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Thursday, April 14, 2016

St. Lawrence arrested before Shachris .... Monsey Developers Panicking

Image result for st lawrence ramapo
Now the guy, Rav Ungarisher ז״ל, called an אוהב ישראל because he was able to be bribed, which made  it easier for developers to pave over all greenery in Monsey, was finally caught with his hand in the cookie jar! The גמרא  so aptly stated סוף גנב לתליה !

FBI officials grabbed him at ווסיקין .... And now he will sing and bring down all the guy with the keys and lights ........

Federal agents and District Attorney’s Office detectives arrested Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence and a former top lieutenant Thursday morning on charges tied to the financing of the town's controversial baseball stadium through its economic development agency.
Both St. Lawrence and Aaron Troodler, the former executive director of the Ramapo Local Development Corporation and once an assistant town attorney, face federal securities fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy charges in connection with the issuance of municipal bonds.
The U.S. Attorney's Office says the case could be the first municipal bond-related securities fraud prosecution ever. The charges and case are expected to be outlined by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara,  Rockland District Attorney Thomas Zugibe, FBI and Securities and Exchange Commission officials during a scheduled 11 a.m. news conference in Manhattan.
The SEC brought its own fraud charges against St. Lawrence and Troodler, as well as Ramapo, the RLDC and two other town officials - Town Attorney Michael Klein and Deputy Finance Director Nathan Oberman.


Anonymous said...

The Jews of Monsey have known that St. Lawrence was a crook FOR YEARS and yet they continued to openly back him, even against very fine opponents, some from the frum oilam. The so called "gedolim" of Monsey sent out letter that said, "Vote St. Lawrence, he is good for the oilam". Sorry folks, St. Lawrence is not good for the oilam, he is good for the frum developers that made tens of millions off the systematic destruction of Ramapo by gross over-development and down-zoning that would not be accepted in any other sane community in the United States. And now, the Chillul Hashem will happen most likely as St. Lawrence sings like a canary before he is sentenced. You can be sure the FBI knows more than these charges reflect and they will be asking questions. IT IS A SHAME THAT "GEDOLIM' WILL OPENLY BACK CROOKS IN POLITICS. What does that teach our children?

Unknown said...

This is a necessary prelude before making Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael willingly or unwillingly ...
Liquidate the Exile before it Liquidates you ... said Zev Jabotinsky in pre war Europe ...
Kidush Hashem ...

Anonymous said...

Hey since you mentioned a gemara so let me remind you what the gemara also says on a lowlife like you, just check it out

Fresser Developer said...

You missed that Aaron Troodler has also been arrested. Since leaving Monsey Troodler is now Executive Dreck(ter) of National Council Young Israel and also has a high position in the OU.

Anonymous said...

Is Town Attorney Michael Klein shomer Shabbos? Or Receiver of Taxes Nathan Oberman?

In connection with this raid they have been indicted by the SEC for municipal bond fraud.

Skverrorist said...

Phew! All New Square officials who davened kevasikin this morning are accounted for.

Anonymous said...


Alan Simon lives Chestnut Ridge Rd corner of Scotland Rd

Albany said...


Shelly Silver not the only corrupt politician landing jobs for mistresses

World Wrestling Federation snif Monsey said...
