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Showing posts with label Mike koplen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike koplen. Show all posts

Monday, November 3, 2014

VOTE MIKE KOPLEN COUNTY COURT JUDGE, Monsey Rabbis and Mosdos would rather elect a Non-Jew

Mike Koplen

Mike Koplen is a Shomer Torah U'mitzvos running for County Court Judge, in Rockland County. A real "mentch" who dedicated his life to helping others, presently he is a trustee in New Hempstead, and has a private law practice. He did all the right things, sending his children in the local yeshivos, and in all the years, nobody has yet to say one bad word about this guy!

Mike was a County Legislator, Assistant County Attorney, Deputy Mayor of New Hempstead and drafted laws that allowed the Frum Jewish community to grow in New Hempstead, while at the same time, maintaining the nice single family lifestyle that everyone wants. It was because of Mike, that we were able to construct shuls in our neighborhood.
In New Hempstead, we dont have this constant bickering among the different groups, like in neighboring Monsey.In New Hempstead, we have peace, and it's because of peace loving people like Mike Koplen.

So who do the local "Rabbonim" and "Mosdos" endorse? You guessed it a "goy"! 
Why? Who knows? 
The terrible atmosphere in the county has hit a new low. These Rabbonim have in the past  endorsed Candidates, not based on what's good for the county ...... nooooooooooooo! But what's good for them!

Ever drive down route 306? A gigantic disaster waiting to happen. The greedy developers that bought off the goyim developed Multi Family Houses all the way to the curb, leaving no room for children to play, and no room for School buses, so what you have in the morning and night is a traffic bottleneck, with children running constantly into Route 306!

Ever drive down Route 59? What should take 2 minutes, takes a half hour! All because the goyim were bought off by the Rabbonim and Mosdos! In the past 5 years, people have been killed on Route 306 and Route 59! The blood of these holy neshamos are on these "leaders". 

I'm not saying that we don't have a housing crises that should be addressed, but we shouldn't do it on the expense of people who moved out to Rockland County for a better life for themselves and their precious children. 

We have the opportunity to finally do things right and to tell the Mosdos, that "LO ZU HADERECH"! 
 We have an election for County Court Judge. 
A decent human being, whose heart has always been in the right place, is running for that seat ... 
Let's pull the lever for a responsible, honest, caring and independent thinker...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Monsey Preserve Ramapo attacks Mike Koplen, tries to split Jewish vote in Ramapo

Preserve Ramapo,  is getting an early jump on the election for Ramapo Town Supervisor by attacking Republican nominee Michael A. Koplen on the subject of the proposed New Square slaughterhouse.  

 For years, Preserve Ramapo, a grass roots organization in Ramapo which many consider to be anti semitic, has harshly criticized the current Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence, a controversial politician who is now under the cloud of an FBI investigation. 

 PR has now turned their guns against Mike Koplen by deliberately misquoting him and trying to tie him to the proposed New Square slaughterhouse.   PR is hoping to split the Jewish vote in November, paving way for a Preserve Ramapo victory at the polls.   

On June 17, 2013,  The Rockland Journal News ran an article about the slaughterhouse in which Koplen was quoted as saying that if  he "wants to take a rational , not an emotional approach" to the slaughterhouse proposal.  He stated that many studies are needed.  If the slaughterhouse could be constructed in such a way that it did not have any negative impact on neighbors, then  no one would have a problem with it, but that if it did impact residents by causing odors or other problems, then it would not be welcome, even by the residents of New Square.   

Preserve Ramapo's Chairman Robert I. Rhodes, immediatley attacked Koplen on the comments page ( http://www.lohud.com/comments/article/20130617/NEWS03/306170054/Plan-returns-smaller-New-Square-poultry-plant on Lohud.com), seeking to tie Koplen to the slaughterhouse. 

 Preserve Ramapo then attacked Koplen in an article  on their website on June 18 featuring a picture of chicken hanging upside down over walls soaked in blood,  which clearly misquotes Koplen.  In the story headline, PR claims  that Koplen said the slaughtherhouse is "workable", something Koplen never said, and then sarcastically attacks him   in the articlehttp://www.preserveramapo.org//      
PR made sure this false story was repeated several times in different forums on the internet including social media such as  Facebook.

PR strategy is clearly to try to split the Jewish vote in the upcoming election, paving a way for a Preserve Ramapo victory at the polls. 

 A PR Town Supervisor, which would be a disaster for all Orthodox Jews in Ramapo.   Preserve Ramapo candidates have lost to St. Lawrence in each and every election.  They represent the old guard of Ramapo which has always sought to prevent Orthodox Jews from having shuls and schools.  

  With St.Lawrence badly damaged by corruption allegations, Koplen,   is seen as a very attractive alternative to both the current Supervisor, who won't be able to help anyone if he is behind bars, and the anti semtiic Preserve Ramapo.  So PR is  turning its guns on Koplen.