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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A climate summit??? Kamala and Kerry flew on SEPARATE jets... the host is a Sultan oil boss... and it's all held in Dubai - where they air condition the desert. What a charade!


The United Nations' 28th climate change conference is melting down faster than an iceberg in the Arctic.

It's a collection of the world's rich and influential who've set out to save all of humanity by getting rid of fossil fuels. But apparently, the engines of this international powwow don't run well on bull manure.

John Kerry, the failed presidential candidate now moonlighting as President Biden's 'special presidential envoy for climate', is leading the American delegation for the COP28 summit.

True to form, Kerry, our Bay State plutocrat, reportedly jetted in on a carbon-belching private plane.

And Kamala Harris, our flailing vice president, deemed the meeting urgent enough to justify the greenhouse gases necessary to fuel Air Force Two and fly her to the lavish affair as well.

Would it be too much to ask them to ride share?

And the location of COP28: Dubai.

Yes, you read that right: Dubai.

Look, no hate against the United Arab Emirates or its glittering international metropolis. The Emirates was first out of the gate during the 2020 Abraham Accords peace agreements with Israel, and its response to the war in Gaza has been more measured than most Arab states.

Alas, the climate fanatics care more about appeasing power brokers in Washington and Brussels than they do about improving the lives of millions in Sub-Saharan Africa or the Indian subcontinent.

If there's one upside to this energy-intensive desert fiesta, it's that the globalist green energy blob is finally starting to tear itself apart.

On the sidelines of COP28, Al Gore, the patron saint of the green church, has been critical of the conference and upbraided the environmentally-sensitive yet sane British Prime Minister: 'I am not impressed with Prime Minister Sunak's climate policies. I think they're terrible. They're very disappointing.'

Sunak's crime? Delaying a ban on petrol cars and gas boilers to allow working people more time to adjust to the onerous new climate change laws.

Translation: Anything less than fully bending the knee to the extremists' pro-poverty, anti-growth agenda makes one an enemy.

The fanatics can barely contain their unmitigated fury against those who agree with them on anthropogenic climate change, but who want to approach the problem incrementally.

Even Greta Thunberg took a break from her recent pro-Hamas demonstrations to criticize Sultan Al Jaber.

They'd never admit it, but these radicals want to plunge the world into darkness—and to stop us all from having children, while we're at it. But these extremists can't hold back the overwhelming silent majority who recognize that the world cannot commit suicide on an altar of windmills and solar panels.

Indeed, to his credit, Sultan Al Jaber is saying things that would never have been accepted in polite society before.

Perhaps it's a sign of progress that Kerry hasn't already hopped on his jet and left in disgust?

Ironically, maybe COP28 will yield something good, after all: the collapse of the Net Zero Cult that wants to rid the world of fossil fuels – by any means necessary.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

Holding the climate change conference in a petro state should've been the first clue.