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Showing posts with label simone Zimmerman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simone Zimmerman. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Simone Zimmerman a "Jewish Snot Nose" is Bernie Sanders "Jewish outreach coordinator"

Let us note that Bernie Sanders is running the most openly anti-Jewish campaign in presidential history. 

And like him, the chief purveyors of his animus to Jews, are other Jews. 

His new "Jewish outreach coordinator" the 26 year old Simone Zimmerman is a frothing at the mouth, potty mouthed Jewish anti-Semite!

 The bitch is a BDS supporter and anti-Israel activist in If Not Now, a J Street front group harassing Jewish charities who help people in Israel, as its Jewish Outreach Director.

Simone Zimmerman appears to have gotten in bed with JVP, a militantly anti-Semitic organization which views the Jewish community as "the enemy" and has defended terrorism against Jews. 
Simone Zimmerman has joined the JVP hate group in condemning attempts to fight campus anti-Semitism. 
In response to Hamas attacks on Israel, Simone Zimmerman the "Snot Nose" said, “We think it’s important to understand the context of occupation". And declared that she opposed the campaign against Hamas that began after the brutal murder of three Jewish teens by Hamas terrorists.