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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Satmar Iran. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Satmar Iran. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Der Yid, Satmar Newspaper Joins "J" Street to Support disastrous Iran Deal,

Der Goy's Editorial supporting Iran Deal
I've said this time and again, that Satmar is slowly separating itself from the Jewish religion, like the Christians did 2,000 years ago. 

Now they no longer care about the safety and concern for any Jew that lives anywhere except if they live in Kiryas Yoel or Williamsburg. Like the anti-Israel "J Street," they mock Benjamin Netanyahu's concern that this deal with Iran is dangerous to Israel and it's citizens...

It's interesting to note that the Satmar gypsies constantly write that the Jews in America, by in large, did nothing when 6 million of their brethren were being slaughtered like sheep in Europe during WW2.

Ironically now, that Israel's citizens are being targeted by the Iranians, who have sworn to annihilate 6 million Jews that reside in the State of Israel, the Satmar barbarians mock and deride Netanyahu's efforts to warn the world that this Iranian deal is a deal of appeasement.

I will loosely translate parts of the Editorial:
I will comment in Red

Der Goy: "American leaders have tried since Ronald Reagen's presidency,to reach a nuclear deal with Iran"

DIN: This is a blatant lie, Iran during Ronald Reagan's times hadn't even started a nuclear program, and Ronald Reagen never even attempted to talk to Iran ....  it was Carter, the Satmar Chuusid that tried, so that he could free the American hostages!

Der Goy:"four presidents worked on this, four presidents were just "touching the walls" and  weren't successful, 
it was President Obama, that had the right tools to deal with them"
DIN: Another blatant lie and just 3 lines into their editorial....
Bush called Iran the "axis of evil" and never sought any deal with Iran! ...

****I will now jump to the part where they deride the only sane diplomat in the entire world, Benjamin Netanyahu...

Der Goy:"The one who is the most opposed to this deal is the prime minister of the State of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu.... 
Netanyahu says he doesn't even have to read the deal to know that it isn't good,this deal without him reading it, is the worst deal of the century"

DIN: Hellooooooooooow! Netanyahu never said that, because as CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox, Reuters, Associated Press,  all reported, that Obama and the State Department briefed Netanyahu days before it was signed! 
So we all know (except for Dee Goyim at Der Goy) that Netanyahu knew every single part of the deal!
And that's how he knew that this was the "worst deal of the century"
And why isn't Satmar opposed to the deal?? Aren't there Satmar guys living in Israel? 
Why oh why is Satmar FOR this disastrous deal?

Der Goy: In this time that all world leaders see that the deal must go forward .... the big "Baal Gaaveh" (The haughty one) doesn't see it that way! He is waiting with bated breath that the Iranians should violate the deal so that he can say "I told you so"

DIN: Insane analysis by a bunch of childish morons!
This crazy way of thinking is how the Satmar Rebbe analyzed the 1967 war...
These naive haters of Israel,  will come up with this kind of warped news analysis even while the lives of 6 million Jews are at stake!

Now a word to my readers:

Israel has come under a threat with the shameful capitulation deal with Iran. The Iranian leadership never ceases to declare that Israel is the target of its nuclear program, a program titled "So long, Israel." 

The leaders of the world powers, and U.S. President Barack Obama first and foremost, eagerly allowed themselves to be misled. 

We Jews must not be dismissive of threats, even those that appear ridiculous. The 20th century taught us not to take it lightly when someone gets ready to annihilate us.

At a fateful crossroads, Most U.S. Jews are joining up to help Israel in its just and necessary struggle. Even Jews who have never visited Israel are certain that their ability to live in security in the U.S. is mainly due to the existence of the strong, flourishing State of Israel.

It's a real shame that Satmar and their minions are  abandoning its constituency. It's unclear to me whom it serves, but it's certainly not the interests of Israel, as the founder of the Satmar Chassidim made very clear decades ago.

Throughout the history of the Jews, there have always been groups that turned their backs on their own people -- there's nothing new under the sun. The Jews will get along very well without them and after 2,000 years, we have our own place in the sun.

Forget it, I cannot continue translating this BS, I'm getting acid reflux ... from reading this crap!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Nadler's Iran cyberattack on Israel’s water supply could have sickened hundreds

The truth is that its not only "Nadler's & Ezra Friedlander's Iran" its also "Satmar's Iran" since it was the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum that had chassidim write thousands of letters to congressmen to make sure that Iran gets nuclear weapons....Iran vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth which would have included thousands of Satmar chassidim that live in Israel...
Iran tried to increase chlorine levels in the water flowing to residential areas during April’s cyberattack against Israel’s water systems, a Western intelligence official has told the Financial Times.
The official told the British newspaper in a report published Monday that hundreds of people would have been at risk of getting sick and that the attack was close to being successful.
The head of Israel’s National Cyber Directorate hinted last week that the attack may have aimed to mix chlorine or other chemicals into the water supply.
Additionally there was a chance that the attack would have triggered a fail-safe, shutting down the pumps and leaving thousands without water during during the recent deadly heatwave in Israel.
“It was more sophisticated than they [Israel] initially thought,” the Western official said. “It was close to successful, and it’s not fully clear why it didn’t succeed.”
An unnamed Israeli official told the Financial Times that the attack created “an unpredictable risk scenario” by starting a tit-for-tat wave of attacks on civilian infrastructure, something both countries had so far avoided.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Satmar officially supports Obama and his treacherous Iran Nuclear Deal!

As I said again and again, Satmar is separating itself  from the Jewish people and starting their own religion. And I wouldn't really care about that except that they have now joined the anti-Jewish "J Street" in throwing the Jewish people living in Israel, under the bus.

They are now actively laying out huge sums of money to inform the goyim that they are the "true" Jews and  are supporting the President of the United States even if it places 6 million Jews in peril!
They have taken out ads on the radio deriding the Prime Minister of Israel and advocating a nuclear Iran (I will post a separate post about that).

 Both Satmar Yiddish weekly Newspapers, Der Yid (the one run by the Zalonim) and Der Blatt (run by the Aronim) are officially promoting and advocating the Iran Nuclear deal! 
It's now official!
There is a full page ad by the Hisachdos ("ha'Ganovim") Ha'rabonnim that it is prohibited from criticizing the President on the Iran Deal because of Hisgarus Be'Umois  (antagonizing the gentile nations). The Hisachdus Ha'ganovim is Satmar!
Hisachdas has also taken over the "heimishe hashgacha" business!

Just last week, both Satmar News weeklies chastised Jews living in America during the Holocaust that supported President Roosevelt, and did nothing!
Now that there are more than 6 million Jews in danger of annihilation by the Iranian murderers, Satmar is sitting comfortable in their million dollar homes in Williamsburg and in Monroe and supporting the Iranian murderers!

Some have said that Satmar is all about Chesed, to that I say that I remember growing up in Brooklyn when the Mafia while they were pillaging and murdering were doing "chessed" in Howard Beach!
Hizbollah also does tons of "chessed" in Lebanon! 

This "chessed" business was established by the Satmar establishment to mask their deep hatred of their brothers and sisters living in the State of Israel and masquerade as Santa Claus in the hospitals!
Article advocating the Hisachdus Stance afor the Iran Nuclear Deal 

The hatred that Satmar embedded into their chassidim has now overflowed into the litvishe camps!
That's why I find it an obligation, a Choiv Kadosh" to expose these Romanian gypsies for who they really are ..... a bunch of guys dressed in fur caps hating anyone that doesn't agree with their naive stupid SHIT'ah!
This support for the Iranian deal and Satmar non- empathy  for the Jews living in Israel, is proof positive that Satmar is not Me'Zerah Yisroel!

Monday, March 7, 2022

Biden Sold the Jews Living in Israel Down the River and will immediately Implement the Iran/Satmar Deal!


For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran's nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Islamic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. 

The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking gun they were providing the Americans would compel Washington to abandon its long-held delusion that there is a "grand bargain" to be had with the fanatical Islamist theocracy whose leaders believe that Iran's rise will herald an era of unmitigated Shiite global domination.

All of the Israeli officers made their best cases to their American counterparts. Most believed the Americans were open to the information they provided, and left Washington convinced that the Americans finally recognized the danger and would act to block Iran from achieving its nefarious goal. On at least one occasion, their efforts were rewarded.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Israel Reveals Scandalous Details Of the Satmar Nuclear Deal With Iran


You guys were probably laughing reading the headline "Satmar's Nuclear Deal with Iran" but this is no laughing matter. It was Satmar that backed Hussain Obama in this deal and it was R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe from Monroe that tried sabotaging the then Israeli PM Netanyahu from addressing the US congress to point out the dangers!

The Satmar Rebbe wasn't at all concerned about the 5 and half million Jews living in Israel, all he cared about was how much money he would be able to get for his moisdois from the Obama administration.

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander worked feverously behind the scene to get Holocaust survivors to support the deal, and was Fat Nadler's stooge, when the fatso tried explaining why he voted for Obama's Iran deal.

Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday excoriated the nuclear deal the Biden administration is planning to sign with the Islamic Republic, saying that it will lead to “a more violent, more volatile Middle East,” and Israel will pay the price.

Speaking on Sunday at the Conference of Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, Bennett noted that the agreement’s 10-year limits on enrichment are still set to be lifted in 2025 – “leaving Iran with a fast track to military-grade enrichment. And in the time until it sunsets, they won’t even have to destroy all those centrifuges they developed over the past few years.”

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Satmar vs Zionism Part 6 "IDF will Join the Goyim in War against Mashiach"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  שמעו דבר ה׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given during and  immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: "Listen to the Words of Hashem," as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Click on links to read :
**Part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi" 
was posted on Sept 7 2014

**Part 2 Titled "Zionists Started the 6 Day War " 
was posted on Sept 8 2014

**Part 3 Titled "Israeli Flag Avoda Zara "

was posted on Sept 11 2014

** Part 4 Titled "Miracles" 
posted on Sept 14 2014

** Part 5 Titled " "IDF are the Biggest Murderers"
Posted November 9 2014

Part 6: 
"IDF will Join the Goyim in War against Moshiach"

This piece will blow your mind. It is so far fetched that it begs understanding the mind of the author. After reading this piece, the readers will scratch their heads and wonder how the Satmar Shitah has any followers at all! To bolster this bizarre idea, that the IDF will" join the Goyim against Mishiach," the Rebbe quotes from the Zohar Hakodosh! Unbelievable! 
After my loose translation, I will tell you Pshat in the Zohar Hakodosh. I also stood at Har Sinai, and  attended Yeshivas, so I'm not totally out of the loop in my understanding of the Zohar!

Loose Translation:
"The last time I already spoke what the Zohar Hakodash wrote, that the eirav rav,will join the foreign nations to go to war. 
By the great war of Gog and MaGog, the Jewish heretics will join the foreign nations to war against Moshiach.
I wrote (in Al Hagila siman 61) that a great person wondered, (Kashoier Rav, R' Shol Brach)"how could it be that Jews will actually war against Moshiach? Well, the Zohar  in Parshas Shmois (page 7) itemizes all the Gentile Kings that will join together to war against the King Moshiach by the war of Gog and MaGog, and the Jewish Heritics will join them in war"

The Rebbe has said many times that the "eirav rav'" is the IDF and it's commanders!

Is the Rebbe actually suggesting that the Zohar is prophesizing that the  IDF will join Arab Terrorists, Hamas, Hizballah, Fatah, and Isis to fight Moshiach?

What "Foreign Nations" does the Rebbe say  the Zohar means?
Iran? Syria? Turkey?

Who was feeding the Rebbe his information vis a vis the 6 day war in 1967, that he was forced to twist the holy words of the Zohar to say the above quoted statement? 
ABC? CBS? NBC? Reuters? The New York Times? Esquire Magazine, the Jerusalem Post, Haaretz? Maariv? The Jewish Press? The Yiddish Forvetz, a communist/socialist rag?

Oh .... yes .... it's ..... one minute ...let me think ....
it's ....it's 
his Rebbitzen?

Or was it, Yossel Ashkanazi, his faithful gabbai, that couldn't read English?!

It wasn't Ruach hakodesh, because on this CD the Rebbe says many times that he doesn't have Ruach Hakodesh, and I'll take him at his word.

Now lets learn a "shtikal Zohar HaKodesh" together.
I looked it up, and the Rebbe is 100% correct, the Zohar actually says that Jewish Heritics will join the Foreign Nations (Which includes Iran, Iraq etc.) in war against Moshiach! Yup, the Zohar says it!

And, yes, absolutely, the Zohar's prophecy is coming to fruition in our lifetime!

But what does the Zohar mean by "Jewish heretics?"

Anybody reading the news today knows who they are!
My readers know who they are!

Let's see ......ummmm?

So, which Jews do we see at the Palestinian Protests siding with the Arab murderers, in Washington DC, New York City, London etc,?

Which Jews go out of their way to meet with the Iranian anti-Semitic Leaders and tell them they are joining Iran's war against Israel? Hmmmmmm!?

The Jews that are joining the "foreign nation to fight Moshiach" now while I'm typing these Holy Words, are the  Satmar Savages! 

And that's who the Zohar is talking about!

I know that you're screaming at the screen ....
" Nooo Nooo, No!" "Nein" .... "Nisht" ... "Nada" "Nem" "LO"

"it's the Neturei Karta ..... the Neturei Karta..... "

Well, to that, I say ..... it's Satmar! .... it's Satmar!
The Neturei Karta are only doing the dirty work of Satmar!
They are the fall guys!  Satmar uses them so they can say, "the Rebbe said that the Neturei Karta is not his Shita!" 
"Our Shita is bringing chicken soup to the hospitals" 


Pick up a Satmar newspaper, be it Der Yid (Zalonie propaganda rag) or Der Blatt (Aronie propagenda rag) Dee Zeitung (a switch hitter), any week you want, and you will see that the Shita of Satmar and the Shita of Neturei Karta are identical! 
That's right! 
Better yet, buy the booklet which comes with a CD, hear the actual words of the Rebbe.

Now my friends, Who is the Zohar HaKodesh talking about when he states that the Jewish heretics will join Iran, Syria etc,.....
The State of Israel or Satmar???

The Zohar is prophesizing that there will come a time during the war of  Gog Um'gog , that Satmar, the Neturei Karta and the leftist Chilonim, will join Iran and Hamas and fight against Moshiach! We are witnessing the prophesy come to fruition in our lifetime!

Now see who the "Rebbe" calls the "eirav rav"

Now see who Din calls the "eirav RAV"

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Satmar/Iran Nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday fired back after State Department spokesperson Ned Price claimed the nuclear deal with Iran, that the Biden administration seeks to return to, is predicated “on the most rigorous and intensive verification and monitoring regime ever negotiated. If we were to get back into this deal and if Iran were to attempt to violate it, we would know."

In a lengthy Twitter thread responding to Price, Cruz wrote, “Complete horse manure. The Iran nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal.”

“These so-called ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections failed in the last deal - and will be even weaker this time,” he warned.

“Let's review the actual facts. These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed that Iran was hiding a Nuclear Archive to build nuclear weapons. Israel exposed that in 2018,” noted Cruz.

“These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed Iran had a secret nuclear warehouse at Turquzabad. Israel exposed it, Iran sanitized it, so when the IAEA finally visited they found man-made uranium traces... though of course Iran destroyed the evidence, so these ‘most rigorous and intrusive’ inspections never figured out where that man-made uranium came from. They do know it "must have come from another UNKNOWN location,” he added.

Cruz continued, “These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections missed that Iran had a secret nuclear site near Marivan. Again the same thing: Israel exposed it, Iran razed it, and though the IAEA still found man-made uranium traces they couldn't prove what Iran did.” 5/X

“These ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections never dug into Iran's nuclear Varamin site. They inspected it after Israel exposed the Nuclear Archive. Guess what they found? Man-made uranium traces. Maybe that's where Turquzabad materials came from!” he added.

Finally, said Cruz, “And the new deal's ‘most rigorous and intensive’ inspections are even weaker! The Director General of the IAEA has already said that Iran's nuclear progress allowed by the Biden admin this year means the Agency probably can't verify Iran's activities.”

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Neturei Karta makes the prophecy of the Zohar Hakodesh come alive

Neturei Karta Animals 
This took place this Shabbos Parshas Pinchos! 
Oh! .... You want to know where?
In Germany! ...... Yup ... you heard it here first!
See Jews dressed in hats made from skunk tails marching with murderers of Jews in the country that facilitated the murder of 6 million Jews!

But there is good news ..... what? Did you just say "Good News?"
Yes ... very good news, because the Zohar Hakodosh prophesied this event over a thousand years ago ...

I actually first heard about this Zohar from the Satmar Rebbe himself in a Shalosh Seeeeeedah toireleh in 1967 on a tape!

But the "Holy Rebbe" who  cursed other religious Rabbonim that didn't agree with his fanatical unrealistic and irrelevant SHIT"ah said that the Zohar is talking about the IDF! And he says that the IDF is the"eirav rav!"  These narishkeiten were uttered by a leader of thousands!
 Unbelievable! You can't make this stuff up!

So let's learn the Zohar ....thru the words of the "Holy Rebbe" himself!
Loose Translation:
"The last time I already spoke what the Zohar Hakodash wrote, that the eirav rav,will join the foreign nations to go to war. 
By the great war of Gog and MaGog, the Jewish heretics will join the foreign nations to war against Moshiach.
I wrote (in Al Hagila siman 61) that a great person wondered, (Kashoier Rav, R' Shol Brach)"how could it be that Jews will actually war against Moshiach? Well, the Zohar  in Parshas Shmois (page 7) itemizes all the Gentile Kings that will join together to war against the King Moshiach by the war of Gog and MaGog, and the Jewish Heritics will join them in war"

I looked it up, and the Rebbe is 100% correct, the Zohar actually says that Jewish Heretics will join the Foreign Nations (Which includes Iran, Iraq etc.) in war against Moshiach! Yup, the Zohar says it!

And, yes, absolutely, the Zohar's prophecy is coming to fruition in our lifetime!

But what does the Zohar mean by "Jewish heretics?"

Anybody reading the news today knows who they are!
My readers know who they are!

Let's see ......ummmm?

So, which Jews do we see at the Palestinian Protests siding with the Arab murderers, in Washington DC, New York City, Germany, London etc,?

Which Jews go out of their way to meet with the Iranian anti-Semitic Leaders and tell them they are joining Iran's war against Israel? Hmmmmmm!?

The Jews that are joining the "foreign nation to fight Moshiach" now while I'm typing these Holy Words, are the  Satmar Savages! 

And that's who the Zohar is talking about!

I know that you're screaming at the screen ....
" Nooo Nooo, No!" "Nein" .... "Nisht" ... "Nada" "Nem" "LO"

"it's the Neturei Karta ..... the Neturei Karta..... "

Well, to that, I say ..... it's Satmar! .... it's Satmar!
The Neturei Karta are only doing the dirty work of Satmar!
They are the fall guys!  

Satmar uses them so they can say, "the Rebbe said that the Neturei Karta is not his Shita!" 
"Our Shita is bringing chicken soup to the hospitals" 


Pick up a Satmar newspaper, be it Der Yid (Zalonie propaganda rag) or Der Blatt (Aronie propagenda rag) Dee Zeitung (a switch hitter), any week you want, and you will see that the Shita of Satmar and the Shita of Neturei Karta are identical! 
That's right! 
Better yet, buy the booklet which comes with a CD, hear the actual words of the Rebbe.

Now my friends, Who is the Zohar HaKodesh talking about when he states that the Jewish heretics will join Iran, Syria etc,.....
The State of Israel or Satmar???

The Zohar is prophesizing that there will come a time during the war of  Gog Um'gog , that Satmar, the Neturei Karta and the leftist Chilonim, will join Iran and Hamas and fight against Moshiach! We are witnessing the prophesy come to fruition in our lifetime!

Now see who the "Rebbe" calls the "eirav rav"

Now see who Din calls the "eirav RAV"

Monday, January 20, 2020

While Ezra Friedlander & Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Advocated FOR Iran Deal ..Iran Was Building Nuclear Weapons

Netanyahu with Secret Iran Files 

Guys... I'm old enough to remember when the "Political Genius" the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, Reb Aron Teitelbaum urged the US Congress to ignore Netanyahu's warning that Iran was building nuclear missiles!  

I remember when Satmar put up their naive stupid fool, Yolie Labin  from the Kidney Donor Organization to write an Op-Ed in the Yeshivah World to fight for the murderous Mullahs in Iran! They picked him because Labin ran the Kidney Donor Organization and they figured that he was considered an "honest neutral guy" by the heimishe community  .... which he was until he was recruited by the Satmar Mullahs to defend Obama's dangerous Iran Deal.

I remember when the dangerous money grubber Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander  tried to sell Holocaust Survivors the notion that it was ok for Iran to get a  license to build nuclear weapons that would G-d forbid annihilate the entire Israel and cause a much bigger Holocaust! ....

Well guess what? 

Iranians were building a nuclear weapon way back in 2002...

Will we hear an apology????

Do I hear crickets ....?

Do not listen to these useless idiots .... they are only working to fill their own pockets on the backs of the Jewish People!!

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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Biden’s Secret Capitulation to Iran’s Regime


לא תשכח

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" supported and pushed the Iran Deal?

We will never ever forget when the Satmar Rebbe endorsed Obama and his dangerous Iran deal!

In spite of strong opposition from the Congress, the Biden administration has been holding​ ​secret talks in Oman to reward the ruling mullahs of Iran with a nuclear deal that will pave the way for Iran legally to obtain as many nuclear weapons as it likes, empower the ruling mullahs with billions of dollars, lift sanctions, allow it to rejoin the global financial system and enhance the theocratic regime’s legitimacy on the global stage.

The Biden administration also reportedly wants to pump $17 billion dollars into the Iranian regime’s treasury. These benefits will not only enable the mullahs’ to finalize their nuclear weapons program, but also to send more arms to Russia to attack Ukraine, as well as to further enable the regime’s ruthless expansion throughout the Middle East — in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and the terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip — and throughout Latin America.

“It is looking ever more likely that the US is stepping up talks to kick-start nuclear talks with Iran despite denials from senior diplomats,” Iran International reported.

“Brett McGurk, President Biden’s senior Middle East adviser, took a low-profile trip to Oman earlier this month for talks on possible diplomatic outreach to Iran, it seems this is more than ‘talks’. Neither the US nor Oman made the visit public, suggesting only something as serious as Iran could have called for such secrecy.”

The Biden administration is evidently planning to reward — or bribe to slow down — a regime that has been killing Americans and taking hostages for more than four decades. Iran’s regime, while the Biden administration was offering it sanctions relief, released a video showing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps blowing up the U.S. Capitol.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Trump’s Iran sanctions prove the establishment and Satmar Rebbe .. wrong — again

Remember when the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe backed Obama's "Iran Deal?" Remember when the "asken" Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander tried convincing Holocaust survivors to vote for FAT NADLER beause he was familiar with the Iran Deal and "it was good for the Jews.?"
Well read on ..
When President Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal back in May, the foreign-policy establishment was unanimous in its opposition.
Their dismay was rooted in loyalty to Barack Obama’s legacy and personal contempt for Trump. But there was at least one point the critics made that seemed irrefutable, in warning against the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran’s oil exports.
Trump’s unilateral move would certainly fail because of the interest of America’s European allies as well as the Russians and Chinese in continuing to do business with Iran. But if by some chance it worked, the experts were sure that would result in a severe hike in oil prices that American consumers would feel at the gas pump.
But the experts were wrong. Reports in Bloomberg Newsechoed by The New York Times, tell us that three months into the new sanctions — and less than two months before the Trump administration plans to implement even more far-reaching restrictions on doing business with Iran that will affect US allies — the move has succeeded in crippling Iran’s oil exports without causing a significant increase in oil prices.
Iran’s principal source of foreign exchange is drying up, ratcheting up the pressure on an unpopular despotic regime without Americans having to pay appreciably more for gas.
How is that possible?