Sunday, April 30, 2023

FJJ ...Newspaper for the "Flatbush Beards" Finally Has Article on Yom Haatzmeot on Page 86


So last year a letter to the editor in the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal) asked why the FJJ wouldn't dedicate an article about Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikoron  and Yom Ha'atzmeot. 

A Rabbi Moshe Boylen a "yankee" whose family was probably on the Mayflower and whose immediate family were roasting marshmallows and franks on the grill while millions of Jews were being gassed answered that letter (see side bar), stating that the "Gedolei Torah of the Yahadus HaChareidis" were against observing these events, as such, the FJJ following their "Daas Torah" decided not to mention it. 

I pointed out at the time that millions of Jews living in Israel were observing these events, and it therefore deserved at least an "honorable mention." I also pointed out that none of the Gedoilim that the FJJ follows experienced the Holocaust and were either born in the USA or emigrated before the worst calamity to have befallen the Jewish people occurred. Not only that, but to bolster his childish arguments he lied stating that ALL Gedoilim were on the same page of not setting aside a special day to remember the Holocaust. Nothing could be further from the truth, because I grew up during post Holocaust and I remember vividly Gedoilim advocating for a special Day.

I was told that Rabbi Boylen is a product of "Brisk" and if that is in fact true, it all makes sense as the Briskers were and are presently virulent haters of the founders of Israel, and are staunchly against giving them any Hakoras Ha'Toiv. I am not going into this debate now but just that you know, even though the "Briskers' deny it, they benefit from the country on many different levels. For example, they benefit from security including the IDF, they benefit when they buy milk and bread, items that are subsidized, they benefit when they take public transportation, they benefit when their garbage is being removed, they benefit by not paying Arnona on their building, they benefit when they give birth because health plans are subsidized etc etc. 

And now to my point, though the FJJ caters to the "Flatbush Beards" who are children of the Holocaust survivors and who are either at worst like Boylan, Israel haters, or at best indifferent, they decided this year to mention it, but they put it on  the bottom of page 86 with the byline reading:

"Yair Lapid to Boycott Israel's Main Independence Day Ceremony."

This was done to mock and denigrate a day sacred to millions of Jews, saying in effect that even Lapid the far leftist boycotted this event! 
This decision to talk about Yom Haatzmoat in this way, drips with sarcasm and belittles this joyous occasion which is observed by millions , and is the ultimate "sinas chinum!"

This very newspaper was hocking for a whole year how bad Lapid was for Chareidim, and yet to shame and dishonor and belittle Yom Haatzmoat they shlep out a maniacal hater of Chareidim to prove their point. 
I wonder if the editor before he decided to post this disgusting article whether he consulted "Daas Torah?" 

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

Irony: Lapid was boycotting because he opposes a government that wants to give the Chareidim in Israel all their crazy demands.