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Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Israel Doesn't need a PM That speaks English" "Israel Needs a PM that speaks Arabic" Harav Dayan


Harav Dayan asks, is there an Arab anywhere in Israel that is afraid to walk the streets of Yerushalyim, Tel Aviv or Haifah? 

Is there an Arab anywhere that is afraid to speak Arabic openly and publicly? 

Why is it that Israelis are afraid to walk the streets of our own country?  
Why is it that a Jew has to turn his back to see who is behind him in our own country? 

It is because the country is being run by a bunch of leftist from the PM down to IDF generals. "We don't need a PM that can speak English, no!!!! We need a PM that can speak to Arabs in their own language Arabic, and to deal with them accordingly!

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