basically exploits the other, the oligarchs exploit the peasants, just like in European medieval societies. The peasant Jews get their "programs", paid for by tax dollars of the goyim, but arranged by the machers, who also sponge huge amounts for themselves and who also sell pure garbage and snake oil to the the peasant Jews who know no better than to follow along like sheep. Their minds are so dulled by this lifestyle that they will spend their food stamps on such idiocies as bottled salt water at $2 a container. They are so far gone mentally that they do not realize this is a scam and that they can easily make their own salt water for less than a penny. This trend has only gotten worse over the years and is found throughout the chareidi world in everything, including housing and benefits. These Jews are educated to be sheep and they are worse than sheep because the leader of the sheep does not take advantage of those following behind him.
What about selling water for (urchatz) for people who don't have the (koach) to boil some hard eggs or to make some salt water, I think it would be a good business to make ready containers with water and it should be called (urchatz water) I can bet you that there will be crazy people who will buy it
The rabbis should OSSUR this practice which clearly takes advantage of people. If people are too dumb to make their own salt water, the rabbis should arrange that free containers of salt water be distributed to the mindless peasants. The rabbis need to take care of the peasants, and not participate with the thieves in ripping them off.
Looking for ...
נישט געוואשענער אייער כשר לפסח ... !!!
This is ridiculous. I have good memories helping to make the sedar, including the salt water and making charoses (yum) and boiling the eggs and filling the sedar plate. Nowadays one can just by it all pre-made. Even the sedar plate. The Rabbonim should ossur this.
For all you hateful people to find things against other Jews, do you ever try to stop for a second to think why stores make these products that look so stupid. Well to let you in on a big secret unfortunately there are many ill family members in hospitals , rehab centers , homes , that family members choose to spend the seder with & it makes it very convenient to walk in and pick up the entire meal off the shelf
What difference does it make? If someone has money and wants to buy salt water then kol hakovod. People are smart and know what they are doing. Must we complain about everything?
Looking for the pesach factory of ,,hisachdus rabunim sugar and salt,, the satmar chasidim are claiming that the holy satmar rebbe the rabieni joel ((zatzal)) ask his chasidim to be very makpud to use (pesach) only but only, hisachdus harabunim /salt/and sugar/ So we are trying to find the pesach factory of hisachdus sugar and salt, but we can not find it on any maps or GPS, any idea from where, hisachdus harabunim are producing their salt and sugar ,? Isn't it called BY THE WAY ,DOMINO SUGAR,?
Thank god there are those benefits unlike in Europe poor meant really poor like in the gemara times an ani meant literally u didn't have anything
The Charedi community is also poor in the sense of Jewish knowledge ...
The Chinuch provided does not produce great Lomdim & Scholars both in Hebrew or English studies ...
What we are left with more Chumros & restrictions ...
Each group will out do the other by adding more restrictions ...
After all it is easier to play "Frum" than to toil over a "Shvere Gemorah" ...
What a lovely scene to be proud of ...
What a bunch of sick haters here - led by Joe the Golem
If non-Jews published such hatred against us, there would be outrage and govt investigations. But because Joe Golem's mother happened to be Jewish (or at least we sure hope so) he can attack and besmirch good, decent, erlich YIdden to his sick mind's content.
Oy will you be sorry one day.
I can just picture you one day in the near future (when you or someone close to you will be needing a major Yeshuah) asking a rav on how one can even begin to do Teshuva on such despicable behavior
Most won't buy the salt water for Pesach - but really, is it any wonder most people, especially the women and disabled, secretly dread, maybe even hate, the approach of Pesach? The joy only comes when it is all over, all the Pesach stuff put away, etc. until next year. Pesach nowadays, what with all the invented chumrot, has no feel of freedom at all.
Sarah k
I asked the manager of Wesley Kosher today about the salt water. He said that many people buy it for the convenience. Nothing to do with people who are making sedar in hospitals.
To each his own I say.
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