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Monday, December 11, 2023

Poll Shocker: 20% of Gen Z Think Holocaust Is a Myth, 28% Believe Jews Have Too Much Power in US


DIN: I am not at all "shocked" that 20% think that the Holocaust is a myth, as most of those learning in our own yeshivos have no connection to the Holocaust unless they still have a survivor as a grandparent. Chareidie "gedoilim" refused to set a day apart as a "zikoran" and Chareidim in Israel actually laugh and mock the Zionists for commemorating "Yom Hashoah" In most cases when the Yom Hashoah siren goes off, they deliberately ignore it . 

Most Chareidim are not even connected to the recent massacre on Oct 7, except for being inconvenienced running to shelters. Practically no one in Bnei Brak has a husband, son or any close relative serving in the IDF, so no one is worrying in Bnei-Brak if their husband or son will ever come home. They do not relate at all to the suffering and anguish of the family of loved ones serving in Gaza to protect the Kolalim and Yeshivois in Bnei Brak. They have zero hakoras hatoiv and G-d Forbid a soldier in uniform walks thru those streets. Yes, of course there are exceptions to the rule and some are actually moiser nefesh to help in any way they can, I am speaking of the majority. Most Roshei Yeshiva do not even allow their students to help in any way the IDF! They are told that "Torah is Matzil" they are not talking about the IDF soldiers who are giving up their lives, but those in the Yeshivois themselves and their own families, they are not given any lessons to have any connection to the vast Israeli population out there. We are bringing up a generation of narcissists who care about no one but themselves. The Roshei Yeshivas compare IDF Soldiers to Garbage collectors, so what do we expect from Goyim??

They don't realize that Hamas would have taken and slaughtered those in Bnei-Brak as well. To Hamas a girl wearing tights with braids from Bnei Brak is the same as a non-tzneesdik girl from a kibbutz in the south. That's why Jews in New York are in shock that the goyim are beating the hell out of them on a daily basis. They know nothing about the Holocaust so they have not learned any lessons from history. They think that this is just a phase that will blow over soon,; I have news for you that is exactly what the Jews in Germany, Poland and Hungary thought as well. This is not going to end well, I am sorry to say! 

The philosopher George Santayana wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

But no one could have predicted that it would take less than 100 years for us to forget one of the most heinous atrocities committed against one people group in modern history -- the Holocaust.

A recent survey on Holocaust knowledge in America unveiled a profound and disturbing ignorance among young adults about the attempted genocide of the Jewish people, according to U.K. outlet The Guardian.

[YouGov Survey] Top groups that believe the Holocaust didn’t happen:

-Democrats: 10% (vs 5% of Republicans)

-Black people: 13% (vs 5% white people)

-City residents: 14% (vs 3% rural people)

-Young people: 20% (vs 0% of age 65+)

Jewish leftists are going To have a really hard time… pic.twitter.com/P1uq0VHehD

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 8, 2023

Commissioned by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, the survey polled 1,000 adults aged 18-39 nationwide about basic facts concerning the Nazi extermination of 6 million European Jews. The results were alarming.

Nearly two-thirds of young Americans do not even know that six million Jews died in the Holocaust. Over a third believe 2 million or less perished -- a staggering underestimate.

Almost half of millennial and Gen Z adults aged between 18 and 39 could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto -- emblems of Nazi brutality and the infrastructure of genocide.

Even more shocking numbers of young adults have bought into dangerous Holocaust denialism and distortion, the survey revealed.

Nearly a quarter believe the Holocaust has been exaggerated or are not even sure it happened. One in eight have never heard of it at all.

Over half have seen Nazi symbols promoted on social media.

In addition, 28 percent in the 18-29 demographic believe "Jews have too much power in America," according to the poll.

The survey was the first to drill down to the state level to determine beliefs about the Holocaust.

It ranked states from highest to lowest Holocaust knowledge based on residents' awareness of basic facts. Wisconsin scored highest, while Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas ranked lowest nationwide.

Almost half of millennial and Gen Z adults aged between 18 and 39 could not name a single concentration camp or ghetto -- emblems of Nazi brutality and the infrastructure of genocide.

Even more shocking numbers of young adults have bought into dangerous Holocaust denialism and distortion, the survey revealed.

Nearly a quarter believe the Holocaust has been exaggerated or are not even sure it happened. One in eight have never heard of it at all.

Over half have seen Nazi symbols promoted on social media.

In addition, 28 percent in the 18-29 demographic believe "Jews have too much power in America," according to the poll.

The survey was the first to drill down to the state level to determine beliefs about the Holocaust.

It ranked states from highest to lowest Holocaust knowledge based on residents' awareness of basic facts. Wisconsin scored highest, while Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas ranked lowest nationwide.


Anonymous said...

I don’t know Satmar first hand so I can’t comment what you write about them. But the first few paragraphs here are about me, it is false, and it ruins an otherwise good blog.

Just because we don’t have Yom Hashoah doesn’t mean we think the holocaust is a myth. That’s like saying that anyone who doesn’t renew their vows doesn’t love their wife.

Anonymous said...
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Dusiznies said...

Ask yourself? If you and your father and mother and sisters and children were murdered by the nazis, would you want your survivor family to remember you at least once a year on a special day??
So are you telling us that you are offended when millions of Jews in Israel commemorate this day? It offends you?
How low have we sunk, here is a Jew that says that "Yom HaShoah" is meaningless!

Yitzchak Izaak Perl, Lakewood said...

I am old enough to remember the 50's when Holocaust survivors wanted a day set aside for the Shoah, yet the Gedoilim at the time were opposed to it and said that Tisha Be'ov should incorporate the Shoah as well.
It is interesting to note that those Gedoilim opposed, were all in the US when Nazis were murdering Jews. The Klausenberger Rebbe who lost a wife and 11 children was for a special day and was thrilled when the Israeli Government set a day dedicated to the 6 million. The Bobover Rebbe was also for a special day but didn't want to get involved in this dispute and so he wrote a Kinnus which most kehillos totally ignore, Harav Schwab also wrote one and a minute Litvishe Oilim recites it, most people are out the door at this point since these kinnos are at the very end in the Tisha Be'ov Kinnos. But most of the people do recite the Kinnos that commemorate the crusades that 99.9% of Chareidim have never heard about, they recite kinnos for the pogroms, again they no clue what the payeitin is talking about.But for the greatest calamity that happened in the entire Jewish history where 2/3 of the Jewish people were wiped out and where some who survived it are still alive, you have a Jewish guy commenting that he is against Yom Hashoah? Is it because the not frum established this day? If so, so what? Did they not lose mothers, wives, fathers, sisters, brothers children, uncles, aunts and cousins? so what would be so tragic that we commemorated this day together?
Its also interesting to note, that the Rebbis themselves set aside a day of celebrations and special prayers on the day they were liberated. One of these Rebbes was actually save by the secular Zionists and yet he never had any hakoras hatoiv for the Zionists. Shame on that commentator and shame on those who "ignore" this holy holy day!

Steven Wright. said...

There was never slavery anywhere in the world.
Absolutely no Arab civilians died anywhere.

Anonymous said...

If DIN has his continuous agenda who cares about reality

CR R'Herzog was against Yom Hashoah as was just about every distinguished Rabbi of the era

Dusiznies said...

R' Herzog z"l with all due respect was munching on Falafel when my two brothers were being gassed.

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

I love when liars to prove their fabricated Bull Shi_ write" just about every distinguished Rabbi of the era"
DIN is absolutely correct, most of the Rabbis who were against establishing a day like Yom HaShoah were not in Europe and did not experience a concentration camp. Rabbi Herzog is one of them.
There are many "distinguished rabbis like Rabbi Wein and the late Rabbi Sachs who are and were very much in favor. And it really makes no difference, we really don't need rabbis to measure our pain and to tell us how to express it, issues like this have been chewed over countless times in the Shulchan Aruch and other Halachic sources, and almost all of them conclude that people should do whatever they feel is necessary to preserve the memories of their loved ones. No one has the right to tell people whether they should commemorate Yom Hashoah and those who for their own selfish or naive reasons are opposed to it, should respect those who do, and should stand at attention when that siren goes off, otherwise, Hashem will send you sirens that will make you run to shelters.

Anonymous said...

a video of rabbonim discussing this topic, very interesting

Anonymous said...

I was the original (2:09) commenter. I was just disagreeing with the following line:
“ I am not at all "shocked" that 20% think that the Holocaust is a myth, as most of those learning in our own yeshivos have no connection to the Holocaust unless they still have a survivor as a grandparent. ”

I learned in a yeshiva and do not have a survivor as a grandparent, yet I am connected to the holocaust and definitely wouldn’t put the words holocaust & myth in the same sentence.

This blog cites a lot of interesting articles but the first paragraph of this post was offensive and the comments are possibly the worst reactions I’ve ever received.

I don’t feel like sharing my name, but I have been involved in several Yom Hashoah and holocaust events.

If Mr. DIN wishes to pursue this further, I’d be happy to send him a direct email.

Dusiznies said...

I am a child of survivors, I grew up in a neighborhood where every single neighbor was a survivor, I learned in Yeshivos where ALL the parents were survivors. The first time I met a frum Jew who had parents who were not survivors, was in College, I was 18 years old. I questioned if they were even Jewish. There was no need to discuss the Holocaust in a formal lesson in school during the 50's and 60's since the Holocaust was ingrained in our DNA.
My children and grandchildren in the USA all learn in prominent Chareidie yeshivas and not one of them really learns a thing about the Holocaust, to them the Holocaust is like learning about when the Jews were in Egypt. There is no formal lessons of the Holocaust. Years ago the Noveminskerz z"l formulated a formal curriculum about the Holocaust that culminated in an utter failure as the Yeshivas either mocked him or ignored it completely. My granddaughters who studied in Chareidie Seminaries in Israel said that the Holocaust was not mentioned once during their two year stay.
I repeat my assertion that today Chareidie Children have absolutely no connection to the Holocaust. And it's precisely because of this lack of knowledge of our recent history that Chareidim are now making the same mistakes as the Jews in Europe pre WW2, I pray that they do not pay dearly for this lack of knowledge of basic Jewish history.

Anonymous said...

What's with the need to apologize?

Anonymous said...

(2:10). Thank you for you civil tone. As for the others, I will not be commenting here anymore. I have never been addressed with such vulgarities and will keep my thoughts to myself in the future.

Dusiznies said...

We have thousands of people reading this blog, but many do not comment, it is the silent majority, from those that do comment, 85% I do not post because of the nastiness, but sometimes vulgar comments do get thru, just in case you do not know, the blog only takes about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours of my time. I do not make any $$$ from this blog. I started it a while ago and we are going to hit 17 million views in about a week. I started it because of my high blood pressure, and I needed to blow off steam, in my wildest dream I did not expect it to take off like this. This means that the silent majority basically agrees with my opinions. My opinions are what I call common sense, I am of course not always right, and most of the time I would love if I was actually wrong, but unfortunately, I am spot on. I am personally in touch with some readers who call me on a weekly basis and I bounce off my ideas with them, they don't always agree. I try to put in humor in some of the posts to make them interesting, I thank you for following my blog even if it offends you sometimes, but I am very strong-minded (ask my wife and children :) and say what I think, some people would say that that is not a virtue, but then again if I wasn't strong-minded nobody would read my blog. I feel if it changed even one person and brought them to my viewpoint, it was all worth it.

Anonymous said...


Cohen Y said...

Rav Hutner was vehemently against Yom HaShoah though he was in America. He and his wife lost most of his family.
Rav Gustman had a baby son bayonetted in front of his eyes. He said he would never again suffer what he suffered in the Holocaust, though he was not in a death camp.
He just barely managed to escape to the forest.
He wouldn't take on either side on the Yom HaShoah issue, but he surely wasn't outright pro.

On a lesser level, Rab Yaakov Galinsky disparaged and certainly did not 'hold' of Yom HaShoah. He also was not in a concentration camp. He was left to die on the side of the road in Siberia. So maybe for many here he wouldn't count either

Dusiznies said...

Rav Hutner z"l was indeed in the USA, celebrating July 4 while my grandparents were being shoved into the gas chambers, he was also an anti-Zionist, though he was a talmud of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook Z'L.
His wife Masha Lipshitz was born in the USA. I don't know if they had family that were murdered in the Shoah and neither do you.
I personally knew Harav Gustman z" l as I grew up in Crown Heights and lived next door to his Yeshiva on Eastern Parkway and he actually did take a position on Yom Hashoah which was that Yom Hashoah was to be commemorated in Israel as that's where he established his Yeshiva after making Aliyah.
I also personally knew Rav Yaakov Galinsky z"l as he stayed in my home on many of his visits to the USA collecting for his moisdois. You say that he "disparaged" Yom HaShoah?? What a lie, and what chutzpah to disgrace a Tzaddik.
Changing Jewish History doesn't make it a fact, I stand by my comments which you seem to agree with and that is that those Gedoilim who were against commemorating Yom HaShoah didn't experience the Holocaust!

Cohen Y said...

Sorry,you are disingenuously misconstruing R Galinsky
He certainly mocked Yom HaShoah. & the moment of silence

We nevertheless can agree with your assertion re: charedi children
(iirc The others aren't essentially better, except for lip service)
BTAIMB,how come your grandchildren attend those same institutions?

Anonymous said...

False.His wife wasn't born in the US

Dusiznies said...

I don't know why I let your dumb and ignorant comment thru, not only was his wife born in the US but so was her father.

Cohen Y
If Rav Galinsky "mocked Yom HaShoah and the moment of silence" then I lost all respect for him, and will throw his sefarim out of my house.