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Monday, December 4, 2023

Pope Frankin'ass tells Israeli president "Israeli war on Hamas is ‘terrorism,’


Pope Francis privately labeled Israel’s counterattack on Hamas as “terrorism” way before a similar public statement last month aroused the ire of Jerusalem and many Jewish organizations, The Washington Post revealed Thursday.

In a late October phone call, when Israeli President Isaac Herzog was telling him of the trauma the Jewish people were undergoing as a result of the surprise October 7 invasion in which Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 people, including the elderly and infants, the Holy Father responded by saying that it is “forbidden to respond to terror with terror.”

Francis was seemingly reacting to the unsubstantiated reports by Hamas that Israel’s bombing campaign of military targets at the time, prior to the IDF ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, had killed thousands of ordinary Palestinians.

Citing an unnamed senior official who knew of the phone conversation, the daily reported that Herzog had disputed the pope’s characterization of Israel’s actions, saying that the government was doing only what it had to do to defend its citizens. Francis, the official said, had noted that while the terrorists who had committed the atrocities should be held responsible, Palestinian civilians were not to blame.

The Israelis had thought this conversation so “bad,” the official said, that they did not publicize it. Even now, Herzog’s office had no reaction, telling the paper, “We are not inclined to make reference to private conversations.”

The pope then made a similar comment, this time in public, after meeting separately with both relatives of Palestinians in Gaza and Jewish families of some of the 240 hostages Hamas had abducted during its mass attack, who pleaded with him to issue a call for Hamas to release their loved ones.

While telling the Jewish participants that “terror is worse than war,” and speaking warmly to them, he used the word “genocide” when meeting with the Palestinians, according to several who were present. And when he later gave an address to a crowd in St. Peter’s Square, Francis said, “Here we’ve gone beyond war. This isn’t war anymore, this is terrorism.”

Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican immediately pushed back, saying, “There is a simple distinction: one side is murdering, raping, and does not care about those on their own side. The other side is engaged in a war of self-defense.”

The Assembly of Italian Rabbis was horrified that the pontiff’s “problematic statements” contained “no trace of condemnation of Hamas aggression…in the name of supposed impartiality, they equate aggressor and aggressed.”

Other Jewish groups demanded that the pope clarify his remarks, something that the Holy See did not do. Francis has also outraged them by speaking often of the Palestinians’ poor conditions and calling regularly for a ceasefire, without expressing equal understanding for Israeli fears over Hamas’ genocidal intent or calling out Hamas’ horrific murders in the Gaza envelope communities.

The Vatican denies that this is the case.

Israel knows that while several heads of state have been calling for weeks for a ceasefire, the pope leads a congregation of 1.36 billion people, and thus his influence is potentially more far-reaching than anyone else.

Jerusalem has so far steadfastly refused to bow to any international pressure, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly reiterating the government’s war aim to utterly destroy Hamas so that it can never threaten its people again.


Professor Ryesky said...

What does His Assholiness say about the Crusades and the Inquisition?

Anonymous said...

This most liberal gatchke (who internally knocked out the previous gatchke) revolutionizing the Vatican. being cheered on by .. liberal tons of jews
'Those who sow the wind reap the whirlwind'
As usual.So they should stop the whining

Magdeburger Joe said...

He walks around in a white dress and dreams of altar boys.

Anonymous said...

From: https://info-and-data.blogspot.com/2023/12/arab-palestinian-attempt-to-massacre.html?m=1


Hamas' fake numbers VS its attempt to massacre some 12,000

Noted blogger exposes:

Proof that Gaza Health Ministry just makes casualty statistics up.

Not to mention how Jihaists use their civilians...

While true numbers:

'More than 11,500 rockets launched at Israel since Oct. 7’.
December 4, 2023 / JNS.

Failing in attempting to slaughter some 12,000 (because of Israel's defense systems), does not make the Gaza health ministry's regime less genocidal. 

Frum but normal said...

Doesn't this filthy Jew-hating PEDOPHILE realize that would he step into Gaza, he would be immediately beheaded, and his head used as a soccer ball.

Francissteins Monster said...

This Pope was the subject of allegations regarding the Argentine Navy's kidnapping of Jesuit priests, Orlando Yorio & Franz Jalics, in 1976, during Argentina's Dirty War. He feared for the priests' safety & tried to change their work prior to their arrest. In 2005, Myriam Bregman, a human rights lawyer, filed a criminal complaint against him, as superior in the Society of Jesus of Argentina, accusing him of involvement in the kidnapping. Her complaint did not specify how he was involved; his spokesman flatly denied the allegations. The priests were tortured, but were found alive 5 months later, drugged & semi-naked. Yorio accused him of effectively handing them over to the death squads by declining to tell the authorities that he endorsed their work. Yorio, who died in 2000, said in a 1999 interview that he believed that this Pope did nothing "to free us, in fact just the opposite"

As cardinal, in 2010 this Pope commissioned a study which concluded that Father Julio César Grassi, a priest convicted of child sexual abuse, was innocent, that his victims were lying, and that the case against him never should have gone to trial. Despite the study, the Supreme Court of Argentina upheld the conviction & 15-year prison sentence against Grassi in 2017. Francis has admitted that the church "arrived late" in dealing with sexual abuse cases. During his papacy, a number of abuse survivors express disappointment in Francis's response to sex abuse in the church.

In 2015, Francis was criticized for supporting Chilean bishop Juan Barros, who was accused of covering up sex crimes committed against minors. In 2018, Francis acknowledged he made "grave errors" in judgment about Barros, apologized to the victims and launched a Vatican investigation that resulted in the resignation of Barros & 2 other Chilean bishops. In 2018, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published an open letter denouncing Francis's handling of sexual abuse allegations against Theodore McCarrick, accusing him of knowing about allegations that McCarrick had committed sexual abuse & failing to take action. Viganò called on the Pope to resign.