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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Outrage in Israel as Israel's Supreme Court During the War Secretly Sneaks their Ruling to annul the Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard


Israel's High Court of Justice ruled to annul the Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard in a drafted ruling published on Wednesday by N12.

The drafted ruling was passed with eight justices for and seven against, as per the report.

The court held a full-bench hearing for the first time in its history in September on the reasonableness standard law as part of the ongoing political and legal drama of 2023’s judicial reform.

The Supreme Court responded to N12 reporter Amit Segal's report, stating that it views any leaks of the ruling with "great severity," adding that the verdict has not yet been finalized.

Israel in uproar over drafted ruling's leak

The Movement for the Quality of Government launched a scathing attack on Segal on Wednesday night, announcing it would demand the launch of a criminal investigation on the verdict's leak headed by Attorney-General Gali Baharv-Miara.

"The purpose of leaking the ruling is to threaten the justices and try to influence their professional position while imposing terror on each of the justices," the NGO wrote. "The movement will respect every court ruling, but we will not remain silent in the face of attempts to skew the justice's verdict," it added.

Constitution, Law and Justice Committee chairman MK Simcha Rothman also reacted to the verdict's leak, arguing that the ruling "changes the fundamental principles of the State of Israel and is an act of national irresponsibility."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich denounced the decision as inappropriate during wartime: "Just as the Knesset is not currently advancing controversial laws, so it is appropriate and expected of the other government institutions."

This is a developing story. Leon Kraiem Contributed to this report.


Anonymous said...

Which fools (willfully) allowed themselves to swallow up the recent naive achdut trope
At what cost???
Welcome belatedly to the real world

Garnel Ironheart said...

As disgusting at Rav Landau's recent comments were, this is despicable.
We're going to stab the government in the back, says the Court, and the implication is that you don't dare protest because you don't want to endanger national unity!

Anonymous said...

& combine that with the other Court fiat of yesterday,which they're sure will be ignored under the circumstances even by the the most religious.

Welcome back to the real world