Monday, April 24, 2023

Part Three ...The Chaotic Crazed Interview with the Host Heshy Goldstein whose program went belly-up and Zev Brenner


This Heshy Goldstein character the host of the disastrous Pesach that didn't take place, talks for over a half hour, arguing with Zev about how Zev runs his Talkline program without answering a single question on how he plans to repay his victims.. Zev with patience of a saint tries to unsuccessfully get him to tell us what exactly happened. Heshy has the chutzpa of basically calling those who he scammed "crooks." 

Yossi Ziblocki who runs Pesach and other programs was scammed by Heshy Goldstein for approx $7,000 and has a judgement against him, yet Heshy calls Yossi the crook. Instead of being contrite and humble, he keeps talking about his rabbi, "my rabbi said this, my rabbi said that" and during the interview he actually claims that he has the rabbi on the other phone, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what the hell his rabbi actually said. This would actually be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. 

The interview goes from bad to total chaos and snowballs into the abyss! 

Question: Would you ever ask Heshy what time it is?


Antwerpen said...

Asiatisher Marmorosher Ferd said...

There are indications that Goldstein is probably originally Satmar

Ganuvim said...

Anonymous said...

One of the worst chilul Hashem I’ve seen in decades

Unknown said...

It looks like to me that he set up the email chain by himself, the "accountant" he talks about is a made up name and the claridge emails are all coming from a emails that are controlled by the perpetrator to make it look like he was not at fault. He should be put behind bars for what he did.

Anonymous said...

Let’s not make Zabloki like a saint
Which he certainly is not and in my opinion not the straightest arrow in the business community either as provider of the old Kutchers hotel fame and Honors Haven which was neither Honors nor Haven.Goldstein was certainly not the first
Jewish operator that fleeced the Jewish community and unfortunately definitely the last.