Monday, April 24, 2023

Yom Hazikoron! A Tribute to Those that were Murdered Al Kiddush Hashem



Anonymous said...

Do some honest research into Zionist complicity and rescue sabotage during ww2 and you'll realize how disgusting it is that they commemorate the victims with this 'tribute'

Dusiznies said...

What a nasty sick guy you are!
On this holy day when every single segment of Israeli Society mourns the brutal deaths of over 20,000 victims of terror, you go out of your way to spread the sick Satmar anti-Zionist false narrative.
The one who has to do research is actually YOU!
Yom Hazikoron has nothing to do with WW2, it is a tribute to those who were murdered al kiddush Hashem in the last 75 years in Eretz Yisrael. You are talking about Yom Hashoah which took place last week.
Do you mean "Zionist complicity" in WW2 when Kastner met with Eichmann ym"s to save Rav Yoel Teitelbaum the Satmar Rebbe?

Anonymous said...

My bad. I thought it was Holocaust victims. This 'tribute' is even worse. 20,000 were not killed because they were Jews. They were sacrificed on the altar of Zionism and the State of Israel. Their deaths were in vain. Israel continues to be the most dangerous place for Jews to live.

Dusiznies said...

What a nasty sick dog you are!
ALL poiskim have paskened that every Jew that got killed in Eretz Yisrael, died "Al Kiddush Hashem" and that includes the Steipler and the Chazon Ish
The State of Israel is a miracle in where more Torah is learned there than any other place on earth. There are more Kollim and Moisdois HaToirah in Israel than anywhere in the world. The Zionists contribute in one year ($300 Million) to Moisdos Hatoirah than any other organization of benefactor. It is because of these sacrifices that Jews in Israel can Daven, learn and live .
If you look at the "World Bank" a non-profit organization, it lists Israel as one of the safest places to visit in the world.
But your comment is right out of the mouths of the meraglim that stated:
עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחיתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן
Just to remind you Hashem forgave the Jews when they made the Eigal but He never forgave them for talking Loshen Hara on Eretz Yisrael, and this was a time when there wasn't one single Jew living there, only goyim lived there, and these goyim were the worst of the worst as Hashem gave orders to have them wiped out, yet talking about anyone living in Eretz Yisrael is worse than any aveirah.

Brisker Payois said...

As a Yidthat loves all Jews I'm asking to refrain from commenting about these issues as you are messing with not only your own life and health but the lives and health of your wife and children. May Hashem have mercy on your soul.