Monday, April 10, 2023

Chareidim Do Not Attend Funeral of Maia and Rina Dee


In the last few weeks, three pairs of siblings were brutally torn away from the Jewish people.

The youngest pair of siblings murdered by the Arab savages were the Paley children; they were Chareidim. 

It seems that the Arab murderers do not distinguish between Jews, to them, a Jew is a Jew, is a Jew. To the murderers, a chilonie Jew, a Sfardie, an Ashkenazi, a Chasid, or a Yeshivish Jew are all the same. 

But to the Jews themselves there are differences.
 How do I know that? How do I know that even in tragedy we don't get together?

 There is a saying that says that one picture tells an entire story. If you look at the photos of the levaya of the latest kedoishim, Maia and Rina Dee, you will not find one single Chareidie Jew! Not one Yeshivish Jew, not one. 

And this wasn't a day where the bochrim were "hureving" over a daf in yeshivah, nooooooo! It was Choil HaMoied! 

I heard the father's hespid and he being magnanimous, praised the "achdus"of the Jewish people. 
I didn't see it, at least not at the levaye of his two daughters.

I am not a prophet nor a son of a prophet, and I don't pretend to know what message Hashem is giving us. 
But what I can do, and what every believing Jew should do is look back at what happened and try to take away our own ideas from these tragedies. 
Three sets of siblings were torn away, executed for no other reason then them being of the Jewish faith. Three sets of siblings! 

One set were Dati Leumi and went to the army, the murdered girls did shirut le'umi and of course the Chareidie children, were just children. The common denominator is that all three sets of martyrs were Shoimer Torah Umitzvois! It seems that Hashem didn't distinguish between Jews serving in the IDF and those who didn't! 

What I am taking away from this is that we, and when I say "we" I mean chareidiem, should be the ones to be mekareiv our chiloinie brothers and sisters, even if they hate us, even if they push us away.

 What a beautiful message did the chreidim of Bnei-Brak give to the world when they offered love to the far-left protestors that came to disrupt the Bnei-Brakers just two weeks ago.

Siblings were murdered and it is "siblings that have to get together in "achdus" and it is us.... yes us, frum Jews that should be the ones to initiate and facilitate shalom amongst us, and maybe then we will be able to show them through love how beautiful our traditions are.
Let's begin with our own, the ones that are Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois, Lets be supportive of them in times of joy and in times of tragedy. 

And for those who scream that we should not have anything to do with them and to scream "nazi" etc at their chiloinie brothers, I wonder what they would do, if their own child or their own grandchild, or brother or sister would go off the derech, would they scream "nazi" at them? 


Anonymous said...

I noticed the same, there were two chasidish and three yeshivish, the yeshivish were former fellow rabbis originally from London but that was it, watching the levoyas I was thinking what an absolute disgrace though not a surprise

Anonymous said...

Agree. Though with caveat there are red lines which as brought in various sources even Jews become identified as Amalek

Anonymous said...

It seems that the Ribono Shel Olam doesn’t agree with you. The Ribono Shel Olam tore these innocent souls to teach us that we should treat those who you call “amaleik” , with love. I believe that you and your kind is the direct cause of Hashem’s wrath. Some would say that Satmar is the “Eirav Rav” while other reasonable people would postulate that the Neturei Karta are from “ameleik” since they are certainly not from זרע אברהם

Garnel Ironheart said...

Look, stop rediscovering the wheel. When Torah-observant communities in Gaza were destroyed in 2005, the Chareidim looked the other way. Their biggest concern, according to a column by Yonasan Rosenblum at the time, was where they would now get Bodek Lettuce from.
As Rav Slifkin has documented over and over, this is a community that, with a few notable exceptions, cares only for itself and what affects it.

Anonymous said...

And when there was a Charedi Levaya in Mea shearim, similar circumstances do how many non- Charedim do you think we’re there??? Would you highlight that? Of course not!

Anonymous said...

These pictures all show a mixed atmosphere. Chareidim willl not participate in any event without a mechitza.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world was referring to the tragic victims?!

You're so obsessed with your minor priorities you need to assume everyone either must be an enemy or an ally

Akiva Eiger said...

Non-Chareidim attend levayes of Chareidim all the time, absolutely, they don't stand out of course, but they are always there.
Very sick indeed!
Chareidim do actually participate events without mechitzas, DIN showed a clip last week of Chareidim baking Matzos side by side without a mechitzah!
Most of the levaya was outside, men and women were separate no mechitza was in fact necessary.
a)If they would have made one call and ask to be accommodated the family would have run to do this.
b) Chareidim made no effort to show up and had no idea if there was a mechitza or not. Don't deflect from the facts: Chareidim don't think that they are true Jews, if they did, they would have been there! Arabs though, as DIN pointed out, think that Jews are Jews no matter what, and it turns out that God also thinks so! Thanks DID..You are indeed fresh air

Yudel Shain said...

All of the latest terrorist attacks are directly attributed to the leftists demonstrating against judicial reform, as the government's hands are tied.

Others claim that the leftists are directly behind the scenes encouraging those attacks.

The Charedim are aware of all this; therefore they will not attend.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong here, very wrong. Chareidim don't show to any funerals involving "settlers'
What these guys don't understand is that to the Arabs, Bnei-Brak is a settlement! Arabs are now going after Chareidim in Yerushalyim, Beitar Illit. Yerushalyim is a settlement" according to all Arabs. The gush is two miles away from Bet Shemesh, The gush protects Bet Shemesh, if the Gust would be retuned, Bet Shemesh would be the new border!

Anonymous said...

I’ve been at such Chareidi Levaya’s where there was not ONE non- Chareidi , other times there are. Same thing in reverse. Why are all the Non charedim here (mis)representing Chareidi hashkafa

Can't believe this Putz said...

Are you telling us that there was a Chareidie whose wife and two daughters were murdered by an Arab and there wasn't "ONE non-Chareide" at the levaya? Liar!
No-Chareidim are well represented at every unfortunate tragedy whether it is a Chareidie or any other Jew!
This was a "national" tragedy, you "upgerissiner" naar! This was an opportunity for some to show some compassion!

Anonymous said...

"Chareidie hashkafa?" How low have we sunk? A Jew had his wife and two daughters murdered by an Arab who could have easily murdered a guy with his striped gold bekeshe, and yet this guy is talking about "Chareidie hashkafa" Go shove your "Chareidie Hashkafa" wehere the sun don't shine! There will never be שלום amongst the frum oilim. Never!
"charedie hahkafa?" So sick and demented!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you a little about "chareidie Hashkafa" This Hashkafa to segregate men and women with mechitzas, see nothing wrong with protecting a woman like Malka Leifer who penetrated sexually minor innocent girls. "Chareidie Hashkafa" allowed a guy like Weberman to sexually abuse and torture chassidishe girls with lighted cigarettes on their naked stomaches. I attended his trial!
"Chareidie Hashkafa allowed a sexual pervert like Chaim, Walder, may he rot in hell, to rape married women and then they barked "loshon Hara" to those trying to expose him. As a therapist in a Chareidie community I can tell you that the Chareidie community has the highest "incest" rate in the entire Israel. They won't attend a funeral of two murdered girls because there wasn't a mechitza but they see nothing wrong with allowing Lady MIshtara to grab them during their mindless protests. Many Women Police officers have testified that these Chaaredie bochrim "enjoy" getting manhandled and look forward to protests so they can be arrested by these officers. I can tell you that the Chareidie boys and girls are leaving the fold by the tens of thousands. "Chareidie Hashkafa" poleeeeeeze!

Cohen Y said...

Shimon Peres et al disagreed with that

Cohen Y said...

Where are they going, if/when they leave?
Which sector/station of social strata is having it worse?
And what is it they claim to themselves to be primary catalyst ?

Anonymous said...

The point is that these pictures all show the mixed area where you wouldn’t find a pious chareidy.

Anonymous said...

Two points
a) Trust me there wasn't a chareidie no where to be found anywhere. I was there.
b) There is no such thing as a "pious chareidy", if there were, they would have attended a funeral of someone who died al kiddush Hashem!
c) The "nazis" ym"s were all pious chareidim, they segregated the genders right at the selections and made sure to "God Forbid" not to gas men and women even in the gas chambers!
your warped sense of what "pious" is, is astounding!