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Friday, December 8, 2023

Watch: Body camera footage from a Hamas terrorist in Gaza


As part of the Nahal Brigade's operations in Jabalya, the soldiers encountered terrorists who fired anti-tank missiles at the forces.

The soldiers completed the mission quickly and efficiently, with the terror cell being struck by an IAF UAV guided by the brigade's Fire Control Center, intelligence, and soldiers in the field.

Another terrorist from the cell was eliminated by the soldiers. A camera was found on this terrorist with a recording of Hamas operatives with RPGs, fortifying themselves inside buildings and launching an anti-tank missile at IDF forces.

Over the last few days, the 36th Division has been fighting in close-quarter combat with terrorists in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza. The forces located and destroyed weapons and underground infrastructure, predominantly located inside and in the vicinity of civilian buildings. The soldiers are continuing to operate to dismantle Hamas’ capabilities in the area.


Garnel Ironheart said...

You have to give the savages some credit. They know they're losing. They know they don't have a chance. They know that even if they kill one of ours, 100 of their will die in response. But they don't give up!

Anonymous said...
