Sunday, April 30, 2023

Skverer "Hochuls" Issue Fatwa Against Use Of Artificial Intelligence Tools Like ChatGPT


I have to laugh, I've been around enough Skverers to know that they think that they are the smartest and everyone else are a bunch of dummies. Practically all Gedoilim warned Frum Jews not to vote for the pro-crime, no bail Hochul, but not Skver, they are smarter than everyone else and endorsed Hochul. So now they banned the use of "AI artificial Intelligence, I find that ironic. But they really had no choice but to ban it because, here was an app that is for sure smarter than them! 

In what is believed to be a first-of-its-kind ban, more than a dozen rabbanim and dayanim from the Skver chasidus have signed a strongly worded letter assuring the use of AI chatbots.

The letter, first released on Thursday, mentions OpenAI, the company behind artificial intelligence marvel ChatGPT, but makes it clear that it is not speaking of only that developer’s products.

“The severity of the danger is not yet clear and obvious to everyone,” the letter states, noting that it poses, in the eyes of the rabbanim, a critical danger to frum yidden.

AI chatbots provide completely unfiltered access to apikorsus, lewd and perverse content, and all the issurim of “lo sasuru acharei levavchem,’ the kol koreh says.

The use of AI chatbots is thus in the same category as the “issur hachamur” of using unfiltered internet, regardless of how the chatbot is used.

“Therefore,” the letter says, “the use of AI is stricly prohibited in every way and form, even on a phone.”


Prof. Ryesky said...

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!

Frum but normal said...

No intelligence bans artificial intelligence, it figures.LOL