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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Krainess Campaign for Gun Lights Please!!

My dear readers I never ask you for anything, but I personally know those running this "gun-flashlight" campaign and we are an emergency situation as the soldiers must have those Gun-flashlights, so please donate whatever you can 

Scroll down on the above website to donate! 


Anonymous said...

Why can’t the Israeli government supply necessary gear like a normal first world country?

Dusiznies said...

Your question is a legitimate one, however please understand, for the first time in Israel's history, Israel called up over 300,000 reserves suddenly, and this war was totally unexpected. The IDF is feverously trying to supply the troops however the top brass has different priorities. Having spoken to the troops on the bases all of them have told those who asked them what they can supply them with; all said these flashlights.... all funds go directly to buying them.
At this time I would like to thank those who already donated.

Anonymous said...

If this is Greg Krainess aka Leon Chaim of Cleveland. He is a convicted crook and one should be cautious when donating. He lives his life through mooching for one cause or another.

Dusiznies said...

To the reader that mentioned the guy LC from Cleveland, please contact me via email to see if we are talking about the same guy

Dusiznies said...

They are not even related, I checked.