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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Zionist "shomrim" beat the hell out of the Arabs


The Israelis tried calling "Shomrim," the Chassidishe army in Boro-park and Williamsburg, but אין קול ואין עונה 

It is interesting that Chareidim hold that its ok to have an army which they call "shomrim" to protect them in Chutz Le'aartz, but its "chazir Treif" for the Zionists to have an army to protect 7 million Jews!

The truth is that the "Gedoilim" of Chutz Le'aaretz really don't believe that "Torah is matzil uh'meigein" if they did, they would immediately prohibit "shomrim" and tell them instead to sit in learn, but they are quick to condemn the IDF and preach to their naive and ignorant sheep that one should not daven for the hatzlacha of the real "shoimrim" the IDF ! When it comes to the IDF they are quick to preach  "Torah is Matzil" something they themselves do not really believe in. All the Roshei Yeshiva of the Yeshivois and Kollim in Ashkelon and Ashdod fled to Beit Shemesh and the surrounding areas, teaching their students a real lesson that תורה מציל ומגן


Anonymous said...

Which RY support shomrim a priori
It's a rebbe thing

Anonymous said...

Shoimrim in Flatbush and Lakewood are NOT chassidish.

Anonymous said...

Der Oilem Sheker is the chareidisher velt

Unknown said...

Sorry to say this whole world is full of sheker !!

Anonymous said...

Where is it better-long term