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Showing posts with label Young Israel of Bayswater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Young Israel of Bayswater. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Vicious "frum" anti-Semite Yaakov Shapiro will discuss US Elections tonight on radio

Image result for Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
The Snake Shapiro
Yaakov Shapiro the spokesman for the Neturei Karta savages will be live on the radio station WSNR 620AM from 9-10PM.....

Phone number: 401-347 0304

He will be spewing his venom against his fellow brothers and sisters that reside in Israel!
Supposedly he will be discussing the US elections from a "Torah viewpoint"

It's important for every single Jew to call the station and innundate him with the genuine Torah View!
This miserable skunk, Yaakov Shapiro is a Pulpit Rabbi of the Young Israel of Bayswater! 
How his congregants don't throw him the hell out and ship him to Gaza, only G-D knows!