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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Palestinian Savage Rams Van Into Crowded Light Rail Station Killing 1, Injuring 13

Israeli firefighters prepare to tow the vehicle of a Palestinian motorist at the scene of an attack in Jerusalem November 5, 2014. 

A Palestinian savage rammed his car into a crowded train platform in east Jerusalem on Wednesday and then attacked people with an iron bar, killing one person and injuring 13 in what authorities called a terror attack before he was shot dead by the police.
It was the second such attack in the past two weeks, and deepened already heightened tensions between Arab savages and Jews in the city. Earlier Wednesday, Israeli police had dispersed dozens of masked Palestinian savages who threw rocks and firecrackers near a contested holy site in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Police said the animal slammed his car into the train platform in east Jerusalem first, backed out and proceeded to drive away, hitting several cars along the way. He then got out of the car and attacked a group of civilians and police officers on the side of the road with a metal bar before he was shot and killed.
Israeli police said “one person was killed and about a dozen people were injured in the terror attack.”
Police said the 38-year-old Palestinian savage identified as Ibrahim al-Akri had recently been released from prison after serving time for security offenses.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility by any Palestinian organization but the Islamic militant group Hamas welcomed the attack.
“We praise this heroic operation,” said Hamas official Fawzi Barhoum. “We call for more such ... operations.”
Israel’s Minister of Public Security Yitzhak Ahronovich said civilians and police officers were among the wounded. He praised the police officer who neutralized the Palestinian attacker, saying that “a terrorist who attacks civilians deserves to be killed.”
The attack was almost identical to one two weeks ago, also committed by a Palestinian savage from east Jerusalem, that killed two people, a baby girl and a young woman from Ecuador, at a train platform near the scene of Wednesday’s attack.
Palestinian protesters and Israeli police have been clashing almost daily in east Jerusalem in recent months.
Israel captured east Jerusalem - with its sites sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians - from Jordan in the 1967 war. Palestinians demand the territory for their future capital. The fate of the area is an emotional issue for Jews and Muslims and its future lies at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Wednesday’s car attack came shortly after clashes in the Old City, where Palestinian animals threw rocks and firecrackers at police to protest a planned visit to a key holy site by Israeli supporters of a right-wing activist who was shot by a Palestinian gunman last week.
The Israelis had planned on commemorating a week since a Palestinian savage shot and wounded American-Israeli activist Yehuda Glick, who has campaigned for more Jewish access to the location, which is revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Palestinians view such visits as a provocation and often respond violently.
Several police officers were hurt in the clashes, said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, adding that the police used stun grenades to disperse the Palestinians. Quiet was soon restored, he said.
Palestinian protesters and Israeli police have clashed almost daily in east Jerusalem in recent months, with much of the unrest focused around a sacred compound revered by both Jews and Muslims. It’s the holiest site for Jews, who call it the Temple Mount because of the revered Jewish Temples that stood there in biblical times. Muslims refer to it as the Noble Sanctuary, and it is their third holiest site, after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Glick, a leading voice in a campaign to expand Jewish prayer rights on the hilltop complex, was wounded a week ago when a Palestinian gunman on a motorcycle opened fire at him as he left a conference in Jerusalem.
Muslim worshippers view Jewish prayer at the site as a provocation, and Israeli authorities place tough restrictions on it. Everyone visiting the area from the Israeli side has to be screened by police.
East Jerusalem has experienced unrest since the summer, with Palestinian youths throwing stones and firebombs at motorists and clashing frequently with Israeli police. The violence gained steam last month, when a Palestinian motorist rammed his car into a crowded train station, killing a 3-month-old Israeli-American girl and a woman from Ecuador.

“Chareidim Are the Biggest ‘Reformers’”

Finally, a Rav with some Seichal. The "Gedolim" have changed the Torah to suit their agenda, and then they call those that oppose their idiotic ideology .... Apikorsim!
So read this "Bar-Seichel"
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi of Efrat in Gush Etzion and founder of Ohr Torah Stone, strongly criticized chareidi Knesset members today for their stance on the government’s conversion reforms.
Arutz Sheva reports that in an interview with Galei Yisrael radio, Rabbi Riskin defended the proposed government decision regarding conversion which would remove Chief Rabbinate supervision of the conversion process, and criticized its opponents.
“I do not understand the whole issue. Yes, I think there is a (Torah) commandment of ‘you shall love the convert.’ Yes, I think that the Chief Rabbinate until now did not know what it is to get someone who wants to convert treated properly, with love and care,” he fired. “How dare they say that my conversions were not done according to Jewish Law?”
In response the interviewer, attorney Dov Halberthal - who is himself chareidi - said, “They say it’s an issue of love replacing halacha.”
Rabbi Riskin replied, “It’s not ‘instead of halakha.’ The halakha itself talks about love. Don’t you know a very simple mishna: ‘be disciples of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace?’ Love people and bring them closer to Torah through love.”
Halberthal continued to respond, claiming that applies to “Jewish people and not the Gentiles,” but Rabbi Riskin retorted: “there is no place in where it says that ‘people’ means ‘Jews.’ It means ‘human beings’ - period.”
Halberthal then presented the position of many in the chareidi world that “neither the halacha nor the Jews want converts,” apparently interpreting the Jewish prerogative to warn converts against the hardships of being a Jew as meaning Judaism opposes conversion entirely - a sentiment to which Rabbi Riskin responded harshly.
“That is against the halakhic tradition! I’ll tell you, in my opinion the chareidim are the biggest ‘Reformers’, in many many things, including opposition enlistment into the army because ‘there is nothing but Talmud (study),” he said, in a dig at chareidi opposition which has claimed those supporting the bill align with the Reform movement.There is no (early halakhic authority) who says that learning Torah physically protects peoples’ lives,” he said, in a swipe at the hareidi position that yeshiva study should itself be considered national service.
“There is room for dissenting opinions in Judaism,” Riskin declared. “There is no one who says that their way is the only way in Judaism - to say so is to be Catholic and follow the Pope,” he exclaimed.
Read more: Arutz Sheva

Nachman Caller Slams Dov Hikind: Which Daas Torah Allowed You To Send A Jew To Jail?!?

Nachman Caller is upset that Dov Hikind advocated that the convicted Child Rapist Nechamia Weberman be put in Jail! Get it?
Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Caller. "Which Daas Torah".... how about the Torah that was given at Har Sinai that says that a Rodef has to be stopped!

Read from THEYESHIVAWORLD my comments in red!

In the final 24 hours of the campaign, R’ Nachman Caller has come out with a scathing attack on Assemblyman Dov Hikind questioning whether the Assemblyman has Daas Torah (rabbinical guidance). Specifically, Caller points to Hikind’s decision to go after Nechemya Weberman and celebrate via press release his imprisonment. The ad states “for political reasons Hikind helped throw a Jew in jail for 103 years. Which Daas Torah allowed Hikind to go so extreme?”
First of all, Hikind didn't sentence the Rapist Weberman to 103 years, the Judge sentenced him. Second of all, Tell me which Daas Torah says that Weberman was allowed to have Yichud with many girls, which Weberman the Child Rapist, actually admitted. 

Further enraging the Daas Torah crowd, Hikind was an early supporter of Ezras Nashim – the all women competitor to Hatzolah and boasts of helping them get state certification for their volunteer ambulance service. 
Didn't the local Rabbonim give an Haskama for this Ambulance Service?

Finally, Caller points to numerous stories in mass media including most recently in the New Yorker and New York Times where Hikind proudly criticizes the community for have a serious problem with child molestation, “Did you vote for Hikind so he would embarrass us in the secular press?”
Stop feeling up and raping our children, then we will stop "embarrassing" you in the secular press!

 the second ad reads Hikind is battling challenger Caller in a race for New York State Assembly. While insiders expect Hikind to win, they will be watching very closely to see the if the anti-Hikind votes exceeds 30% indicating a weakening in support for Hikind in the Jewish community.
No matter who you decide to vote for – make sure and vote today. Polls close at 9PM!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Unlike our "Rabbonim and our "Mosdos", American Evangelicals will support Republican candidates who will promote Israeli interests in the Capitol.

I have watched all the ads and emails from our Holy Rabbis and from our much Holier Mosdos! Not one mentioned that any of the candidates they support, support Israel!
In fact they endorsed candidates that have policies that are against Torah! Candidates that support abortion and support alternate lifestyles. 
All these leaders want is money, money and more money!
In fact, in Boro-Park, Satmar plastered the streets condemning Dov Hikind, because "he was a Zionist" and "is mixing Israel's interests with the American Elections."
Now look how the Goyim are voting in this election! 
Religious influence on the American public sphere is steadily decreasing, but the vote of the Christian political right  is gaining momentum,according to polling. Traditionally, this active religious group has continually placed supporting Israel at the forefront of their political agenda.
Today, Americans head to the polls to cast their vote in the 2014 midterm elections. This year, it looks likely that the American Senate will gain a Republican majority, thus completely shifting the focus of the government and derailing much of the current Democratic agenda.
American Evangelicals overwhelmingly support the Republican Party and their candidates (72%), whereas only 20% of Evangelicals lean Democratic. Furthermore, Evangelicals support candidates who support Israel. 

But Christian conservatives will probably vote in greater numbers on Nov. 4 than others, giving them an outsized say in who runs Congress. Forty-nine percent of evangelicals say they have a great deal of interest or quite a bit of interest in news about the elections, compared to 38 percent of non-evangelicals.
"Evangelicals have in fact become one of the core constituencies in the Republican Party,” Robert P. Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute polling group said. "Because they see themselves that way, we see their willingness to vote consistently Republican, even though you could point to a number of issues where the Republican-led House (of Representatives) really hasn’t moved much on their agenda.”
If Republicans capture the majority, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican, Kentucky), becomes the majority leader, he plans to present legislation that will challenge Obama, inviting Republican leadership to partake in foreign policy discussion concerning Iranian sanctions. 
This move led by McConnell would be a victory in the eyes of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has previously made efforts to impose stricter sanctions on Iran, against the presidential administration's will.
Additionally, if the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee switches over to Senator Bob Corker (Republican, Tennessee), a leader who has supported Israeli interests time and time again. Over the summer, Corker added to the US-Israeli strategic partnership, triggering Congressional hearings that could reject deals that did not support the Israeli government. He also attached a non-binding resolution vote on any future dealings with Iran, to the strategic partnership.
In order for Republicans to win control of the Senate this midterm election cycle, Republicans must gain a six seat lead in the Senate. This requires Republican victories in key swing states such as North Carolina, Iowa, Kentucky, Colorado, Georgia and Arkansas--- incidentally enough; each of these states has a strong Evangelical Christian presence.
Although it is unclear whether or not these potential Republican-led rulings and resolutions would actually be able to block a nuclear agreement with Iran, it is clear that Republican candidates have pledged to provide Israel with increased support in the US Capitol.

Ari Morgenstern, the spokesman for Christians United for Israel told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that he expected large evangelical support for the Republicans.

"I do expect evangelicals to vote Republican in large numbers today.  They will do so because they strongly disagree with this administration's treatment of Israel.  And they will do so because they strongly disagree with this Administration's approach to a number of domestic issues from life to religious freedom.  Simply put, this administration has broken to the left so dramatically on these issues that they have left even centrist evangelicals far behind," Morgenstern said. 

Satmar Boro Park attacks Dov Hikind for being A Zionist, and mixing "Local Politics" with the State of Israel

The Satmar savages of Boro-Park are plastering the whole town with posters, "accusing" Dov of being a Zionist (OMG) and his campaign against President Hussain Obama's stance vis a vis Israel. They are chastising him for mixing in the interests of Israel with the American elections.

The poster also reads Herzl Y"MS (May His Name be Erased),the term used for the mass Jewish Murderer, Hitler! 
They are in effect equating the founder of the State of Israel, a country that now houses the majority of the Jewish people, and the country that has the most Torah being learned, and the country that allows and invites  any Jew in the world to its country, with Hitler!

Ok guys, tell me about the Chesed that these animals do!

Now, my friends, isn't every Jew obligated to look into every candidate and see if that candidate is pro-Israel?
Are local elections only about, how are we going to milk the goyim?
Shouldn't we put aside our interests, for the larger Jewish community?
I don't have a dog in this race, and I don't know Hikind's opponent.
I understand he is a nice guy! 
My point is, why are the Romanian Hooligans attacking Dov for being a Zionist? 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rabbonim in Monsey sink to new low! Attack Chris Day as an anti-Semite....and Endorse A Pro-Gay and Pro Abortion Candidate!

The "Rabbonim" and "Mosdos Ha'Torah" of Monsey have sunk to the abyss! 
What a Chillul Hashem!!! 
Shame on those Rabbonim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are destroying the character of Chris Day, that's running for congress, calling him an anti-Semite! 

Turns out that his wife is Jewish, and Chris himself, is the Vice President of an Israeli-focused investment firm managed by an IDF veteran. Chis is also an active  member of The Jewish Society at Yale.
So what is his sin? 
He is unfortunately the son of Ed Day, the Rockland County Executive, who doesn't want to allow Chassidim to put 40 families in a one family home, refusing to allow people to live like gypsies! He also wants .... get this .... hold onto your seats .....he wants the developers to remember that they live in the suburbs, not in Williamsburg and Boro -Park, and he wants some grass (G-D Forbid)! 
He doesn't want builders to build to the curb...
He also wants Yeshivas to build to code and not put 150 Bochrim in a dormitory that was built for 10 and doesn't have proper permits. He doesn't want a fire in those buildings!
What an avirah?!

So who are they endorsing? Aha!
Get this! The  are endorsing Nita Lowey, an old bag, who stands for everything the Torah is against. 
She is for Abortion, she is pro gay, she was rated 100% by the HRC, indicating she is all for the LGBT lifestyle....

So what are we teaching our children? That we value life, but vote for someone who wants and advocates  death to infants? That we value the morals of the Torah but vote for someone who advocates immoral behavior?
The e-mail states:
"We cannot allow an aggressive Sonei Yisrael to be elected to the position of a United States Congressman and to give him a lofty position in Washington with which to attack our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the United States and in Israel."
Nita Lowey is not "attacking our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the US and Israel?"
Is the "Orthodox community" now endorsing alternative lifestyles? Is the "Orthodox community" now endorsing mid-term abortions?
And since when do the Rabbis care about Israel? Didn't the Rabbis endorse Hillary Clinton when she ran for Senator of New York, while her lips were still wet from kissing Mrs. Arafat?
A Bunch "Money grubbing" hypocrites! 

She is for Obama Care!
She also brought in zero Federal grants for the new Tappan Zee Bridge, meaning $20.00 Tolls in the very near future! 
She is a walking disaster in a dress!

Now read the insane disgusting email sent to all of us, and contains no proof to anything they wrote....
The E-mail also doesn't say that Nita Loey advocates anti-moral ideas!

October 31, 2014

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

This coming Tuesday, November 4, we will be voting for a Congressman and for Judges. These elections are very important for our community.

For Congress, Chris Day is the choice of the Preserve Ramapo and Preserve Rockland organizations. His goal is to bring about a solution to the problems in Ramapo. These are code words for solving the problem of the growth of the Orthodox community. When he comes into Ramapo, he professes his love for the State of Israel, Yeshivos, Shuls and Shtieblach. However, when he returns to his core constituency, he changes his tune. There, he is straight-line Preserve Ramapo. He will make sure that Yeshivos and Shuls are treated strictly and harshly, as we have seen from his father, Ed Day, the Rockland County Executive.

As soon as Ed Day was elected,   annual County funding for  Jewish public service organizations was slowed down and held up, and Ed Day instituted a law suit to stop the building of a Yeshiva that was approved by the Towns of Ramapo and Clarkstown. That Yeshiva is being built east of the Palisades Parkway very close to the Clarkstown border. He sued an Orthodox public service organization, as well, and the Judge ruled against him. The lawsuits are in the public records. The slowdowns of County funding can be accessed from our public service organizations.

We cannot allow an aggressive Sonei Yisrael to be elected to the position of a United States Congressman and to give him a lofty position in Washington with which to attack our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the United States and in Israel.

We also will be voting for a County Judge and a  Supreme Court ( Rockland) Judge. These are important positions that affect life in our community in many meaningful ways. Please inform yourselves of the candidates and their views and please vote for the candidate that will best represent us.

Please vote on Tuesday and be an informed voter so that our community is best represented and protected. Your vote counts and will protect your family, your community, your Shul and your children's Yeshivos.

Cars being stolen in Wesley Hills & Pomona near Monsey, straight from the driveways!

The Ramapo Police Department just announced that three vehicles were stolen from the Wesley Hills and Pomona area of the Town in the early morning hours of Sunday 11/02/14. 

All vehicles were located in the owner’s driveway or in the street in front of the owner’s home at the time of the thefts.

The description of the stolen vehicles are as follows:

• 2001 Nissan Altima, white, four door sedan, bearing NY registration DSR-3134 from the Astor Place area of Wesley Hills.

• 2016 Acura MDX, White, SUV, bearing NY registration FZV-4284 from the Hidden Valley Dr area of Pomona.

• 2009 Harley-Davidson VROD, motorcycle, bearing NY registration 82GN03, from the Route 306 are of Wesley Hills.

An investigation into these thefts is being conducted by detectives from the Ramapo Police Department. Anyone with information should contact the Ramapo PD Detectives at 357-2400.

VOTE MIKE KOPLEN COUNTY COURT JUDGE, Monsey Rabbis and Mosdos would rather elect a Non-Jew

Mike Koplen

Mike Koplen is a Shomer Torah U'mitzvos running for County Court Judge, in Rockland County. A real "mentch" who dedicated his life to helping others, presently he is a trustee in New Hempstead, and has a private law practice. He did all the right things, sending his children in the local yeshivos, and in all the years, nobody has yet to say one bad word about this guy!

Mike was a County Legislator, Assistant County Attorney, Deputy Mayor of New Hempstead and drafted laws that allowed the Frum Jewish community to grow in New Hempstead, while at the same time, maintaining the nice single family lifestyle that everyone wants. It was because of Mike, that we were able to construct shuls in our neighborhood.
In New Hempstead, we dont have this constant bickering among the different groups, like in neighboring Monsey.In New Hempstead, we have peace, and it's because of peace loving people like Mike Koplen.

So who do the local "Rabbonim" and "Mosdos" endorse? You guessed it a "goy"! 
Why? Who knows? 
The terrible atmosphere in the county has hit a new low. These Rabbonim have in the past  endorsed Candidates, not based on what's good for the county ...... nooooooooooooo! But what's good for them!

Ever drive down route 306? A gigantic disaster waiting to happen. The greedy developers that bought off the goyim developed Multi Family Houses all the way to the curb, leaving no room for children to play, and no room for School buses, so what you have in the morning and night is a traffic bottleneck, with children running constantly into Route 306!

Ever drive down Route 59? What should take 2 minutes, takes a half hour! All because the goyim were bought off by the Rabbonim and Mosdos! In the past 5 years, people have been killed on Route 306 and Route 59! The blood of these holy neshamos are on these "leaders". 

I'm not saying that we don't have a housing crises that should be addressed, but we shouldn't do it on the expense of people who moved out to Rockland County for a better life for themselves and their precious children. 

We have the opportunity to finally do things right and to tell the Mosdos, that "LO ZU HADERECH"! 
 We have an election for County Court Judge. 
A decent human being, whose heart has always been in the right place, is running for that seat ... 
Let's pull the lever for a responsible, honest, caring and independent thinker...

Rabbi Solomon Diamont Urges Voters NOT to vote for Candidates who Support Immorality

The Rabbonim all scream and write Kol Korahs that advocate  modesty, and then they vote and urge voters to vote for candidates that stand for immorality! I don't get it...
Here see a Rabbi that says what he means, and means what he says.... but no one will listen to him, because the candidates that stand for immorality bring in huge bucks for the frum communities!

US Set up Netanyahu so they can Ditch Israel and Embrace Iran

Last week, the Obama White House finally clarified its Middle East policy. 
It’s détente with Iran and a cold war with Israel.

By The Weekly Standard
To the administration, Israel isn't worth the trouble its prime minister causes. As one anonymous Obama official put it to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, what good is Benjamin Netanyahu if he won’t make peace with the Palestinians? Bibi doesn’t have the nerve of Begin, Rabin, or Sharon, said the unnamed source. The current leader of this longstanding U.S. ally, he added, is “a chickens—t.” 
It’s hardly surprising that the Obama White House is crudely badmouthing Netanyahu; it has tried to undercut him from the beginning. But this isn’t just about the administration’s petulance and pettiness. There seems to be a strategic purpose to heckling Israel’s prime minister. With a possible deal over Iran’s nuclear weapons program in sight, the White House wants to weaken Netanyahu’s ability to challenge an Iran agreement. 
Another unnamed Obama official told Goldberg that Netanyahu is all bluster when it comes to the Islamic Republic. The Israeli leader calls the clerical regime’s nuclear weapons program an existential threat, but he’s done nothing about it. And now, said the official, “It’s too late for him to do anything. Two, three years ago, this was a possibility. But ultimately he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It was a combination of our pressure and his own unwillingness to do anything dramatic. Now it’s too late.”
In other words, the White House is openly boasting that it bought the Iranians enough time to get across the finish line. Obama has insisted for five years that his policy is to prevent a nuclear Iran from emerging. In reality, his policy all along was to deter Israel from striking Iranian nuclear facilities. The way Obama sees it, an Iranian bomb may not be desirable, but it’s clearly preferable to an Israeli attack. Not only would an Israeli strike unleash a wave of Iranian terror throughout the region—and perhaps across Europe and the United States as well—it would also alienate what the White House sees as a potential partner. 
The negotiations with Iran were only the most obvious part of the administration’s policy of pressuring Israel. The White House knew the Israelis would have difficulty striking Iranian nuclear facilities so long as there was a chance of a deal. Jerusalem couldn’t risk making itself the enemy of peace and an international pariah. All Netanyahu could do was warn against the bad deal Obama was intent on making.
The White House used plenty of other tools to pressure Jerusalem. For instance, leaks. Virtually every time Israel struck an Iranian arms depot in Syria or a convoy destined for Hezbollah, an administration official leaked it to the press. The White House understood that publicizing these strikes would embarrass Bashar al-Assad or Hassan Nasrallah and thereby push them to retaliate against Israel. That was the point of the leaks: to keep Israel tentative and afraid of taking matters into its own hands. 
Another instrument of pressure was military and security cooperation between Israel and the White House—the strongest and closest the two countries have ever enjoyed, say Obama advocates. It allowed administration officials to keep even closer watch on what the Israelis were up to, while trying to make Jerusalem ever more dependent on the administration for its own security. 
Don’t worry, Obama told Israel: I’ve got your back. I don’t bluff. The Iranians won’t get a bomb. And besides, the real problem in the region, the White House said time and again, is Israeli settlements. It’s the lack of progress between Jerusalem and Ramallah that destabilizes the region. As John Kerry said recently, the stalled Arab-Israeli peace process is what gave rise to the Islamic State.
From the White House’s perspective, then, Israel is the source of regional instability. Iran, on the other hand, is a force for stability. It is a rational actor, Obama has explained, pursuing its own interests. The White House, moreover, shares some of those interests—like rolling back the Islamic State. 
The fact that Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani now calls the shots in four Arab capitals—Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, and Sanaa—makes him the Middle East’s indispensable man. Compared with the one-stop shopping Obama can do in Tehran to solve his Middle East problems, what can Israel offer? 
The Obama administration’s Middle East policy, finally clarified last week, is premised on a fundamental misunderstanding of the Islamic Republic. The question is whether the White House has also misunderstood the character of a man, the prime minister of Israel, whose courage they mock.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Liberman slams Abbas as 'a partner for terror' over condolences to family of Terrorist

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman  attacked Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for allegedly writing a letter of support to the Israeli-Arab family of the man who attempted to assassinate right wing activist Yehuda Glick on Wednesday night.

“This shows that Abu Mazen is a partner, a partner for terror, a partner for terrorists, a partner for murders,” Liberman angrily said.

“This despicable letter by Abu Mazen [Abbas] openly support terror and encourages further killings,” Liberman said.

He called on the international community to Abbas for helping the Israel-Palestinian conflict disintegrate into the realm of threats and violence.

The Jerusalem Post was unable to confirm that Abbas had actually sent a condolence letter to the family of Mu’taz Hijazi, the man from the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem who is suspected of shooting Glick.

According to reporters, however, in the letter, dated November 1, Abbas wrote that he received with “anger and condemnation the news of the heinous crime committed by the gangs of killing and terrorism in the Israeli occupation army.”

Declaring Hijazi, who was shot dead by police forces hours after the assassination attempt, as a “martyr.”

Abbas wrote that the killing of Hijzai has been added to the “crimes of the Israeli occupation army against our people since the nakba (in 1948).”

“This act won’t intimidate our people, but would increase its steadfastness in its homeland,” Abbas wrote in his letter to the family. 

Pathetic Democrats Blame Their Problems on Racism and Sexism

It looks like a Republican landslide historic victory this Tuesday, and the Democrats are running around like poisoned mice.
Here read a transcript of a Rush Limbaugh radio segment.

Here we have the hip, the modern, the cool Democrat Party. They have had to turn their playbook back to 1963 in a last-ditch, panic-filled effort to get out the black vote.  
Charlie Rangel says that Republicans still believe in slavery, still treat people in the black community as though they are slaves.  I watched specifically cable news networks this morning for Democrat analysts, and they're all acting embarrassed as hell. 
There's no way they can defend it.  Even the most strident, ardent, racist leftist would not even try to defend Rangel.  Rangel is living in the past.  He doesn't know anything but that.  He's not cool.  He's not hip.  He doesn't live in the moment.  He can't relate to things that have happened in America.  He cannot get the black vote other than to pretend it's still 1963.  In his case, 1863. 
Mary Landrieu. (sigh) Insulting, pathetic, incompetent.  The previous governor was a woman, the current governor is a minority -- Bobby Jindal, dark-skinned, Indian-American, immigrant [parents]. And yet Louisiana doesn't like people of color, and Louisiana, and doesn't like women -- even though they've elected Mary Landrieu -- and that's why they don't like Obama. And that's why he can't go to Louisiana is because people in the South just don't like black people. 
She's just gotta be honest. They just don't like black people in the South, and they don't like uppity women in the South. They just don't, even though she's been elected... What is this, her third term? Kathleen Blanco got elected governor.  She is living in the past.  They're clueless, folks.  These Democrats are not these invincible cool, hip, in-with-it people that the low-information crowd idolizes.
It's just one of the biggest myths in the world.  These people are actually out of ammunition.  They cannot, they cannot offer one reason why you should vote for them. 
 Furthermore, as Rangel describes Republicans, he's actually describing Democrats!  Landrieu talks about how the South is unfriendly to blacks? It was Democrats in the South unfriendly to blacks. 
How in the world have these people continued to get elected all of these years when they've got nothing to offer? They haven't done anything for their constituents.  They've made their lives worse; they've busted up their families.  Talking about minorities here.  And now, who knows?  We may be at a seminal moment.  I don't want to grasp at...
Well, not grasp at straws.  I don't want to maybe grasp at something that isn't there.  But, man, is this a teachable moment?  Is this a teachable moment? I mean, even the most strident, extreme, radical black leftists do not think that we live still in the era of slavery!  Most of them, no way do they think there hasn't been any progress. 
What Rangel and Landrieu are trying to say is that there hasn't been a shred's bit of progress.  All of this after the first African-American president gets elected in this country, and they still run around and say this?  Can I remind you, ladies and gentlemen, what I predicted on this program on February 22, 2008?  February. This is like seven, eight months, 10 months before the election of 2008.
RUSH ARCHIVE:  "If Obama gets elected president, wouldn't it be good to just get this done, Rush, then we could end those civil rights squabbles that we're having?" It wouldn't do that, folks. It wouldn't do that. It might even exacerbate them. ... You know that the race industry can't wait for this. Any criticism of Obama, the first black president, is going to be met with charges of racism by the likes of the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.
It will make their race business all that much more prominent. It will operate on the premise that half of this country is seething, can't believe this has happened and they're going to fix this somehow, cannot believe there's a black man in the White House and a black woman in the residence. That will be the theme that the race business operates on. It will be full of presumptuousness and projection, but it will propel it.
RUSH:  Where are we now, folks?  Is this not exactly what has happened?  Here we are a few days, just a precious few days before a midterm election in Barack Hussein O's sixth year as president, and his party is running an entire campaign on race in which the opposing party still believes in slavery.  In every state, in every campaign, these pathetic, embarrassing, brain-dead, mindless Democrats are out crying racism. 
And I knew.
That's the point playing the sound bite. 
This was easily predictable. 
The election of the first black president was not gonna end racism in America.  The racism business was not gonna tolerate that.  There's no way the race industry ever goes away.  Too much money in it, too much power.  It's the reason that Sharpton and Jackson have seats at the table of power in the Democrat Party.  But even besides that, it was easily predictable.  So here we are six years after the election of the first black president, and the Democrat Party wants you to believe it's worse than ever?
Hey, folks, it's not just Mary Landrieu.  My nickname for her is "Cute Little Baby Fat" because she still looks like she's got some baby fat.  It's not just Mary Landrieu. It's not just Charlie Rangel.  Spike Lee is out. He was on the Fusion TV network website.  I have the sound bite coming up.  I don't have time to play all these bites; rather, I'll just give you a little heads-up. 
"Post-Racial America is B---S---."  Wendy Davis, in Texas, running an ad says that Greg Abbott does not want blacks to vote.  The Forehead, Paul Begala, on CNN today said, "Democrats are in trouble in states where they hunt Democrats down with dogs."  Thirty-, 40-year-old playbook pages are being utilized by the Democrat Party.  They've got nothing else.  I hope all of you remember something. 
I hope every last one of you remembers something.  So many people back in 2008 voted for one reason.  They voted for the first African-American president, not caring about his politics, not interested in his ideology.  The only thing that mattered to them was they hated the fact that there is racism in the country. They're sick and tired of being called racists. They're sick and tired of the racial divide.
They want everybody to get over it, and they thought voting for the first black man to run for office -- if he won -- we could finally erase it and move on and move forward.  I think people voted for Obama with the best of intentions, and a lot of people voted for Obama hoping that it would send a signal that this country isn't the way the Democrat Party describes it. And look what's happened.  It's gotten worse.  I hope people will realize: symbolism over substance loses.

Yeshiva of Flatbush: "No exposed collarbones and calves."

My mother a"h used to say, in yiddish,  "if you live long enough, you'll live thru everything."

Yeshiva of Flatbush, a co-ed school on Avenue J, whose parent body is not totally frum, has cracked down on their modesty standards. They hired two monitors to patrol the halls and if they notice any girl that her clothing is not up to par, they call her out on that. Some parents that pay an average of $35,000.00 a year in tuition are very upset; they would prefer their daughters wear clothing with everything hanging out!
Nu, Nu! Read what the post writes;
Melissa Duchan says the dress code at Yeshiva of Flatbush is way over the top.
The morality police aren’t just patrolling Iran or the Islamic State — they’re standing watch at a school in Brooklyn.
Female students at ­Yeshiva of Flatbush are outraged that two monitors were hired this school year to patrol hallways for exposed collarbones and calves.
The modesty crackdown comes as the school enforces a new, stricter dress code, including longer skirts.
“We’re walking in and we’re being scrutinized every morning,” said 16-year-old senior Melissa Duchan. “We can’t just walk in the halls because everyone’s looking at us and judging us every second for our clothing. Obviously, it’s degrading.”
“They’re overly harsh,” agreed senior classmate Jaclyn Klein, 17. “They scream at you. They bring down your confidence. One time, I got pushed into a corner by this one lady who stood in thTwo mothers called the inspections by the modern Orthodox day school “horrible.”
Duchan wrote a desperate letter to her school in September, published on the Jewish news site JTA, begging administrators to “stop the madness” and describing the skirt-chasers as “predatory” who make female students “feel hunted.”
Three days after her plea went viral, officials met with her. “They couldn’t really discipline me because I didn’t do anything that was against school rules,” Duchan told The Post. “They just talked to me, and nothing’s really changed.”
Aside from the long skirts, the school mandates that girls have no more than one earring per lobe, wear loose-fitting and conservatively colored clothing, cover their collarbones, wear shoes that have backs, and not wear tight shirts, or V-necks and “cap” sleeves.e front . . . and she said, ‘You better go change your skirt right now.’ ”
The only time the girls can ditch their long skirts is when they’re away from the boys, in separate gym classes. But they’re required to put on a wraparound skirt to use the bathroom, because it’s across the hall and they might encounter boys in the hallway.
Boys are far less limited: They must wear yarmulkes, traditional tzizit (strings hanging from the waist), shoes and socks, conservatively colored pants, collared shirts and be clean-shaven.
Students in violation of the dress code are usually sent home to change, or forced to wear a school-supplied outfit. Either way, they must use one of six annual “sign-outs,” where students are permitted to miss school for sickness or appointments.
Duchan said that in her private meeting with school officials, she was told the two female fashion cops are not Jews. “They want to make it not like a Jewish thing,” she said. “They just want you to follow the rules of the school, so they specifically hired non-Jewish people.”
Last May, the school officials tried to drum up the dress code enforcement themselves but were met with hostility, recalled Duchan, who was insulted by a scolding. “[The administrator] said . . . ‘You’re a smart girl, why do you dress like that?’
“They put a stop to that because parents complained. They were acting like it reflects on your self-worth — what length skirt you wear!
“It’s terrible,” fumed a mother who wouldn’t give her name in fear of yeshiva backlash. “We’re spending this money to send them to the schools … the rules are just wrong.”
Seth Linfield, the executive director of the 2,100-student school on Avenue J in Midwood, where tuition is upwards of $34,000 a year, refused to comment.

Gaza Closed off to the world, but the world will blame Israel

Egypt closed their border to Gaza last week, because they found out that Hamas gangsters from Gaza were instrumental in the attack that resulted in the slaughter of 30 Egyptian soldiers. Egypt also demolished all houses up to 14 kilometers from the border, leaving over 10,000 Gaza residents homeless.

Now that Israel closed their border with Gaza, because Hamas resumed firing missiles at Israel, watch  the world go crazy, blaming only Israel!

Israeli officials on Sunday ordered the closure of all crossings to Gaza following a rocket attack from Gaza on Friday night at 21:20 into the Eshkol Regional Council.
IDF Coordinator of Activities in the Territories, Major-General Yoav Mordechai told the press that following Egypt’s decision to shut the Rafiach Crossing to Sinai, Gaza is now “cut off from the world” as a result of Israel shutting crossings. “Israel is seeking to capitalize on the situation to increase the pressure on Hamas in the hope the terror organization will realize the high price that must be paid for firing a rocket into Israel. Hamas is seeking to apply pressure on Egypt using the ‘humanitarian crisis’ angle following the closure of the Rafiach Crossing. Egypt however is not signaling if and when it plans to reopen Rafiach.”

Paradoxically, as Israel continues signaling to the world that Jerusalem is trying to improve the economic situation in Gaza, work is about to begin in the Karnei Industrial Zone to construct a Coke Cola factory. The factory will provide employment opportunities for Gaza residents.

The Coke Cola factory will provide employment for several hundred workers in the first stage and eventually, it will be employing 3,000 people. The request was approved by Israel security officials. To date, Gazans receive Coke Cola products from a Ramallah factory.

Once the factory at Karnei is completed, which will likely take six months, the production will get underway at the Karnei Industrial Area despite the fact the Karnei Crossing is a closed crossing. 

Officials in Israel stress that permitting the construction of the factory will not lead to the reopening of the crossing to Gaza from that location.
Israeli officials are hopeful that as more Gazans are employed, they will be less likely to engage in anti-Israel acts of terrorism.

Monsey’s Jacob Gestetner says he never received 7,000.00 bible that he bought from ebay

I think it is in Gestetner's sukkah,  October 10 was Succos!

Despite postal tracking data showing that it was delivered, a Monsey man is claiming he never received the rare 16th-century Hebrew Bible he purchased from an eBay seller in Virginia.
 Monsey’s Jacob Gestetner maintains he never received the $7,000 Bible he purchased on eBay from artifact dealer Gene Albert, despite post office records showing that it was delivered on October 10.
According to the standard eBay contract, Mr. Albert must now refund the entire $7,000 to Mr. Gestetner.
A disgruntled Albert said Gestetner either “has it or it was stolen from his mailbox.”
“Either way it’s gone and I’m out the money,” Albert said of the Bible that contains entries dating back to the 1540s.
Albert said he typically checks the “Signature Required” box when shipping such items, but forgot to in this particular instance.
Gestetner declined comment, calling it a private matter.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz: Obama’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel

Senator Ted Cruz
By Sen Ted Cruz
This week, the world was treated to yet another embarrassing display of the Obama administration’s incompetent foreign policy.
According to The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, various anonymous officials referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as both “a chicken****” and “a coward.” While these indefensible comments have received the lion’s share of media attention, the substantive remarks about Iran were even more troubling. Goldberg wrote that another senior official claimed that due to their pressure on Netanyahu, it is now “too late” for Israel to stop Iran from amassing an “atomic arsenal.”
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told the White House press corps on Tuesday that the President likely does not know who did this, and there is no effort underway to find out. Other officials have signaled that these persons may be disciplined in ways that are have not been disclosed. But, regardless, they will continue to serve at the pleasure of the President because, as Earnest said, such things happen almost every day in this administration.
In other words, this is no big deal.
With all due respect, this is a very big deal. This is an unprecedented attack on a critical ally of the United States at a moment of international crisis. It is a de facto admission to the mullahs in Tehran that the Obama administration thinks it is too late to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is an inexcusable betrayal of the national security of the American people.
Do the Democrats agree with what Obama administration officials are saying about Israel and its leaders? Do they also concede that a nuclear Iran is inevitable? If not, will they call on the President to identify and fire the persons making these assertions? These questions should be asked—and answered—before Americans head to the polls next Tuesday.
It is my hope that Congress can unite to reverse this administration’s approach by defending our allies and standing up to hostile actors in the world. When the White House acts recklessly, Congress should swiftly act to defend our nation. We will not be able to do so if the Senate is led by Harry Reid acting as a rubber stamp for President Obama. Either the Democrats should denounce the Obama Administration’s dangerous policies or the voters should send them home in November.
As disgraceful as these comments were, at least they bring crystal clarity to the choice we face as a nation on November 4th. 
Choose wisely.