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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Message to the Unites Nations and the Satmar Community!

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“Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its ‘right to exist.' 

Israel’s right to exist, like that of the United States, Saudi Arabia and 152 other states, is axiomatic and unreserved. 

Israel’s legitimacy is not suspended in midair awaiting acknowledgement....

There is certainly no other state, big or small, young or old, that would consider mere recognition of its ‘right to exist’ a favour, or a negotiable concession.”

~Abba Eban~

Israeli Skunk Spray Weapon ...

Rabbi Pruzansky and Rape!

Zahava Englard's Profile Photo
Zahava Englard
by Zahava Englard
About Rabbi Pruzansky...
In the many years I have known Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, I have witnessed ceaseless mob-like attacks against him for stating his opinion on various issues from Israeli politics to his current article on the supposed rape culture, titled A Novel Idea, (https://rabbipruzansky.com/2016/03/31/a-novel-idea/ ) in which he tackles the dilemma of "he said - she said" rape cases on campus where there are no witnesses.

For some groups of people, trouncing on his words, or more accurately, misconstruing his words to fit their knee jerk polemic against him, has become a favorite pastime.
In his article, Rabbi Pruzansky makes it unquestionably clear that no rapist under any circumstances should be exonerated in date rape cases that can be proven. Nor is Rabbi Pruzansky blaming the victim as many detractors are accusing him of.
What he is saying in layman terms is for women to avoid situations that could lead to bad scenarios.

Illegal Matzah Factory in Meah Sheorim Left 23 Families and 83 children Homeless from the Devastating Fire

 All frum News outlets are now schnorring for the 23 homeless Meah Shearim families .... 83 children among them!
Not one word about the gangster that had the illegal matzah factory ....
Not one outlet reported his name .... because of "Loshon Harah!" 
No one will hold this bastard accountable!!  
Question: How many people have to be murdered in these dangerous houses that have these factories, to finally have people outraged against these barbarians ? 

Arab Terrorist shot dead .... never married because he was waiting for '72 virgins in Paradise.'

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Ibrahim Barda'aya, a 54-year-old single resident of al-Aroub to the north of Hevron in Judea, was recently shot dead by security forces as he attempted to conduct a stabbing attack armed with a butcher's knife.

Ibrahim Barda'aya, a 54-year-old single resident of al-Aroub to the north of Hevron in Judea, was recently shot dead by security forces as he attempted to conduct a stabbing attack armed with an ax.

The imam of Barda'aya's mosque Abdallah Azam told the Hamas paper Palestine that the terrorist merited to be a "martyr" and to "marry virgins in Paradise," reciting the classic Muslim trope used in inciting terror attacks.
According to the terrorist's imam, Azam chose to be single and consciously did not marry specifically because he wanted to die a terrorist and "marry virgins" in the afterlife. Barda'aya's family members made similar statements to the paper.

In Muslim theology "martyrs" are those who die while trying to implement the path of Allah, and they are given immediate atonement for all their sins with the first drop of their blood.

"Martyrs" are likewise freed of the tribulations of the grave, a crown of honor is placed on their heads, and they marry 72 virgins from Paradise known as Hoor al-Ayn. 

They can bring 70 of their family members along with them into Paradise.

An added twist is that "martyrs" are granted the sexual potency of 100 men, according to the Muslim faith.
Apparently all of the perks were too much for Barda'aya to resist and he happily set off to murder Jews, before being shot dead in his tracks.

The "martyr" belief further posits that if the Muslim wife of a "martyr" is devout she will remain his wife in Paradise.

 Women are eligible for the delights of the world to come with their husbands. If a Muslim woman marries several times, she will belong to her last husband in Paradise.

One of the traditions posits that in Paradise each man will have only one wife, while the righteous will have two wives, and "martyrs" will have 72 because they enter Paradise without any sins on their souls.

A Woman Will Replace Andrew Jackson On $20 Bill ..... Chareidim Outraged!

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Will the Rebbis and their Gabbaim reject the "lady" 20s' with the kvittlach?
Will the chassidim now have to pony up 100 dollar bills?

There are rumors that Askanim in Kiryas Yoel are scrambling to lobby congress to have the late Rebbetzin Feige Teitelbaum's photo on the $20.00 bill.....but these are only rumors...
The Cheshben is ... that since it was decided to put a lady on the $20.00 bill why not have a photo of a "tzadeikis" on it?
R' Aron Teitelbaum's rebbetzin has been ruled out because she speaks Ivrit, Lo aleinu  and is a closet Zionist!
R' Zalman Leib's rebbettzin has also been ruled out since she makes a lousy  potato keegel and it  tastes like manure!

The Lakewood aAskanim don't give two hoots as long as the bills are legal tender, they will take them! 
But they did discuss cutting out all female names from the entire Tanach ....and eliminating Taanis Esther because it congers up all kinds of evil thoughts!

The Editors of Yated, Hamodia, Ami and Mishpacha are meeting to discuss what measures they can take to influence Congress not to go ahead with this proposal ... they will point out that they have been in business now for over a decade and their readers have no idea  what a female looks like, yet they manage to sell papers and magazines!
On the agenda will be a discussion of the "shidduch crises" as well!
The editors feel that putting a photo of a lady on the 20 dollar bill, chas v'sholom, may exacerbate the crises, since the bochrim will now look at the bill and expect the girls they date to look like the lady on the bill! 
I understand that no Herring will be served at this meeting!

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will announce this week that Alexander Hamilton will remain on the $10 bill and Andrew Jackson will be pushed off the $20 note in favor of a woman from American history, The Daily Mail reports.
The announcement will come around a year after an online petition called for Jackson to be replaced with a woman, and ten months after Lew announced he wanted to replace Hamilton instead. Rather than removing Hamilton from the $10 bill, the rear of the note will instead feature a mural depicting women’s suffrage, The Daily Mail adds.
Jackson will be ousted in favor of a woman representing the fight for racial equality, the source said.
The new $20 note won’t be issued until 2030 at the earliest.

Kiddush Fight over Shmaltz Herring, One Herring Fresser Stabbed

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I don't know .... In my shul all Kideishim have a million different herrings ... 
I personally prefer the real Matjes Herring, and I would probably stab someone for a piece! 

During the Shabbas morning kiddush at a synagogue in Melbourne, Australia, one of the men stabbed his fellow synagogue mates, moderately wounding him in the upper body, according to a report in Kikar Shabbat.
The Age reports the attack happened near the Yeshiva Synagogue.Kikar HaShabbat says it happened at the Rambam Synagogue.
According to witnesses, a fight broke out between the two over some herring that one didn’t want to pass to the second. The man then picked up a knife and stabbed the other man, to the shock of everyone else there.
Hatzalah quickly treated the man and he was taken to the hospital.
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Ezra Friedlander says it's ok for Kasich to link Pesach and the blood of Jesus

Jews have known to be smart, but apparently we have our share of dummies too! 
Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlnader is Hillary's chief Tuches Leker, but somehow  he managed to weasel himself into Kasich's Boro Park Republican campaign.

Kasich, the Ohio Governor visited Boro Park to try to steal some Jewish Trump voters but instead made a bunch of boo boos' 

The first major mistake was to get The Kapo Ezra to be his publicist on this visit. 
Who can ever forget when "The Kapo" told Boro Park Holocaust survivors that the Iran Deal was a good thing for the Jewish people and backed Jerrold "The Fatso" Nadler, who voted for the deal!

When the Ohio Governor, Kasich, a Roman Catholic said:

“The great link between the blood that was put above the lampposts. The blood of the lamb, because Jesus Christ is known as the lamb of God. It’s his blood, we believe …”

Friedlander in an interview with th JTA said about Kasich's statement :
“He’s very knowledgeable and he takes his religion very seriously, In context, I thought it was appropriate.”

The dummy, Friedlander will do anything for money, even to say that Kasich was "appropriate" to link Jesus with Pesach!

I think that it would be more "appropriate" for Boro Park Jews to give Ezra "his last supper" and dump him before he puts his paw in his mouth again!

Kasich also drew grimaces from the crowd as he shook his box of shmura matzah to emphasize his points. If the expensive, delicate matzahs inside are broken, they become unsuitable for ritual use????

Friday, April 15, 2016

Vicious "frum" anti-Semite Yaakov Shapiro will discuss US Elections tonight on radio

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The Snake Shapiro
Yaakov Shapiro the spokesman for the Neturei Karta savages will be live on the radio station WSNR 620AM from 9-10PM.....

Phone number: 401-347 0304

He will be spewing his venom against his fellow brothers and sisters that reside in Israel!
Supposedly he will be discussing the US elections from a "Torah viewpoint"

It's important for every single Jew to call the station and innundate him with the genuine Torah View!
This miserable skunk, Yaakov Shapiro is a Pulpit Rabbi of the Young Israel of Bayswater! 
How his congregants don't throw him the hell out and ship him to Gaza, only G-D knows!

"Jews for Bernie" - really?

DNC For Hillary

Honest, I don’t know if it’s ever been this bad. Every day I read something that makes it seem like American Jews have lost their minds.

Listen to this: 
“What he stands for is what my Judaism has been about my whole life,” Jeff Marker, a Jewish Renewal rabbi from Brooklyn, said in an interview at the brunch.

 “Social justice, and understanding that peace and security for Israel only comes when there is peace and justice for Palestinians.”

That came from a “Jews for Bernie” brunch in Manhattan, covered by JTA, and typifies what was being said at an event that could have been named “Jews for Farrakhan.” Consider me in the dark as to what the heck is going on with my landsmen here in America.

Obviously there is something I’m not getting when I hear “peace and justice for the Palestinians” as if it’s Israel’s fault for every Arab stabbing attack.

What is a “Jewish Renewal rabbi” anyway? What’s there to renew after 3,500 years? Is Bernie coming to renew with his new blood libel?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Every Jew Must Vote for Ted Cruz

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Here we have a guy who consistently voted for Israel even though the majority of his constituents weren't Jewish!   A guy who walked out of a Christian Conference because they booed Israel ...
It's payback time! Jews have been taught that Hakoras Hatoiv is the biggest virtue ...
Let's practice what we preach ....
Before Pesach let's clean out our Chametz of liberal left leaning self hating Jews! 

Here is a letter of an Employee of Tom Cruz...worth taking two minutes to see what he has to say about his boss!
I couldn't have written it better myself!

St. Lawrence arrested before Shachris .... Monsey Developers Panicking

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Now the guy, Rav Ungarisher ז״ל, called an אוהב ישראל because he was able to be bribed, which made  it easier for developers to pave over all greenery in Monsey, was finally caught with his hand in the cookie jar! The גמרא  so aptly stated סוף גנב לתליה !

FBI officials grabbed him at ווסיקין .... And now he will sing and bring down all the guy with the keys and lights ........

Simone Zimmerman a "Jewish Snot Nose" is Bernie Sanders "Jewish outreach coordinator"

Let us note that Bernie Sanders is running the most openly anti-Jewish campaign in presidential history. 

And like him, the chief purveyors of his animus to Jews, are other Jews. 

His new "Jewish outreach coordinator" the 26 year old Simone Zimmerman is a frothing at the mouth, potty mouthed Jewish anti-Semite!

 The bitch is a BDS supporter and anti-Israel activist in If Not Now, a J Street front group harassing Jewish charities who help people in Israel, as its Jewish Outreach Director.

Simone Zimmerman appears to have gotten in bed with JVP, a militantly anti-Semitic organization which views the Jewish community as "the enemy" and has defended terrorism against Jews. 
Simone Zimmerman has joined the JVP hate group in condemning attempts to fight campus anti-Semitism. 
In response to Hamas attacks on Israel, Simone Zimmerman the "Snot Nose" said, “We think it’s important to understand the context of occupation". And declared that she opposed the campaign against Hamas that began after the brutal murder of three Jewish teens by Hamas terrorists.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chareidim rip off Frum Jews before Pesach

Naaa.... it's not enough that we get ripped off on everything from phone services to actual levayis...nope!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know guys, the Heimishe Hashgachos  don't let you live, and they don't let you die anymore either,(a topic for another day) before they rip you off !

Now they are selling us "Salt Water" for Pesach!!!!
Who buys this crap? Someone must be buying this.... 

I'll bet it's the poor families, they must  be buying this crap after listening to  their Rabbis scream and rant at Shabbos HaGodal drashos, that everything without a "Heimishe" Hechsher is treif....they are probably buying this...

They also sell month old eggs for the seder....
Someone is going to die from this, and the Holy Gedoilim will blame it on the Zionists...
Like the bizzare Shitah of Satmar that blames the Holocaust on the Zionists....ignoring the fact that the Zionists who were in Israel all survived and the anti Zionists were gassed to death! 

I noticed that the Heimishe Groceries also sell vegetables for Pesach covered in dirt! 
I thought I was imagining it ..... but noooooooooooo
they then put the veggies with  the "pesach dirt" on the scale and charged me for the dirt too!

Notice that the Kosher L'Pesach Smartphone covers, have no Hashgacha, because the Billionaire, the Nirbarter, won't put his name on anything that has anything to do with a smartphone....
He would rather get you on the Kosher Le'Pesach Bleach!

Rav A"YK Kook's Funeral .... Video Clip

Only the first 4.5 minutes of the clip recently distributed by the Israel State Archives are from Rav Kook's levayeh. 
Notice the crowds made up of all types of Jews.... all mourned this Kohein Gadol, just like the Torah writes about Ahron Ha"kohein that all mourned him ....