Saturday, April 22, 2023

Chareidei Terrorists Tear Off Flags in Bet Shemesh "Dalet" on Shabbos


The city of Beit Shemesh has a minhag of adorning the city lampposts that are on the main thorough-fairs with Israeli Flags prior to Yom Ha'atzmaot. It looks festive; after all we live in a Jewish country. 
The city makes sure not to antagonize the kanoim that live in Beit Shemesh BET and leave their lamp posts alone.

In the last two years, the city that now has a population of 160,000 has expanded and built a brand-new area called Beit Shemesh "Dalet." 
Dalet is massive and is larger than the entire Beit Shemesh which includes Old Beit Shemesh, BS Alef, Bet (the extremist area), Gimmel, Gimmel Shtayim, Mishkafyim and Hey better known as Nevei Shamir. 

The guys living in Bet, are hell bent on making sure that "dalet" becomes one of their enclaves and rent buses every night to disrupt the lives of the normal people that moved into dalet, trying to make sure that normal Jews will hear about the riots and will be dissuaded from moving there. 
For example, just last Wednesday night they bused in a bunch of parasites to scream "nazi" "shiksa" at people that were sitting peacefully  shmoozing and drinking coffee at a bakery/coffee shop called "Chalas Habayis" 
On Thursday night the normal residents of dalet came out by the thousands to "Chalas Habayis" to support the store and to send a

message to the Chareidie terrorists that they are ready to take them on. 
As you can imagine, all hell broke loose, and police came to separate the groups and to send the terrorists back to their caves in BET!

On Friday the "Bet-bugs" were back in dalet to remove the flags from the lampposts, but this time the residents that formed WhatsApp groups, were ready for them and came out in mass and chased the Bet-bugs away.

Friday night at around 2:00am, on Shabbos Koidesh, instead of doing the "mitzvah" like every good chareidie, the "Bet-bugs" that live there, decided that "doing the mitzva was for the rest of the Jewish people" and so they left their wives and children and ran to tear off the flags from the lampposts, to do aveirois  violating out right "deoirisas" and some "derabbanans" such as muktza etc.  The normal residents were of course sleeping never expecting that chareidim would violate Shabbos. Ironically, there was no one to scream at them "Shabbos Shabbos" since they themselves are the "shabbos screamers" 

Once upon a time, you could tell who was a "mechallel Shabbos" by looking how they were dressed, but that is no longer the case, because today there is no difference between one who wears a Shreimel and Bekeshe, and someone who dresses with a t-shirt bareheaded, both are mechallel Shabbos and both hate the medina! 

Tonight,  Motzei Shabbos, the city of Beit Shemesh accompanied by the Zionist police and the normal residents, replaced the flags, and of course all hell is breaking loose. 

This Shabbos while the baal korah was reading the parsha, Metzorah, I had a question. 
The Torah states (14:33) as follows:
כי תבאו אל ארץ כנען אשר אני נתן לכם לאחזה ונתתי נגע צרעת 
"there will come a time when you will come to the land of Canaan, I will send you a plague of tzarras"
my question was: 
This verse is obviously speaking about an event that would take place AFTER conquering and settling the land, because it's talking about a home that you already own in Eretz Yisrael. Shouldn't the Torah have written:
כי תבאו אל הארץ
"When you come to Eretz"
Why did the Torah call the land that was already conquered and settled, כנען? "Canaan?"

After Shabbos, when I heard about chareidie terrorists removing Jewish flags, I had my answer.
There are Jews that fail to see Yad Hashem in the establishment of a Jewish State and would rather live under the Palestinian flag. Why they don't move to Ramallah which is also part of Israel, I can only guess.
At any rate, the Torah predicted in this very verse, that there will come a time that the chareidim living in Israel won't want a Jewish State, they want ארץ כנען they would want to live under a flag of goyim, to them the Torah warns ונתתי נגע צרעת!
"I will send you the plague tzarras"
You're welcome! 

בית שמש חדשות*

*הקיצונים ניסו לפעול, התושבים והמשטרה הניסו אותם*

מעט לאחר השעה 2:00 בלילה הגיעו קיצונים בודדים וניסו להוריד דגלים שרק אמש הציבה העירייה ברחוב הראשי 'שדרות האמוראים' ברמת בית שמש ד'.

מספר מתושבי השכונה שהיו מוכנים לכך באיזור יחד עם שוטרים שמיד הוזעקו למקום גרמו להם לפתוח במנוסה ולהימלט מהמקום.

תושב פעיל מרכזי שכונה אמר הלילה ל'בית שמש חדשות': "המאבק בקיצונים ילך ויתגבר, לא ניתן להם לפגוע בשכונה ובתושביה". הוא הדגיש ש"נפעל רק בדרכים חוקיות ובכל דרך אפשרית, ואנחנו מקווים שהמשטרה גם תפעל בהתאם למען הרוב השפוי בשכונה".

*בית שמש חדשות*

*ערב שבת: הקיצונים הגיעו שוב להתעמת עם התושבים ברמת בית שמש ד'*

בדקות האחרונות הגיעו שוב קבוצת קיצונים לשכונת רמת בית שמש ד' והחלו להוריד את הדגלים שנתלו אמש בשכונה, התושבים הוזעקו מייד לעצור את הקיצונים ועימותים החלו להתפתח במקום, כוחות משטרה הוזעקו למקום • *תיעוד:*


Anonymous said...

"והצרוע אשר בו הנגע בגדיו יהיו פרמים וראשו יהיה פרוע ועל שפם יעטה וטמא טמא יקרא"

בגדיו הם פרומים (פרומער) והוא קורא "טמא טמא" אבל הוא הצרוע אשר בו הנגע.

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! said...


Asiatisher Marmorosher Ferd said...

Nisht veit from the dirty tactics of Satmar & Skverer thugs trying to score greater Monsey real estate for billigeh preizen

Anonymous said...

But they know how to milk the Medina and the Rebbeh when he comes to “Palestine” to dole out those illegal millions he smuggles into Israel.
They collect under many names from the midinah. Aye. It’s a Mitzvah to steal as much money as you can.

Garnel Ironheart said...

Again, if you know they're coming, why don't you organize a bunch of guys with crowbars and lay in wait?

Anonymous said...

The only way these filthy rabies infected treasonous sewer rats will be stopped,Is by treating these vermin exactly as such, they must be met by tens of thousands patriotic citizens with bats and iron fists and beaten to a pulp, whereby the only way out for them would be via ambulance.

Sholem said...

Israel MUST deport terrorists and their families