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Showing posts sorted by date for query Learning a trade. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bobov Doesn't Think Moshiach Is Coming Anytime Soon

I am happy that Schools are being built for our Jewish Children learning Torah, but having said that, I'm thinking, that the Chareidie World has learned absolutely zero from the Holocaust. 

I know that they believe that come Moshiach all those buildings will fly (El Al) to Israel. I know that the Zohar mentions this, and this is their excuse to build monstrosities in Chutz Le'aaaretz. Im not sure what the Zohar is actually saying, but the facts are unfortunately different, witness the expulsion of Spain, the expulsion of England and the Holocaust proved that this is NOT the case. Mosidois Hatorah were totally destroyed in Chutz Le'aartz not too long ago, and those burned down buildings are not coming to Israel  anytime soon even when Moshiach comes. 
First of all, we have no room for them in Israel, and second of all, we don't need burned down buildings in Israel, ask those who lived in the south on October 7. 

They haven't even learned from their experiences in the USA! 
Where is the new Bobover Yeshiva building built in Crown Heights? I remember as a child attending that groundbreaking and the Chanukas Habayis! What happened to all the beautiful Shuls in East New York, Brownsville, Bedford Stuyvesant and The Bronx? 
What do they think is going to happen to Boro-Park? Do they think that the goyim are going to stand by and watch Jews taking over? Are we blind and oblivious to what is happening throughout the world?
 Bobov is building what they think is the "future" I suggest that they put Chassidishe Sefarim aside for a half hour and instead take out a history book and learn about what the goyim did to the Jews just in the last century, this might be a start for a good education. 

Until 911, Hashem protected the USA and not one war had any effect on the USA territory itself, and that is because the USA is a medina shel chesed
911 was a message to the USA that "If you abandon My values, I will remove that protection."  Hashem sent Muslims to the World Trade Center to wake up America .As long as the USA cares and backs Israel, the USA will be protected but once she abandons the majority of the Jewish people that live in Israel and caters to the Arabs in Michigan all because of an election, the USA will be doomed, and we are witnessing the rapid fall of this once great country in the here and now! 

Whether you are a Zionist or you are an antizionist Jew living in the USA, know that your success is bound to how Israel is treated. You can quote the Vayoel Moshe until kingdom comes or until the cows come home, but if your leaders are satisfied in Chutz Leaaretz and do not fight hand and foot against the policies of the Biden administration, you are doomed. 
Letters from the Moetzes Hagdola about the Israeli draft will not bring Moshiach. New Bobover buildings will not bring Moshiach. Expansion of Kiryas Yoel, New Square and Fakewood will not bring Moshiach. Bringing the mayor or the governor to rebbes to get their blessings and "chanfe" them, will not bring Moshiach. 
What the Ribono Shel Oilom wants to see is Jews returning to the land that Hashem gifted us and for those who choose to remain in Chul, being genuinely concerned how their government is treating Israel, because that is a reflection what their government really thinks of the Jews! 

Have you taken the time to write a letter to your elected officials?  
Not too long ago the then President Obama pushed the murderous Iran Deal, Jewish ASS'kanim wrote in  all the Frum News Sites that this is a good thing!???????????? 
 The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe started a writing campaign to Representatives, and hundreds of thousands of Satmar Chassidim wrote that they support this deal!! Unbelievable! 

I am wondering, did even ONE Satmar Chusid write to their elected officials one word in support of Israel? Guys, it's a time of war, are Satmar Chassidim still davening three times a day that the State of Israel (should G-D forbid) be destroyed?? 

I have news for you guys, the Ribbono Shel Olom doesn't have to look at chilonim, the RBS"O doesn't have to look at the Ziyonim all He has to do is look at us Frum Jews, how we don't care about the only Jewish Nation in the entire world.
 The RBS"O watched as did all the Goyim to see how many Jews would attend the rally in Washington DC. To see how many cared. Out of 5 million Jews a mere 500,00 showed up. Rabbanim after WW2 swore that they would never let that happen again, that they would march in the streets not to allow another annihilation to happen. Instead, the R"Y the Tzadddikim came up with all kinds of excuses, why not to show up. Oh! "a galich will speak" "oh! an actress will speak" ... "the event was organized "nish fun unzereh" 
But what the goyim saw was not who spoke, but who showed up! 

Schumer looked around and saw that few of his voters showed up and he understood that his frum constituents would continue to vote for him as long as he throws money to the moisdois! He knew and witnessed that they didn't care about Israel! 
The frum community better wake up quick, those who hate Israel, hate Jews. 

I have to admit that there was a large kinnus in Flatbush where thousands attended and said tehillim, but we in Israel weren't comforted by that; we didn't see one Israeli flag! 
The Secular News watching this event had no idea what this kinnos was about as there wasn't anything showing that this kinnus was connected to anything that happened in Israel. 
The Israeli Flag, like it or not represents Jews. When a Goy sees the Israeli Flag, he sees a Jewish Flag! Would it have hurt someone if they had brought one Israeli Flag to the event? 
What was the message? It wasn't to say tehillim in public, no! ...they could have rented a venue. The message they gave was that we Jews are NOT like those who were murdered, we are different, we wear black hats and white shirts. Well I have news for you black hatters, the Jews that got murdered in the south also hated the flag, you are one of the same. They also hated the medina! It would have been a Kiddush Hashem if the RY saying tehillim were clutching an Israeli Flag the flag hated in the entire world and said proudly we are one. "When you murder one of us, no matter his or her observance we are all brothers and sisters, "but sadly that message did not come across and the ASS"akanim were afraid of the anti-Zionists and so caved like a wet cardboard carton. What a waste!

The RBS"O could have made it that 1.500 Jews be murdered in chutz le'aaretz, why in the State of Israel? Oh! I know all your frum answers, I am way past that. 

I'll tell you my thoughts on why, and listen closely. 
If this would have happened in any part of the world, the world would have been outraged and the Jewish people would have had alot of sympathy, because there wasn't any way they could defend themselves and the world loves dead Jews not Jews that defend themselves.  and so there wouldn't have been an awakening to the Jewish people,  that ALL Goyim hate Us! There wouldn't have been an awakening at all! The college campuses would have been marching in sympathy for dead Jews. 

The fact that this happened in Israel, and the Jews, thank G-d, used the army to go into Gaza and murder the assailants and rapists is why the world is outraged. They are outraged because Jews are fighting back, and that is what brought out all the antisemitic roaches from their hiding places. In Chutz Le'aartz the Jews would have not been able to defend themselves so they would have garnered sympathy but in Eretz Yisrael where Jews fought back is where the proverbial dog is hidden. 

During the Holocaust not ONE nation came to save the Jews, not One! Yes, they fought the Nazis but they fought the Germans because of their own self-interests not one fought Germany to save the Jews. We now have a country albeit not perfect, that is Jewish, and they care if Jews are being murdered anywhere in the world, be it in Entebbe, be it Yemen, Ukraine etc, they have an army and they will do everything they can do to protect and save their fellow Jews. Her borders are open to all Jews, and for the first time in thousands of years a Jew no longer needs to be a refugee! In Monroe and New Square the cities are not open to all Jews, your wife has to shave her head bald, but in Israel ALL Jews are welcome. 

For the first time in history when the goyim come to kill us as they will inevitably do, we will fight back and pursue them anywhere in the world they may hide. Yes ... it gives us some comfort knowing that. 

Hashem wanted to let the Chutz Le'aaretz Jews know that "You are not safe anywhere in the world."  "ALL Goyim hate You" "They hate the boys and girls that were Mechalleil Yom Tov in Nova, they hate the leftists that loved the Arabs, and who hated what the State of Israel stands for and they hate the Chareidim that live in Bnei-Brak, all the same "but this would have never happened had this occurred anywhere else in the world.

So, yes,  Bobov keep building your monstrosities in chutz le'aaretz, the Goyim and the Mayor are not impressed and neither is Hashem! We can never forget when the Bobover Rebbe told his audience that they shouldn't pray for the soldiers, and this was in the midst of our boys fighting in Gaza! 

Below watch how naive Bobover Chassidim listen intently to the Mayor quote the most influential antisemite of our time ... Bishop Tutu! 

 A momentous occasion was marked on Sunday night, as the Bobover Chassidus inaugurated two new buildings in Boro Park: a girls’ school building located at the corner of 13th Avenue and 51st Street, and a new Cheder Building located at 13th Avenue and 36th Street.

This joyous event took place at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, led by Yochi Fleishman of YF Productions.

The event was graced by the presence of the Bobover Rebbe Shlita, Community leaders, and city officials, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who addressed the massive crowd.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Moshe Feiglin: Torah World Can Only Benefit From Stopping State Funding


 In a Twitter post on the issue of state funding of yeshiva students, former Knesset member and right-wing ideologue Moshe Feiglin says that stopping the funding is the best possible thing that could happen to the world of Torah.

“It is good for the Torah and good for the charedim,” Feiglin said, since 1) No Torah study will stop 2) Yeshivos will direct private funding to those who are learning 3) Those who are not learning will learn a trade 4) The Torah world will be truly independent and will not depend on state money which comes attached to political demands.

Feiglin quoted Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz who had requested from Ben Gurion to separate religion from state. Ben Gurion answered that he would never separate the state from religion because if it is separate it will be independent and will present a challenge for every state. Instead he wanted the state “to grip religion in its hand.”

Feiglin said that it is impossible to totally separate the Jewish religion from a Jewish state, but it should at least be separated from politics as much as possible, for example rabbis should be appointed by their own communities and not with state intervention.

He concluded: “We will all be surprised at how well the Torah world will manage without the state’s assistance.”

Moshe Feiglin

Saturday, January 6, 2024

24 of Teves – Miriam the Washerwoman

 If you visit Har Hamenuchos on Chof Daled, the 24th of Teves, you might notice a big group of Yidden gathered around a specific kever. But whose kever are they visiting? And why are they davening there?

Our story begins far away, in the Arab country of Kurdistan, where a woman named Miriam Mizrachi bas Mama, lived with her husband. 

One day, her husband suddenly passed away, leaving her all alone. They had no children, and now, she had no husband.

With tears in her eyes, Miriam gathered some food and a few of her things and set out for Eretz Yisrael, where she hoped to live for the rest of her life.

She walked on foot, through sandy deserts, under the blazing hot sun, for many weeks, until she finally arrived in Yerushalayim. 

Miriam was tired, hungry, and covered in sand. But where would she sleep? 

Too proud to ask for tzedakah, Miriam began work as a washerwoman, cleaning houses and laundry for families who lived in Meah She’arim. She made just enough money pay for her food and her little, tiny house.

The sun rose over the small stone homes in Yerushalayim, shining a soft, warm light through the window. Miriam sat up and stretched. Today is going to be a good day. 

She reached for a pail of water nearby to wash negel vasser, listening to the cool water splashing into the small bucket.

Miriam dried the last few drops off her hands and smiled. It was her favorite day of the week – the day she got to clean the home of the great Tzaddik, Reb Shlomke of Zevhil. 

There were many stories about Reb Shlomke making great miracles happen. Miriam knew it was a big zechus to work in his home. 

She lifted her eyes to Shamayim and thought, Hashem, I will start the day by davening to You the only way I know how.

“Shalom, Shechinah,” she said simply. 

“Shalom Avraham Avinu, Shalom Moshe Rabbeinu…”

Miriam said “Shalom” to all the tzaddikim she knew about, trying to connect with each of them, even though they weren’t around anymore. 

You see, she’d never gone to school when she was younger. She didn’t know how to read the Alef Beis, or even how to make a bracha. These simple words to Hashem were the best she could do – and she knew Hashem was listening.

After her short tefillah, Miriam cut a piece of bread and lifted her eyes up to Shamayim once more. 

“Thank you Hashem,” she whispered, before biting into the bread. She then rushed out the door and through the narrow streets of the old city, until she reached Reb Shlomke’s home. 

Miriam greeted everyone with a big smile. “Good morning,” she said, before getting to work. Leaving a large pot of water to boil, she gathered all the dirty clothes and set them aside in a big pile. 

As the water boiled, she cleaned the house and swept the floors. Soon, the house was sparkling. She then took the clothes one by one, soaking them in the boiling water and rubbing them against a hard wooden board to get the stains out.

I’m so lucky to help out in the home of such a great tzaddik, she thought with a smile. I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world. 

Soon, all the stains were gone. Miriam poured out the dirty, brown water and filled the bucket with clean water to rinse off the clothes. 

Finally, it was time for everything to dry. She squeezed out all the water and then hung the clothes around the courtyard to dry under the nice, warm Yerushlayim sun. 

When she was done, Miriam’s hands were tired and her bones hurt from all the bending and rubbing and scrubbing. She said goodbye and walked back through the tiny streets of Meah She’arim, until she arrived back home.

It was dark and empty, as usual. Miriam sat down and sighed – she was tired. If only I had a child, – she thought. How much happier my life would be. After whispering a short tefilla to Hashem, one that came straight from her heart, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Years passed. Week after week, Miriam dropped by the home of Reb Shlomke of Zevhil to clean and wash his laundry. But even though she greeted everyone with a smile, every day, she felt lonelier and lonelier. She really wished she had a child. 

As she swished the clothes around the bucket with a big wooden stick, she couldn’t help but think: If I don’t have a child, who will remember me when I pass away?

One day, the pain became too much. After hanging all the clothing out to dry, she went back inside the house and walked, nervously, to the room where Reb Shlomke was learning. 

The Tzaddik’s holy face made her step back in awe. A bright light shone around Reb Shlomke as he bent over his sefer, thinking about the Torah’s deepest secrets. For a few moments, Miriam just stood by quietly, until she finally said. “Rebbe, may I have a bracha for a child?”

For a second, it seemed like the Tzaddik hadn’t heard her. Miriam held her breath, wondering what to do.

Suddenly, Reb Shlomke looked up from his sefer and shook his head from side to side. “I can’t help you,” he said, sadly.

Monday, January 1, 2024

DIN: A Question to those Roshei Yeshiva that compare IDF Soldiers who are "Moiser Nefesh" to Garbage Collectors


זבולון לחוף ישכן  ..  יששכר חמר גרם

"Zevulin shall dwell at the shore of the sea"

"Yissachar is a large-boned donkey"

These words appeared in last week's parsha, when Yaakov on his deathbed blessed his children.

Commentaries are struggling with why Yaakov when addressing Yissacher & Zevulin mentions the younger Zevulin first.

The Rashbam postulates that since Zevulin engaged in trade using ships to trade abroad, it was Zevulin who provided sustenance for shevet Yissachar , allowing the latter to be engaged in the study of Torah, so he, Zevulin is mentioned first for he made it possible for Yissacher to go unscathed and devote himself to Torah. 

Yaakov saw fit to place a son of his who was involved in business, (not involved in putting his life on the line but involved in business,) on a higher pedestal than the one learning Torah because the businessman allowed the Torah Learner to dedicate himself to Torah, yet 3,500 years later a leading Roshei Yeshiva not only doesn't he acknowledge the sacrifice of an IDF soldier, who is protecting those learning, but compares him to a "garbage collector" 

And why did this bully ridicule the IDF soldiers?  

Because this coward is afraid that his talmidim respecting these heroes would come to admire them and maybe they would "chas ve'sholom" want to join. This frightens him! My message to him is, "if you are so worried that your talmidim would want to join them, then you have not instilled the proper love of the Torah in their souls. Someone who loves Torah so much that he makes it his "umnosoh" would never want to leave learning. You must be a very bad mechanich and a poor communicator. Leave your job in Yeshivah and become a garbage collector. 

? זו תורה וזו שכרה

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Rabbi Dov Landau 0f Bnei Brak Attacks New Yeshiva in Beit Shemesh Combining Secular Studies


Before I comment on the article below I want to let you guys know that in Israel having over 100,000 Avrachim learning in Kollel, is not sustainable, not for the families of the Avrachim and not for the State. The Avrachim have an average of 8 children, bli ayin hara, and even though they all get government subsidies, they cannot make it financially. There isn't enough income to generate savings to make weddings or other simchas or to buy them diras! 

Their wives work, true, but most of them work as teachers, or assistant teachers in the Bais Yaakovs and make a pittance, ask MK Minister Goldknaupf, the Gerer Chasid who is presently the Minister of Housing. When he ran the Bais Yaakovs in Bnei Brak, he made sure to fire the Teachers right before they became eligible for benefits. 


 It was recently announced that a new yeshiva  will be opening in Beit Shemesh headed by Rabbi Dovid Leibel which will incorporate secular studies outside the yeshiva in an Open University format.

On Monday, Rabbi Dov Landau, who currently heads the Council Of Torah Sages, wrote a sharp letter criticizing the initiative. The letter was published in Yated Neeman and signed by all of the members of the council except for Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, who is currently hospitalized in serious condition with respiratory problems.

DIN: Let's not forget that for years, The Yated's prime and distinguished writer was none other than the author of Kid's speak, Chaim Walder, the sexual predator and rapist who broke up countless families. Chaim Walder was also the founder and director of the Child and Family Center of Bnei Brak, and performed all kinds of Torah prohibitions under the noses of Rabbanim such as Rav Landau and his late father.  The paragraph hints that the only reason Harav Ezrachi (who Should have a Refuah Shleimah) didn't sign the letter was because he "is currently hospitalized. 

Interesting, that both Rav Ezrachi & Rav Zilberstein would sign a letter against a Yeshiva incorporating secular studies, since they made it their business to address The Agudah Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim in 2022 to an audience of Baalei Batim of whom 90% graduated college, and of whom 100% attended Yeshivas with secular studies!

Rabbi Landau heard about the initiative during a trip to the US from a Rosh Yeshiva who explained to him the details and warned of the dangers in establishing such an institution. 

DIN: Who was the Rosh Yeshiva? What is his name? 

I'm wondering if this "Rosh Yeshiva" himself attended a Yeshiva that had secular studies? 

All Litvishe Yeshivas in the USA have secular studies in their curriculum and most have their students take the regents! Why would a US Rosh Yeshiva who most probably attended a Yeshiva with secular studies and has his own children in a Yeshiva that has secular studies, put his nose in Israeli Chareidie education? 

Rabbi Landau requested that his letter be signed by the other Gedolim and published in Yated Neeman.

DIN: He will no doubt find "other Gedolim" who are worried that Avreichim will finally come to their senses and start learning a trade and leave them. R' Landau wants it published in the "Yated" the paper of the notorious pervert!

The letter was co-signed by Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman, Rabbi Baruch Dov Povarski, Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein and Rabbi Zvi Drabkin.

The letter states that “Torah study has always been clean and unsullied by any trace of mixing with other disciplines, and our rabbis devoted themselves and fought holy wars against any plans to mix even the slightest amount of other studies within the walls of the Torah fortresses and holy yeshivos.

DIN: Having secular studies in a Torah environment  is something "not clean and sullied?" 

Rabbi Landau with all due respect, Yeshiva Torah Vadaas, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, Yeshiva Mir, Yeshiva Chasan Sofer, Veener, Ger, Stolin, Bobov, Tzelem,  and yes even Satmar all have secular studies in their curriculum. These Yeshivas were headed by the greatest Gedoilim of the 20th century including Rav Moshe Feinstein, R' Yaakov Kaminetzki, Mattesdorfer Rav, Tzelemer Rav and R' Gedalyeh Schorr etc. etc. 

“However we have now heard that people are planning to establish an institution called a yeshiva gedolah which mixes the holy and the profane, Heaven forfend, in the city of Beit Shemesh.

DIN: Excuse me... did they just write "that people are planning?"  Who are those "people?" Rav Rabbi Dovid Leibel, the president of the Achvas Torah communities, is just "people?" So he isn't a "gadol" because he disagrees? 

Most people in Ramat Beit Shemesh where they are planning this Yeshiva are Anglos, who want this Yeshiva for their children, to make it possible that their children become financially independent and would be able to support their wives as promised in the kesuba, they don't want to come to the US to schnoor because they're children cannot make it financially. 

Kol Ha'Kovod to these parents. 

By the way, these parents are Bnei-Torah, who sacrificed to make Aliya, run to shiurim, and set up massive Chesed Organizations. They moved to Beit Shemesh, not to Bnei Brak, because this is exactly what they want for the children!

“It is our duty to warn against this and to raise a huge storm to alert the Yere’ei Hashem wherever they are that they should not send their children and disciples to this place or give them any support G-d forbid.

DIN: "G-d forbid????" "Alert the Yere'ei Hashem?" ????????

Did you "alert the community" of Bnei Brak when a Chareidie harbored knowingly an illegal Arab and his brother in his home, that turned out to be a terrorist that stabbed his neighbor an avreich.?

Did you "alert the community" the "Yer'ei Hashem" when Chaim Walder was sleeping and raping married women of your community? 

This little fact was known by the Bais Din of Bnei-Brak for 5 years before the community  was "alerted." One of those women went public and stated that she took the sex-fiend Walder to Bais Din in Bnei-Brak, five years prior,  and that the Bais Din ruled that she must leave her husband but refused to notify Walder's wife, the woman subsequently learned of 4 other woman in the exact same circumstances. And even when the facts came out, most of the Litvishe Gedoilim said it was "Loshon Hara" to expose him. 

Are we living on different planets? 

If you don't want to send your children to this school , then great, but to announce in the "Yated Pervert Paper"that people should "not support" them is a chillul Hashem, and is actually going against countless Gemarras that not only advocate work, advocate  a trade but in fact state that working in Israel and learning a trade is a parent obligation!

“Happy is he who can uproot this scourge before it begins, and will keep the House of Israel faithful to Hashem and his Torah free of any aspects of this iniquitous culture, remaining sanctified to Torah study, keeping Mitzvos and following the Torah path.”

DIN: Happy is the one who can learn a trade, support his family in comfort, and still keep up with learning Torah "be'naachas ube'kavod" 

A Kiddush Hashem would be to support this new Yeshiva Gedoileh headed by an outstanding Talmud Chachem and a prominent leader of a great community!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why are Chareidim in the US Covering Up the the Amount of Dead from the Virus??

by Rabbi Yitzchok Rudomin

How many Jews have died from the Coronavirus in the USA? 

This is a question that is never openly asked and studiously avoided.


 If you live in America, as I do, it should be a very basic question, to know exactly what is going on around you. After all, doesn’t knowing this bolster the case of those who take it seriously, and counter the what-me-worry attitude of those who are ignoring social distancing?

I just read an article claiming that Orthodox rabbis cannot agree on how and if to resume prayer Minyanim. 

Wouldn’t it help them decide if they could measure the scope of the tragedies around them? 

It would bring home the level of severity of this health crisis for those slacking off, and bring us face to face with the enormity of the losses American Jewry has suffered and confirm our need to mourn for the victims, particularly in Orthodox-Haredi-Hasidic-Sefardi circles in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan areas that have tragically been hit hard, and still are suffering.

In Israel, the Jewish homeland where the situation was under control and is evidently improving, there is an exact count of Jews who have passed away from the Coronavirus. Reports say that of the almost 300 victims who have passed away, about 70% are from the Haredi sector. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

“Everyone Is Smart, Except Donald Trump:”

Rav Dov Fischer

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires, and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.
They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. 
But — oh, wow! — Can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.
Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.
The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty

Yosi Neufield
Judaism refers to its followers as “people of the book.” But the children — some 57,000 of them in New York City alone, according to the 2013 census — of the state’s ultra-Orthodox communities are largely being denied an education that includes science, math and English books.

In April, state Senator Simcha Felder (D – Brooklyn) refused to sign off on the state budget unless yeshivas, which accept millions of dollars in government funding, were given more autonomy over curricula. Per a Post editorial, “Felder demanded [legislation] to exempt private yeshivas from state requirements to provide adequate education in basic areas such as English, math, science and history.”
It was announced on Wednesday that Felder secured some $200,000 in discretionary funds for “education access” programs for Agudath Israel, the lobbying force that helped fight state efforts to impose instructional standards on yeshivas.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Yated Israel" Editor Denounces Yeshivah that Teaches a Trade

The Litvacks are slowly going insane! There I said it! 

They expect the Zhlubs to work their tails off to hand them money so that they can hang out in Bais Medrish all day! They do not want them to contribute to society!

This is the work of the Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva who feel threatened that they will lose the "kavod Ha'Torah" if 50,000 talmidim don't stand up for them when they walk in to give a shiur!

This learning full time business till you drop dead, is basically a new phenomenon in Jewish History....
In Europe there were a couple of people in town that learned full time and were supported by the town... but now the holy litvacks started a new minhag of everyone not working,ever!
This is causing Mosdos Ha'Torah to steal, because there is no way to support this crazy amount of guys, learning!

So the editor of the Israeli Yated, a hebrew rag written in hebrew, goes on a maniacal rant about a Yeshiva, that G-D Forbid, teaches a trade with limud Ha'Torah! Though the Mishna requires this, that won't convince the litvacks that know better then the Tanaim of the Mishna!

Yeshivat Chachmei Lev, located in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Yerushalayim, is a school for chareidi young men who combine limud Torah and secular studies towards earning a matriculation high school diploma. The school’s existence continues its uphill battle, as it comes under fire by the chareidi community.

The latest attack comes in the Tuesday 29 Sivan edition of Yated Neeman as editor Rav Yisrael Friedman attacks the school. Friedman writes that the Jerusalem Municipality has approved an allocation for the school and therefore, the little battle is over, albeit with a loss, and the large battle remains.
Friedman speaks of the battle of those who wish to pull Am Yisrael away from limud Torah, to permit them to integrate into the secular world. He speaks of enticing programs to attract bnei torah by “speaking of the window of opportunity” and “acting for the good of the chareidi tzibur”.

In short, Friedman uses Yated to dedicate a lengthy scathingly worked editorial, without offering a positive note as to the merit of the school and the need for such schools amid an awareness there are chareidi youths who do not see their future in a beis medrash fulltime yet they remain committed to their chareidi way of life. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern: We Need Secular Subjects Too


Crazy stuff! A Rav, a Talmud Chachum, repeats what the Rambam paskens Le'halacha, that if you don't teach your child a trade, he will become a thief, ... gets  flack from Chareidim! They claim that he is speaking against Daas Torah! 
Sick world out there! 

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita speaks out regarding what he feels is the need to educate children with limud Torah in addition to secular subjects to permit them an existence. 

He feels the State of Israel cannot exist as chareidim believe, learning Torah exclusively, and while this is of paramount importance, one must learn secular subjects to earn a livelihood.

He feels it is most unfortunate that this is still “neglected” in the chareidi world, adding there is no reason for this. 

He uses himself as an example, seeking to explain that as one who is learning, the study of secular subjects does not detract from limud Torah, but the two work well together side by side at some point, adding “One needn’t give up on something but encourage this”.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ami Magazine calls Vocational Colleges that solicit Chareidim "Morally repulsive"

The "morally repulsive,"  Frankfurter, publisher of the "Pro-Satmar Anti-Israel" Magazine, Ami, continues to make a fool of himself!

In this week's edition, The Frank, writes an editorial about his visit to the Jerusalem College of Technology's Machon Lev Institute, Israel's leading school of engineering for Modern men and women. 

The Institute was founded by the late Professor Zev Lev primarily for Hesder Talmidim. 

Machon Lev combines academic studies with Jewish learning and enrolls many Chareidim in separate campuses for men and women.

The Frank, interviewed the assistant to the President of the Mechon, Stuart Herskowitz, as he put it, to "ascertain whether Mechon Lev's goal was to teach a trade to those members of the chareidie community seeking a vocation to support themselves (a highly laudable undertaking), 
or to "meddle in the chareidi community's pedagogical philosophy and methods." 

 The Frank,  added the words, ("an ethically repugnant activity" in parenthesis, for some reason ... 

So, The Frank, traveled 5,000 miles from his home to Israel to "ascertain" if a school that helps Chareidim with parnassa and gives them a trade, that helps them support their families .... 
is "meddling" with "Chareidie philosophy"!

And what, does The Frank, think is Chareidie philosophy?

But he won't, G-d Forbid, come out and say it......
he masquerades his "do nothing philosophy" with a lot of sophisticated "word salad" to fool his readers into thinking that he advocates people training to have a trade!

To bolster his lie that he is all for Chassidim having a trade, he writes:
"It would be hard to find another Jewish periodical that publishes as many articles on the subject of business. We endeavor each week to assist our readers in overcoming their financial challenges and help them prosper."

It's true that The Frank, features every week business entrepreneurs,...... but what the clown won't tell you is that not everyone can start a business, and those that do, are a minority of a minority....very very few of them around.... 
and how many are successful? 
Ami doesn't feature those who started a business and failed.

Some need to go to school to learn a trade....Mr. Frankfurter!

He then rants and raves against learning a trade; but does his best to confuse his readers into thinking he is really for it, by quoting the halacha that requires learning a trade , which is  a Mishna in Mesactas Shabbos and is the final psak according to all Rishonim including the Rambam!

"Rav Meir famously said, "One should make sure to teach his son a trade that is clean and easy." 

And then, lest you think, that is The Frank's philosophy, he quickly switches, quoting the opposing view that is only designed for the very few, and  makes it the hallmark of his "editorial," saying that this is  Chareidie philosophy!

"By contrast, Rav Nehorai declared, "I forsake all professions in the world and teach my son only Torah"

Monday, December 15, 2014

Ami apologizes for running an ad that advocates teaching Yeshivah Students a skill!

Can I ask a question? What's wrong with Bnei Torah learning a skill? Doesn't the Misnah  in Mesactes Shabbos say, that a Father has an  obligation to teach his child a skill and also how to swim?

I work with a lot of Chassidim, and I can tell you, that they are mad as hell, that they cannot read or speak the language of the country they were born in. I am not talking about "Chassidishe bums" or "tuna beigels" I am talking about serious erliche yidden.

So here comes the "educated" Frankfurter who wants to deny his grandchildren what he himself was taught.
I learned as a child in a Chassidishe Yeshivah, and they had a decent English Department, some went on to college and to medical schools to become doctors...
Some became successful lawyers.... Yes, Chassidishe guys that became doctors and lawyers...
What's wrong with that?
Now "The Frank " that took the ad got hell from the "big beards" and did an about face, because he is worried that they will ban his magazine now ..

Ami Magazine, an English language frum weekly ran an advertisement for Young Advocates for Fair Education (YAFFED), an organization that lobbies for increased secular education among New York’s Chasidim.

Bearing the Talmudic quote “a man is obligated to teach his son a trade” and showing an illustration of a Chasidic boy reading a math textbook, the advertisement asserted that learning secular subjects is a religious mandate as well as the law.

In 2013 the organization used the same advertisement on a billboard overlooking New York’s Prospect Expressway.

“Last night it came to my attention that in this week's edition of Ami Magazine there is a banner ad for Yaffed, an organization with a mission to change the state of Orthodox Jewish chinuch [education],” wrote Ami editor and clown, Yitzchok Frankfurter in an email to subscribers.

“Ami Magazine has repeatedly advocated against such efforts and has condemned organizations like Yaffed. We have asked the community to unite against all those who seek to reform the Orthodox way of life, and we remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat such misguided initiatives.”

The inclusion of the advertisement, Frankfurter stated, was the result of an error in the advertising sales process, for which he apologized.

Asked for comment, Frankfurter told the Post that he could not "state more than I stated in the email." 

Yaffed founder Naftuli Moster is currently suing the state of New York for failing to implement the same standards in ultra-orthodox schools as in their secular counterparts and, according to the New York Times, the parents of several students within that system have agreed to join him, although they are doing so anonymously for fears of communal backlash.

Yochanan Lowen, a former Satmar hasid, is currently suing authorities in Quebec, Canada, including the Department of Youth Protection, for failing to force local hasidic schools to meet similar educational standards, arguing that he lacks the basic life skills to function outside of his community as a result.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Chasam Sofer wrote that it's more important to work in Israel then to learn Torah!

What? Is that true? Is DIN making all this up? Oy vey, what will all the charlatan Roshei Yeshivah in Israel say to this Chasam Sofer?
 That he is a heritic? 
Don't believe one word I say, read the Chasam Sofer for yourself!
and now a comment from Rationalist Judaism
Rabbi Tzvi Liker sent me one of the most extraordinary Torah perspectives I have seen in a long time. It's all the more amazing because of who it comes from. Rav Moshe Sofer, a.k.a. Chasam Sofer (1762–1839), is widely considered to be the "father of Orthodoxy." He was the Rosh Yeshiva of Pressburg and a staunch opponent of any reformations of Judaism, leading to his famous saying, "That which is new, is forbidden by the Torah." 

The discussion relates to the well-known dispute in the Gemara between Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai about learning Torah versus working. Rabbi Yishmael teaches that the study of Torah is to be accompanied by earning a livelihood, as per the verse that we recite in Shema, "Ve'asafta deganecha - And you shall gather your grain." Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, on the other hand, says that one should devote oneself to Torah, and God will ensure that one's needs are provided for. Abaye observes that many followed the lead of Rabbi Yishmael and succeeded in both working and learning, while most of those who followed Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai did not succeed in either.

Enter Chasam Sofer. He cites a view that one should ideally follow Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and dedicate oneself solely to Torah, arguing that when Abaye observes that many people didn't do well in that path, this is because they didn't really devote themselves to it properly, but a special person who is truly dedicated to Torah will manage to succeed. Chasam Sofer himself says that "we" (it's not clear who he's referring to) follow Rabbi Nehorai, who argues with Rabbi Meir's instruction that one should teach his child a trade, and says that he will only teach his son Torah.

So far, this sounds very much in accord with someone representing the right wing of Orthodox Judaism. But now comes the "but." And it's the "but" to end all "buts"!

But, says Chasam Sofer, but, this is only true in the Diaspora. In the Diaspora, there is no reason to work at a trade except to earn a living; furthermore, enhancing the economy of one's host country accentuates the fact that the Jews are in exile. Accordingly, if one can truly dedicate oneself to Torah and succeed that way, there is no reason to work, and this is what Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was referring to (and Chasam Sofer argues that even Rabbi Yishmael would agree).

In Israel, on the other hand, it's entirely different. Here, Chasam Sofer says, one does not only work the fields in order to make a living. There is also the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz, settling the land. In the same way as one stops learning Torah to put on tefillin, says Chasam Sofer, one stops learning Torah to farm the land, which is the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz. Chasam Sofer explains that yishuv ha'aretz does not just mean living in Israel; it means developing the country. He further says that not just farming, but all industries and professions, are part of settling the land and giving it honor. Chasam Sofer adds that it would be a deficiency in the honor of Israel if a certain profession does not exist there, requiring products to be imported from abroad.

This is staggering! According to Chasam Sofer, there is a mitzvah for people in Israel to leave yeshivah and learn a profession quite separate from the requirement to provide for one's family. It's important for Israel to have doctors and engineers and all the professionals that a country requires in order to have honor (and to counter the brain-drain that currently exists). Likewise, people who make aliyah to Israel and bring their professional skills are fulfilling the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz in a much more significant way than merely by living here.

Chasam Sofer states this idea in two places. Don't take my word for it - above is a scan of both passages. Read and be amazed! And share it with those who believe that anyone encouraging people in Israel to leave yeshivah and enhance the workforce can only be a Torah-hating Amalekite!

I also refer you to the introduction to the Chasam Sofer on Chumash.

There he decries the practice of not teaching your son a trade and having him learn full time.

This, he says, will result in boys marrying only for money and creating issues in Jewish homes and marriages.

I guess that today he would be called a sonei dos.