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Showing posts with label Tushnat Stabbing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tushnat Stabbing. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Did the "Tushnat" Stabber Flee to Israel?

It seems that the Ramapo Police have positively identified the Monsey Tushnat stabber and they speculate that he flew the coup to Israel.... 

The talk now is that this stabbing was because of the withholding of a get ... and that the victim is innocent and was not the intended target, but was very closely related to the "Get Refuser." 

The "Get Refuser" is willing to give the get but the wife's family refuses to allow him to see the kids .......

According to this version, the Father in Law a wealthy guy that lives in Williamsburg .. ordered the hit ....on his son-in-law.

So the Chassidim who know who the stabber is, refuse to hand over this "rotziach" to the cops because that would be "mesirah" ...
So they will let a "mashchis" who stabbed an innocent guy in the eye ... walk .....

What kind of Torah did we teach our children? 
"Mesirah" now became the Torah .... Letting a "rotziach," a walking time bomb ..walk in our midst..is now Torah!

How low can someone go to take a knife and stab another Jew in the head?.....
and the stabber himself had no dog in this race ... he was hired as I understand it ....

Guys.... if you know where this "rotziach" lives ... give him up now before he destroys another life!
The next guy he stabs could be your own family member..

Monday, November 25, 2019

Brutal "Tushnat" Stabbing Victim May Have been Mistaken Identity ...Getaway Car Was found Burning ..... Who Burnt It? Why?

Unconfirmed reports are that the victim in the early morning stabbing of a melamed near Tushnat was mistaken identity, and the target was another Chassidishe guy who messed with other "unzere" (our own) yidden!

According to reports that we are receiving, and I sincerely hope this is totally false.....
the FBI already knows who the attackers are and are searching for them ..... that's why the police announced definitively that the attack was not an anti-Semitic act .......
 insiders believe that the police think that this was a hit job gone wrong!

According to these sources, the hit was ordered by heimishe yeedin in retaliation of some shady business deal......or according to another version the withholding of a get ..

Some speculate that some of those involved were Monsey residents that were arrested last week by the FBI .... for laundering money ..
targeting the "whistleblower."

Some say that there is absolutely no connection ....
we will soon find out ...

What we do know for sure is the following .....
When the Monsey "askanim" found out that the perpetrators were heimishe guys they managed to destroy all evidence by destroying photos from nearby cameras ....because of the "Chillul Hashem" that would ensue if the "oilim goilim" would find out ..
In addition.... the getaway car was found ...but was burning..see video below......

Who erased the videos of the nearby cameras?
Who burned down the getaway car ?
Who originally owned the getaway car?

If this was indeed a "heimishe operation" then the $10,000.00 reward by the ADL is peanuts ... the only way a "heimishe guy" will be given up is for mega bucks ....
a 5 million Dollar Reward needs somehow to be raised .....

The FBI managed to secure one camera that had the license plate ..

At any rate all agree that the victim was innocent, being in the wrong place at the wrong time..
ה' ירחם


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