Monday, April 3, 2023

Government Caves in to Chareidie Amateurs as Meron Bill Passes In Knesset, Allowing Meir Porush To Regulate Lag Ba’Omer Festivities


Big Trouble! Huge Trouble! Giving into these gangsters. 45 Korbonos weren't enough? Haven't we learned a lesson? 

The Knesset passed the Meron law regulating the Lag Ba’Omer festivities for 5783. Seven MKs supported the bill and there was no votes against it.

The Jerusalem Ministry headed by Meir Porush submitted the bill as a temporary bill allowing the regulation of the current year’s festivities while maintaining the safety of participants and without harming the joyous atmosphere at the site.

The new law regulates the number of people who can ascend to the tomb of Rabbi Shimon in accordance with safety officials advice as well as the recommendations of the Meron Investigative Committee. The recommendations take into account the significant renovations at the site enabling larger numbers of participants to gather there.

There will be just one Hadlakah (ceremonial lighting of a fire) on the roof of the tomb as it previous years. Other lighting ceremonies will take place in large areas which have been restructured near Moshav Meron to serve as assembly sites for additional ceremonies.

The law also says that “The Ministry for Jerusalem and Jewish Tradition will be authorized to grant permits for other events based on the recommendation of the director of events who will allow additional events according to the professional conditions required at the main lighting ceremony.”

The law allows for various temporary structures to be erected for the festivities, including food tents and other temporary structures approved by relevant engineers.

In the wake of the committee’s recommendations, safety inspectors can warn in real time of dangerous crowding and can disperse the crowds and even shorten various events for this purpose.

Minister Porush said that “we have presented a bill allowing us to organize the current festivities in a safe and joyous manner, with the maximum permitted number of people participating in the Hillula, while maintaining the safety of all the visitors. With the cooperation of the public and the able efforts of project manager Yossi Deitch, we will G-d willing reach the best possible results. Immediately after Lag Ba’Omer we’ll begin to work on the next year in order to make it as perfect as possible.”

1 comment:

Cohen Y said...

The onus now is on them to prove capability
stay tuned