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Showing posts with label Rabbi Pruzansky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Pruzansky. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The cowardly smear campaign against Rabbi Pruzansky

by Rabbi Avraham Gordimer 
I am not defending the substance of his essays (here and here, I might agree or disagree with them but what I am writing here would be valid in any case. He could be dead wrong on every point,even though his presentation was based on studies and analyses – but they could be wrong as well.
However, there is something entirely different going on –

Monday, April 18, 2016

Rabbi Pruzansky .... his side of the story!

by Rabbi Pruzansky

Only in the mind of the modern feminist can an orthodox Rabbi advocate for pre-marital sexual abstinence and be deemed a rape apologist. 

Such was the peculiar response in some precincts to my “A Novel Idea” (readers are advised to click the link before going on).

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Rabbi Pruzansky and Rape!

Zahava Englard's Profile Photo
Zahava Englard
by Zahava Englard
About Rabbi Pruzansky...
In the many years I have known Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, I have witnessed ceaseless mob-like attacks against him for stating his opinion on various issues from Israeli politics to his current article on the supposed rape culture, titled A Novel Idea, (https://rabbipruzansky.com/2016/03/31/a-novel-idea/ ) in which he tackles the dilemma of "he said - she said" rape cases on campus where there are no witnesses.

For some groups of people, trouncing on his words, or more accurately, misconstruing his words to fit their knee jerk polemic against him, has become a favorite pastime.
In his article, Rabbi Pruzansky makes it unquestionably clear that no rapist under any circumstances should be exonerated in date rape cases that can be proven. Nor is Rabbi Pruzansky blaming the victim as many detractors are accusing him of.
What he is saying in layman terms is for women to avoid situations that could lead to bad scenarios.