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Thursday, December 7, 2023

"Brave" Hamas now surrendering to IDF troops by the hundreds in Gaza



Garnel Ironheart said...

BBC headline - Palestinian civilians publicly humiliated by IDF!

Anonymous said...

Since they assume they'll get traded back in the hostage deal

Anonymous said...

I'd shoot their genitals

Magdeburger Joe said...

Half of them look like they wear C cups. They all look well fed.

Frum but normal said...

What a waste of time and effort, they will be released in no time with the next hostage and prisoner exchange deal.
These filthy rabies infected sewer rats should have been executed on the spot.
And by the way, why is this filthy treasonous murderous leftist government sending our brave young children to fight house to house with these sewer rats, instead of doing what every normal country would have done, you give those rats 24 hours to leave.
AND THEN CARPET BOMB ALL OF GAZA, until there is not one building left standing, and only then you send in our brave boys to clean out the human garbage.
That is the way the Allies won World War Two, by carpet bombing German cities with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties.
Our precious young children who are being murderred every day in Gaza,they are being sacrificed on the altar of liberalism and political correctness.there is no innocent civilian, just like there was no innocent civilians during the Nazi regime in Germany, they all voted for their government therefore face the consequences
This filthy treasonous regime of BIbi values the lives of the murderous Gazan’s more than the lives of our young brave soldiers.
When this war is over, they should be put on trial for treason and murder even the ones with beards shtreimlech and spodeks,

because every poor soldier killed in Gaza is on their heads.
They should all be dangling from the gallows for the crime of treason and murder
So far 87 of our brave young holy children have been murdered by Hamas together with our own treasonous government.
Yes Likud,Shas ,aguda and the rest of the coalition are responsible for their unnecessary deaths.

Anonymous said...

Al Jazeera was saying they were rounded up by the IDF voluntarily from Unrwa schools and facilities for questioning and humiliated.

Anonymous said...

Hmm,the left only even support weaker measures
Shouldn't they be condemned

Circle said...

Israel can't do that because they don't manufacture their own armaments and have to shnorr from the US who keeps them on a leash.
How wonderful it would be if Israel can get their act together and be self sufficient with armaments and then fight a war the way it should be done; more cincern for their soldiers than the enemy's 'innocent' civilians.

Anonymous said...

Now shove them all into the nearest tunnel and turn on the hot water.....