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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Satmar Chassidim Flying Back to New York in First Class.......After Rebbe's Donation to Anti-Israel Institutions "Won't Even Cover Bread & Milk"

The entire Satmar trip was a joke on Israel's poor that supposedly don't take money from the medina...
The Rebbe brought $5 million dollars for 150 moisdois that means that each moisad gets approximately $30,000.00 which cannot even cover lunch and supper for the students, however not all moisdois even got the $33,000.00 some only received 10,000.00 while others received $5,000.00

The litvushi donors like Rechnitz etc bring millions of dollars each year and distribute them to ALL Jews without inquiring if they get funds from the medina..
they arrive without motorcades without any 
fanfare ...
They don't fly on private Jets

So while the Rebbes chassidim are flying back on first class  browsing their Iphones 

Most Williamsburg residents are fearing for their very lives as goyim beat the living daylights out 
of them on a daily basis..

Rabbi Baruch Shimshon Hager who has a Moised in Bet Shemesh yelled yesterday that he received only $8,000.00 which is less than $2.00 for each child

The Satmar Rebbe was scheduled to lay a cornerstone for a Bais Yaakov in Bet Shemesh but the Rebbe cancelled it after he heard that  the menahal of the school Rabbi Eizenstein chastised the Rebbe for being a hypocrite taking money from New York State Board of Education

"ess is lebedik" 

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Beating of Jews In Williamsburg Continues ..... Chasidic Teen Punched In The Face In Unprovoked Attack

While the leader of the Williamsburg Chassidim is frolicking and being flown in private Jets around the world, goyim are beating the crap out of his followers. 

Hate struck the Jewish community in NYC again, this time in Williamsburg.
It happened at around 5:00PM at Marcy Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, when an African American male punched a Hasidic teen in the face.
Thanks to the fast response of Williamsburg Shomrim and the NYPD, the suspect was immediately taken into custody.
The 13-year-old victim was treated by Hatzolah on the scene. Thankfully, he did not require being transported to the hospital.
Charges are pending.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Aeroflot pilot dies from heart attack during flight

An Aeroflot pilot reportedly died from a heart attack while piloting a domestic flight in Russia on Sunday morning. Other crew members apparently helmed an emergency landing to seek immediate medical treatment for the first officer, who was said to have passed away sometime during the descent.
The 49-year-old Aeroflot captain was piloting flight SU1546 from Moscow to Anapa when he became “ill,” prompting the Airbus 320 to land early at Platov International Airport in Rostov-on-Don, the Daily Mirror reports

Ohio College Students Erect Memorial to Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorists

Anti-Zionist students at Oberlin College in Ohio erected a memorial last week commemorating the death of multiple Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.
Oberlin Students for a Free Palestine shared in a Facebook post on Thursday that it had installed a display in “commemoration of the 34 Palestinians killed by Israeli rocket fire this last week” in Wilder Bowl, a central outdoor space on campus where students often congregate.
A sign explaining the display stated, “Last week, Israel unleashed violent airstrikes on the Gaza Strip to assassinate Bahaa Abu al-Atta and his wife on Tuesday, November 12th. In the process, killing 34 unarmed Palestinian civilians, including 8 children.”

Brutal "Tushnat" Stabbing Victim May Have been Mistaken Identity ...Getaway Car Was found Burning ..... Who Burnt It? Why?

Unconfirmed reports are that the victim in the early morning stabbing of a melamed near Tushnat was mistaken identity, and the target was another Chassidishe guy who messed with other "unzere" (our own) yidden!

According to reports that we are receiving, and I sincerely hope this is totally false.....
the FBI already knows who the attackers are and are searching for them ..... that's why the police announced definitively that the attack was not an anti-Semitic act .......
 insiders believe that the police think that this was a hit job gone wrong!

According to these sources, the hit was ordered by heimishe yeedin in retaliation of some shady business deal......or according to another version the withholding of a get ..

Some speculate that some of those involved were Monsey residents that were arrested last week by the FBI .... for laundering money ..
targeting the "whistleblower."

Some say that there is absolutely no connection ....
we will soon find out ...

What we do know for sure is the following .....
When the Monsey "askanim" found out that the perpetrators were heimishe guys they managed to destroy all evidence by destroying photos from nearby cameras ....because of the "Chillul Hashem" that would ensue if the "oilim goilim" would find out ..
In addition.... the getaway car was found ...but was burning..see video below......

Who erased the videos of the nearby cameras?
Who burned down the getaway car ?
Who originally owned the getaway car?

If this was indeed a "heimishe operation" then the $10,000.00 reward by the ADL is peanuts ... the only way a "heimishe guy" will be given up is for mega bucks ....
a 5 million Dollar Reward needs somehow to be raised .....

The FBI managed to secure one camera that had the license plate ..

At any rate all agree that the victim was innocent, being in the wrong place at the wrong time..
ה' ירחם


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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Evil Jewish Congressman Andy Levin & 106 DemocRATS Congressmen Write Letter To Pompeo To Pull Back His Declaration "that Settlements are not illegal"

Over 100 Democratic House members on Friday excoriated the Trump administration for softening its position on Israel’s West Bank settlements.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday announced that “the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law,” breaking with decades of US policy.
The move, legislators wrote in a letter to Pompeo, made the possibility of an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement more difficult and hurt America’s interests in the Middle East.
“The announcement… has discredited the United States as an honest broker between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, severely damaged prospects for peace, and endangered the security of America, Israel, and the Palestinian people,” the letter says.
Orchestrated by the Jewish Michigan Representative Andy Levin, a freshman Democrat, the missive was signed by several other prominent members of Congress, including Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar, Rhode Island Representative David Cicilline, Maryland Representative Jamie Raskin, Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, and others.
The lawmakers warned that the Trump administration’s decision “blatantly disregards Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention” regarding the rules governing the actions of an occupying power.

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Chabad Melody ..... Listen with Your Ears But Please Hear it With Your Soul

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Satmar Rebbe's $5 million To the 150 Anti -Tzioni Mosdos Amount to $33,000.00 ...Not Enough to Support Even 2 Melamdim ....

Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum came in a private jet to Israel and was escorted by hundreds of Zionist Police in a motorcade to Yerushalyim .......
Thousands of Frum Jews were inconvenienced when streets were shut down to accommodate the motorcade .......
Rav Chaim Kanievsky travels to the Kotel in one car....

The Rebbe made a big deal about his $5 million that he distributed to the 150 anti-Zionist institutions who claim they don't take money from the "medinah."

According to my simple math calculations that is approximately $33,000.00 per institution.... which will barely cover the salary of two teachers .......
How will the moisdois cover the rest of their budget .....?

Yes.....you guessed it .....the "tumedika medina."

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FBI Arrests Dr Aaron Weinreb a Gynecologist On Molestation Charges

A gynecologist in Brooklyn was arrested for allegedly molesting a 14-year-old boy.
Dr. Aaron Weinreb attempted to meet with the teen again after the alleged incident, Bklyner reported. The FBI interceded, however, and led Weinreb to believe he was meeting with the boy on Oct. 29 but then arrested the doctor.
Weinreb allegedly admitted he previously molested another teenage boy and “that he has a sex addiction to males who are much younger than him,” Bklyner reported, citing court records.
Weinreb is the director of gynecology at New York Community Hospital in Brooklyn and is affiliated with other New York hospitals. His page has been taken down from the Brooklyn hospital’s website.
Meyer Seewald, the director and founder of Jewish Community Watch, said he was “horrified by the alleged crimes.” His organization fights sex abuse in the Orthodox community.
“As a community, we should not be ashamed that ‘one of our own’ is an abuser,” Seewald said in a statement, “rather the only source of shame should be if as a community, we cover up abuse rather than facing it head-on and working together until every person who wishes to harm a child is off our streets.”
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For the gruesome details read further

Uh Oh! Police Say Brutal Stabbing Of Jewish Man In Monsey Was NOT Hate Crime

Ramapo Police say the stabbing of an orthodox Jewish man on Wednesday was not a hate crime.
 The Hasidic man was critically wounded when two men jumped out of a car, and then brutally beat and stabbed him while he was on his way to Shul at 5:45AM.
On Friday afternoon Ramapo police released a statement which said that there is no evidence to support that it was a hate crime.
Authorities have stepped up patrols as they continue to search for the attackers.
On Thursday night Chaveirim of Rockland warned people about an individual who was ringing doorbells in the area of the crime and asking to see their camera footage.
The rumor-mill is in full force and WhatsApp and social media have exploded with rumors about this incident. 
Please continue to daven for Mordechai ben Bracha.

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rabbi Levin Calls Out Satmar Rebbe on His "Kefirah"

 החינוך הכפרני בסאטמאר

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Cederhurst Fire Burns Down Mikes Burgers, Josh’s Pizza, Ezra Pharmacy and a dry cleaners.

An early-morning fire destroyed a row of five stores in Cedarhurst, Friday morning.
It happened at 604 Central Avenue, when the Lawrence Cedarhurst Fire Department received reports at around 2:47AM reporting smoke coming from the building.
Firefighters arrived in minutes, but faced heavy resistance at the beginning due to numerous storage partitions in the basement.
The fire quickly spread through the basement to all the stores, destroying a restaurant, pizzeria, ice cream shop, pharmacy and cleaners, almost all are Jewish-owned businesses which service the community. Among the stores destroyed were Mikes Burgers, Josh’s Pizza, Ezra Pharmacy and a dry cleaners.
Rockaway-Nassau Hatzolah responded to the scene, but thankfully, there were no injuries were reported.
The cause of the fire is under investigation.

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Chassidic Guy Slapped by Goy in Williamsburg With Everyone Looking On ..

There has been another unprovoked assault against a Hasidic in Williamsburg on Thursday, and it was all captured on video.
The attack occurred at 11:45PM in front of 716 Myrtle Avenue.

The NYPD say that 32-year-old Steven Sotomayor walked up to the 21-year-old victim and slapped him in the face with an open hand. No words were exchanged prior to the attack.
Williamsburg Shomrim was on the scene in seconds, followed by the NYPD who took the suspect into custody.
Video footage of the attack was immediately secured by Shomrim and handed over to police.
On Friday morning, the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force announce that they were investigating this as an “anti-Semitic assault”.

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Zera Shimshon - Chayei Sara

Zera Shimshon - Chayei Sara 
(ואברהם זקן בא בימים ( דכ ' א 

"And Avraham was old, well on in years" (21:17) 

The Medrash relates (Bereishis Rabba 59:1), that R' Meir went to the town called Mamla and he only saw black-haired people (young people); there were no seniors who lived there. 

He asked the inhabitants of the town if perhaps they were from the descendants of Eli Hakohen who were cursed to die at a young age, which they confirmed. 

They begged R' Meir to pray on their behalf, for although there was a decree that they should die young, nevertheless, the power of prayer of such a righteous person could help nullify the decree partially. 

Hagaon HaRav Chaim Zev Malinowitz Rav In Ramat Beit Shemesh Passes on at 67

Hagaon HaRav Chaim Zev Malinowitz zt”l passed away on Thursday evening in Israel. Rav Malinowitz was the Rav of Beis Knesses Beis HaTefilah Yonah Avraham in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. He was a major Talmid Chochom and Posek, a Rov and a massive Marbitz Torah.
Rav Malinowitz received Semicha from the Posek Hador, Hagaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein zt”l. He was a Talmid Muvhak of Hagaon HaRav Abba Berman zt”l.
He served as a Dayan and Rosh Kollel in Monsey, NY for many years before moving to Eretz Yisroel in 1997.
Rav Malinowitz also served as the General Editor of the Artscroll Schottenstein Edition of the Talmud a popular work used by tens of thousands of Jews across the globe every single day.
As the Rav of Beis HaTefilah Yonah Avraham, Rav Malinowitz took up the mantle of running a shul that was  founded on meeting the needs of new Olim who came to Ramat Beit Shemesh looking for a supportive community.
Rav Malinowitz’s Petira was sudden and unexpected. He leaves behind him a wife and four sons, some of whom are in New York and will be flying to Israel for the levayah. One son, Rav Nechemiah Manilowitz, serves as the Degel Hatorah representative for English speakers in Beit Shemesh. Another son Rav Eliyahu Malinowitz, lives in Eretz Yisroel as well. He also has a few daughters (info to be added shortly).
He leaves behind a wife, six sons and four daughters. Rav Nechemia. Rav Eliyahu, R’ Avrohom Ahron and a single bochur – Yisrael Meir, live in Eretz Yisroel. Rav Yeshaya Moshe and and R’ Dovid live in the UNited States and are on their way for the levaya. A son in law Rav Yona Mermelstien presently in Lakewood is also on his way to Eretz Yisroel. The other three daughters are the Stein, Abromowitz and Ginsberg families.
He has two sisters, Oppenheim in Brooklyn and Rozansky in Lakewood.
The Levayah will be held at 9:30AM at 34 Nachal Refaim in Bet Shemesh. Kevurah will take place in Rechovot.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Netanyahu not required to resign as prime minister.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will have to give up all ministerial positions he currently holds now that Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has decided to indict him for for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in Case 4000, and fraud and breach of trust in Cases 1000 and 2000.

Under Israeli law, sitting ministers must resign if he is charged with a crime. Netanyahu currently holds the health ministry, welfare ministry, and diaspora ministry portfolios.

The law does not require Netanyahu to resign as prime minister.

Netanyahu is charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit just announced that he has decided to indict Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in Case 4000, and fraud and breach of trust in Cases 1000 and 2000.

The decision was made after a four-day hearing on the prime minister's cases last month and after three weeks of marathon hearings in the Attorney-General's office.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Frum Man Stabbed in Monsey Going to Shul ...in critical condition

A man was repeatedly stabbed and slashed while walking to synagogue today, according to Ramapo police.Police said the man was stabbed about 5:49 a.m. 70 yards from the Mosdos Meharam Brisk Tashnad. It is a religious center with a synagogue, study center and mikvah for people in the neighborhood. 

There are no descriptions of a suspect or suspects or a vehicle, if any, at this time, police said. Members of the community say two men attacked the victim. 

Satmar Rebbe Blasts Chareidi Parties for Capitulating To Be In Government ..While He Himself Capitulated To New York Government

The hypocrisy of this outsider is outstanding ...
Just recently the Satmar Rebbe "capitulated" to the New York Board of Education; Satmar Mosdois will be learning about Gays & Lesbians and Transgenders ....and other perverted ideas ...
The Rebbe unashamedly comes here to bark:
 “Today, they are making deals with the government and giving up on the education of helpless children"
Calling Gedoilie Yisroel "Koifrim" .....
Is this crazy? Insane? .... 
Here see thousands of posters thrown from the roofs of Yerushalyim calling him out on his hypocrisy

Ezras Nashim Will Not Be Given Ambulance License In Boro Park .... Askanim Jumping For Joy!

The NYC Regional EMS Council denied the application of the Ezras Nashim (aka Chasdei Devorah Inc.) Organization to operate their own ambulance within Boro Park and Kensington.
Three weeks ago there was an open forum where Ezras Nashim officially requested their Certificate of Need (CON).
On Tuesday night a vote was held, and the application was denied:
  • 7 voted in favor
  • 12 votes against
  • 5 Abstentions
  • 2 absent
The chairwoman said Ezras Nashim did not have the 14 vote majority to pass it or fail it. Ezras Nashim is likely to appeal this and take this up to Albany for a fight.
Everyone in the EMS world knows that Hatzalah is an old boys club. 
Do they do good work? 
Of course — all EMTs and medics save lives, just like attorneys win trials and rebbeim teach Torah. But the maysim tovim that are inherent in our jobs do not negate our wrongdoing — I don’t have a free pass to shamayim because I work as a paramedic myself.
I think the fact that Hatzalah hired attorneys and got involved in this chukos akum matter really speaks to their hypocrisy. 
Additionally, why under any circumstances would a Hatzalah member actively advocate something that would prevent them from seeing a woman without clothing? 
Sure, it’s mutar and an emergency is an emergency, but if it can be avoided in the first place, that’s always preferable. To me, it smacks of politics and money, its sad klal yisroel has come to this. We need moshiach more than ever.
And to the brave members of Ezras Nashim – remember that Pirkei Avos teach us “l’fum tzara agra.” Keep fighting the good fight on behalf of bnos yisroel — Hashem is shepping nachas from your valiant work — your reward awaits you

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chief Democrat Representative Blows Chris Matthews of MSNBC Away

Brisker Rosh Yeshiva Mocks Calling the Satmar Rebbe "Holy"

Rav Soloveitchik, Brisk Rosh Yeshiva, reportedly (not verified) laughed when he saw signs welcoming the Satmar Rebbe stating:
"Honorable Holy & Holy Honorable" Rebbe of Satmar !

He asked:
"What's Holy?"
"He himself? For sure not!"
"Maybe the money"

Satmar Rebbe's Motorcade Shutting Down Traffic & Streets in Zionist State...Satmar Askanim in Constant Talks With Zionist Police

So this guy is trying to convince the naive frum world that he is not taking money from the "medinah" ...........
This visit is costing Israeli taxpayers millions of shekels ... overtime pay for his Zionist Escorts... but he is not taking any money from the "medina"
I'll bet it will cost millions more than he brought ....

The historic visit by the Satmar Rebbe to Israel has met with a tremendous amount of backlash from many groups in Israel, but none as vocal as MK Yulia Malinovsky from Yisrael Beiteinu.
Malinovsky on Monday tweeted a vehement statement lashing out at the Satmar Rebbe.
Malinovsky published an article by the Kol Ha’Ir paper outlining a series of road closures that will be enforced due to the Rebbe’s visit and his public meeting that will take place on Tuesday in Yerushalayim.
“Have we completely lost our minds? Closing off roads because an anti-Zionist Rebbe is visiting? He is opposed to the very existence of the State of Israel. I don’t know how we even let him into the country?”
Meanwhile, Satmar held extensive meetings with (Zionist) police, who have designated a large police force to direct traffic.
As of 4:00PM on Tuesday afternoon the following streets will be closed in Jerusalem:
Brandis, Malchei Yisroel, Sarei Yisroel, intersection of Shamgar and Sarei Yisroel, intersection of Yafo and Sarei Yisroel. Police have stated that cars will not be allowed onto streets that fed into these areas either.
Police are advising motorists to schedule their travel before the roads close so as to avoid the heavy traffic expected on alternate routes.

Satmar Rebbe Arrives in the Zionist State in a Private Jet

Was met at BEN GURION airport by 3 1/2 chassidim ..... after arriving in the Zionist State ...

He supposedly came to give chizuk to Israeli Jews, bringing some US dollars that he schnorred from the poorest community in the USA, to hand out to the liars that say that they don't take money from the Medinah ....

He flew in with a private jet that his supporters say was from some rich chasid ....
According to Satmar Chassidim that arranged this trip the money spent on this jet could have supported thousands of Israeli families!

Observe stringent kashrut, but not at the expense of your host

Because of its popularity amongst our readers, we are continuing our Kashrut series ..... 

and here 

A Guest who keeps Mehadrin, Hosted by Someone who keeps Standard Kashrut

A question that troubles many people: 
How should someone who meticulously keeps the halakha’s of kashrut and buys only products that are kosher l’mehadrin behave when he is a guest at his brother, relative, or friend who keeps kosher according to halakha, but purchases standard kosher products, and is not meticulous in the minhagim of mehadrin kashrut laws?

I will first open with the summary of the halakha, and then I will elaborate on its sources and reasons.

Watch : Police rescue kidnapped 8-year-old hiding in laundry basket

Video footage captured the moment Texas police officers burst through a hotel room door and rescue a kidnapped 8-year-old girl hiding in a basket of laundry.
The body camera footage released by police shows cops in Fort Worth bang on the door and demand the kidnapper raise his hands when they enter the room.
Once they have the suspect in handcuffs, cops then locate the kidnapped girl, who was in a basket.
“Got her, we got her, we got her,” one of the officer’s yells, according to the video.
The dramatic scene capped a frantic search by police. The 8-year-old who was snatched off a street while walking with her mother on May 18, NBC News reported.
Authorities circulated an image of the suspect’s car and a tipster eventually called 911 when he saw the vehicle in the parking lot of the hotel in suburban Fort Worth, according to the report.
The kidnapper, Michael Webb, was busted for kidnapping and convicted in September.
He was sentenced to life in prison last week.