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Showing posts with label Monsey rabonim endorse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monsey rabonim endorse. Show all posts

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rabbonim in Monsey sink to new low! Attack Chris Day as an anti-Semite....and Endorse A Pro-Gay and Pro Abortion Candidate!

The "Rabbonim" and "Mosdos Ha'Torah" of Monsey have sunk to the abyss! 
What a Chillul Hashem!!! 
Shame on those Rabbonim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are destroying the character of Chris Day, that's running for congress, calling him an anti-Semite! 

Turns out that his wife is Jewish, and Chris himself, is the Vice President of an Israeli-focused investment firm managed by an IDF veteran. Chis is also an active  member of The Jewish Society at Yale.
So what is his sin? 
He is unfortunately the son of Ed Day, the Rockland County Executive, who doesn't want to allow Chassidim to put 40 families in a one family home, refusing to allow people to live like gypsies! He also wants .... get this .... hold onto your seats .....he wants the developers to remember that they live in the suburbs, not in Williamsburg and Boro -Park, and he wants some grass (G-D Forbid)! 
He doesn't want builders to build to the curb...
He also wants Yeshivas to build to code and not put 150 Bochrim in a dormitory that was built for 10 and doesn't have proper permits. He doesn't want a fire in those buildings!
What an avirah?!

So who are they endorsing? Aha!
Get this! The  are endorsing Nita Lowey, an old bag, who stands for everything the Torah is against. 
She is for Abortion, she is pro gay, she was rated 100% by the HRC, indicating she is all for the LGBT lifestyle....

So what are we teaching our children? That we value life, but vote for someone who wants and advocates  death to infants? That we value the morals of the Torah but vote for someone who advocates immoral behavior?
The e-mail states:
"We cannot allow an aggressive Sonei Yisrael to be elected to the position of a United States Congressman and to give him a lofty position in Washington with which to attack our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the United States and in Israel."
Nita Lowey is not "attacking our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the US and Israel?"
Is the "Orthodox community" now endorsing alternative lifestyles? Is the "Orthodox community" now endorsing mid-term abortions?
And since when do the Rabbis care about Israel? Didn't the Rabbis endorse Hillary Clinton when she ran for Senator of New York, while her lips were still wet from kissing Mrs. Arafat?
A Bunch "Money grubbing" hypocrites! 

She is for Obama Care!
She also brought in zero Federal grants for the new Tappan Zee Bridge, meaning $20.00 Tolls in the very near future! 
She is a walking disaster in a dress!

Now read the insane disgusting email sent to all of us, and contains no proof to anything they wrote....
The E-mail also doesn't say that Nita Loey advocates anti-moral ideas!

October 31, 2014

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

This coming Tuesday, November 4, we will be voting for a Congressman and for Judges. These elections are very important for our community.

For Congress, Chris Day is the choice of the Preserve Ramapo and Preserve Rockland organizations. His goal is to bring about a solution to the problems in Ramapo. These are code words for solving the problem of the growth of the Orthodox community. When he comes into Ramapo, he professes his love for the State of Israel, Yeshivos, Shuls and Shtieblach. However, when he returns to his core constituency, he changes his tune. There, he is straight-line Preserve Ramapo. He will make sure that Yeshivos and Shuls are treated strictly and harshly, as we have seen from his father, Ed Day, the Rockland County Executive.

As soon as Ed Day was elected,   annual County funding for  Jewish public service organizations was slowed down and held up, and Ed Day instituted a law suit to stop the building of a Yeshiva that was approved by the Towns of Ramapo and Clarkstown. That Yeshiva is being built east of the Palisades Parkway very close to the Clarkstown border. He sued an Orthodox public service organization, as well, and the Judge ruled against him. The lawsuits are in the public records. The slowdowns of County funding can be accessed from our public service organizations.

We cannot allow an aggressive Sonei Yisrael to be elected to the position of a United States Congressman and to give him a lofty position in Washington with which to attack our Orthodox community, and other Orthodox positions both in the United States and in Israel.

We also will be voting for a County Judge and a  Supreme Court ( Rockland) Judge. These are important positions that affect life in our community in many meaningful ways. Please inform yourselves of the candidates and their views and please vote for the candidate that will best represent us.

Please vote on Tuesday and be an informed voter so that our community is best represented and protected. Your vote counts and will protect your family, your community, your Shul and your children's Yeshivos.