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Showing posts with label neturei karta in germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neturei karta in germany. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Neturei Karta makes the prophecy of the Zohar Hakodesh come alive

Neturei Karta Animals 
This took place this Shabbos Parshas Pinchos! 
Oh! .... You want to know where?
In Germany! ...... Yup ... you heard it here first!
See Jews dressed in hats made from skunk tails marching with murderers of Jews in the country that facilitated the murder of 6 million Jews!

But there is good news ..... what? Did you just say "Good News?"
Yes ... very good news, because the Zohar Hakodosh prophesied this event over a thousand years ago ...

I actually first heard about this Zohar from the Satmar Rebbe himself in a Shalosh Seeeeeedah toireleh in 1967 on a tape!

But the "Holy Rebbe" who  cursed other religious Rabbonim that didn't agree with his fanatical unrealistic and irrelevant SHIT"ah said that the Zohar is talking about the IDF! And he says that the IDF is the"eirav rav!"  These narishkeiten were uttered by a leader of thousands!
 Unbelievable! You can't make this stuff up!

So let's learn the Zohar ....thru the words of the "Holy Rebbe" himself!
Loose Translation:
"The last time I already spoke what the Zohar Hakodash wrote, that the eirav rav,will join the foreign nations to go to war. 
By the great war of Gog and MaGog, the Jewish heretics will join the foreign nations to war against Moshiach.
I wrote (in Al Hagila siman 61) that a great person wondered, (Kashoier Rav, R' Shol Brach)"how could it be that Jews will actually war against Moshiach? Well, the Zohar  in Parshas Shmois (page 7) itemizes all the Gentile Kings that will join together to war against the King Moshiach by the war of Gog and MaGog, and the Jewish Heritics will join them in war"

I looked it up, and the Rebbe is 100% correct, the Zohar actually says that Jewish Heretics will join the Foreign Nations (Which includes Iran, Iraq etc.) in war against Moshiach! Yup, the Zohar says it!

And, yes, absolutely, the Zohar's prophecy is coming to fruition in our lifetime!

But what does the Zohar mean by "Jewish heretics?"

Anybody reading the news today knows who they are!
My readers know who they are!

Let's see ......ummmm?

So, which Jews do we see at the Palestinian Protests siding with the Arab murderers, in Washington DC, New York City, Germany, London etc,?

Which Jews go out of their way to meet with the Iranian anti-Semitic Leaders and tell them they are joining Iran's war against Israel? Hmmmmmm!?

The Jews that are joining the "foreign nation to fight Moshiach" now while I'm typing these Holy Words, are the  Satmar Savages! 

And that's who the Zohar is talking about!

I know that you're screaming at the screen ....
" Nooo Nooo, No!" "Nein" .... "Nisht" ... "Nada" "Nem" "LO"

"it's the Neturei Karta ..... the Neturei Karta..... "

Well, to that, I say ..... it's Satmar! .... it's Satmar!
The Neturei Karta are only doing the dirty work of Satmar!
They are the fall guys!  

Satmar uses them so they can say, "the Rebbe said that the Neturei Karta is not his Shita!" 
"Our Shita is bringing chicken soup to the hospitals" 


Pick up a Satmar newspaper, be it Der Yid (Zalonie propaganda rag) or Der Blatt (Aronie propagenda rag) Dee Zeitung (a switch hitter), any week you want, and you will see that the Shita of Satmar and the Shita of Neturei Karta are identical! 
That's right! 
Better yet, buy the booklet which comes with a CD, hear the actual words of the Rebbe.

Now my friends, Who is the Zohar HaKodesh talking about when he states that the Jewish heretics will join Iran, Syria etc,.....
The State of Israel or Satmar???

The Zohar is prophesizing that there will come a time during the war of  Gog Um'gog , that Satmar, the Neturei Karta and the leftist Chilonim, will join Iran and Hamas and fight against Moshiach! We are witnessing the prophesy come to fruition in our lifetime!

Now see who the "Rebbe" calls the "eirav rav"

Now see who Din calls the "eirav RAV"