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Showing posts with label Kasich ezra fiedlander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kasich ezra fiedlander. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ezra Friedlander says it's ok for Kasich to link Pesach and the blood of Jesus

Jews have known to be smart, but apparently we have our share of dummies too! 
Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlnader is Hillary's chief Tuches Leker, but somehow  he managed to weasel himself into Kasich's Boro Park Republican campaign.

Kasich, the Ohio Governor visited Boro Park to try to steal some Jewish Trump voters but instead made a bunch of boo boos' 

The first major mistake was to get The Kapo Ezra to be his publicist on this visit. 
Who can ever forget when "The Kapo" told Boro Park Holocaust survivors that the Iran Deal was a good thing for the Jewish people and backed Jerrold "The Fatso" Nadler, who voted for the deal!

When the Ohio Governor, Kasich, a Roman Catholic said:

“The great link between the blood that was put above the lampposts. The blood of the lamb, because Jesus Christ is known as the lamb of God. It’s his blood, we believe …”

Friedlander in an interview with th JTA said about Kasich's statement :
“He’s very knowledgeable and he takes his religion very seriously, In context, I thought it was appropriate.”

The dummy, Friedlander will do anything for money, even to say that Kasich was "appropriate" to link Jesus with Pesach!

I think that it would be more "appropriate" for Boro Park Jews to give Ezra "his last supper" and dump him before he puts his paw in his mouth again!

Kasich also drew grimaces from the crowd as he shook his box of shmura matzah to emphasize his points. If the expensive, delicate matzahs inside are broken, they become unsuitable for ritual use????