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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Der Goy.... the Satmar Yiddish Weekly, Boasts and Quotes Fat Nadler's Sick & Perverted Speech in Congress That Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism

Jewish husbands and children in uniform are dying daily, but what does "Der Goy" put on its Front page? 
Fat Nadler's sick speech to a bunch of Goyim that it is ok to hate Zionists and support the Palestinian cause because to express hateful words against Zionism isn't being antisemitic! 

I dare the fatso to find me a solitary goy that hates a Zionist but loves a Jew! I dare this chunk of lard to show me one single goy that can distinguish between a Satmar Shvantz and a Chilonie?

Do you think that Hamas wants to rape and mutilate only non-tzneesdik chiloinie girls? I'll bet they would have taken the Hebrew-speaking Satmar rebbetzin just the same. 

Satmar savages in this time of war are proud that their bizarre outdated Romanian SHIT'ah is being spread across the USA and in Congress!

Will this bring "Ahavas Yisrael?," or will this bring hate? 

Is there one member in Congress who is going to now love Jews because of this vile explanation by a sick piece of scum who votes against every single Torah value in Congress? 

This is the guy who Satmar is proud of!

I keep telling you guys that Satmar and the Neturei Karta are one of the same, they are both on the same page and have the exact same ideology.
Satmar keeps saying "Oh we have distanced ourselves from them, the Rebbe z"l threw them out." 

Oh ye? Tell me again of which Satmar institution were they thrown out of? Of which shul were they thrown out of? Did Satmar refuse to inter-marry with these sickos? 
Who is funding them? Can someone tell me who funds them? Not one of them works! Not one! 
The answer is simple.. Satmar Chassidim fund them, big time! 


Uriah’s Wife said...

Until pro-Israel orthodox organisations and various pro Israel Hashkafas put out a kol koreh to fully boycott Satmar in all its iterations, Satmar won’t cease its hatred of the Zionist Medina. This means putting all of its devotees in cherem — making public declarations that Satmar chasidim are unwelcome in their shuls, boycotting all their simchas and boycotting Satmar stores and shechita.

Anonymous said...

Boycott the hechsher of the CRC (Satmar, not Chicago) and the Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem. Anti-Zionists = Jew haters!

jack said...

Boycot and Cherem is not enough, these filthy Jew Kapo’s have a DIN of MOSRIM, they need to be hunted down like you hunt down rabies infected sewer rats, and deal with them accordingly