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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Yated Neeman that supported Chaim Walder Calls Ben-Gvir’s Temple Mount ‘Unnecessary Provocation’


The Yated Neeman newspaper, that employed the late sexual pervert Chaim Walder, and then supported him when the crap hit the fan, issued a scathing criticism of National Security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir after he ascended the Har Habayis Tuesday morning. 

The newspaper charged Ben-Gvir with causing a provocation which could lead to the murder of Jews by bloodthirsty Arabs.

This newspaper that doesn't recognize the State of Israel, the only Jewish country in the world, and is against the IDF, has the sheer chutzpah to tell us, that it is a provocation for a Jew in a Jewish country, to go up to the Har Habayis. 

Mrs. Yated, .......Arabs don't need excuses to kill Jews! 

In 1929, when the Arabs went on a pogrom and raped, murdered Jews in Chevron the Chareidie extremists wrote that this was because a Jew blew the Shofar at the Kotel and claimed and still claim, the Arab propaganda lie, that Jews and Arabs lived in peace before then. It has since been proven time and again, that this pogrom was planned months before the incident at the Kotel. This lie is repeated by Satmar on a weekly basis in their Yiddish weeklies, Der Goy and Der Shturmer. 

Ben-Gvir in a tweet answered them:

 “Yated Neeman is against a state for the Jewish people and against secular people living here. Do you support that as well?”

In an article entitled “Superfluous and Dangerous Provocation”, the newspaper said that Ben-Gvir’s “snapshot parade for a few minutes on Temple Mount at an early morning hour succeeded in agitating the Arab world, annoying the rest of the world and engendering a harsh American condemnation and sharp criticism from other countries, including friendly ones.” The newspaper said that there “wasn’t even the slightest benefit” from Ben-Gvir’s visit.

“Moreover the visit emphasized to all of us that Temple Mount is not really in the hands of the state of Israel, especially not when a minister needs to stage an elaborate ruse and arrive at an early hour when nobody is present, to be chaperoned by hundreds of police and to create a global storm, Arab rage and threats of revenge by murderous terror groups.”

The newspaper added that “such irresponsible shows endanger the lives of Jews and play into the hands of the inciters in mosques, the murderous ideologists of Hamas and the Islamic movement, who use such useless and inane acts to persuade the Palestinian rabble that the Yahud will remove Al Aqsa from its place and they need to perform beastly ‘acts of revenge.’

“Who allows such people to endanger the lives of Jews unnecessarily and in contravention of halacha? And for what? They’re not going to build the Third Temple, what do they need to make a victory parade for, if not for a media dividend?”

Additionally, Sephardi chief rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and former Sephardi chief rabbi Shlomo Amar stressed that Ben-Gvir’s actions were “totally prohibited” according to halacha and according to the rulings of the Chief Rabbinate. Rabbi Yosef sent a letter to Ben-Gvir explaining the halachic prohibition and stating that as a state representative he must maintain the Chief Rabbinate’s rulings.

Ben-Gvir responded by quoting on his Twitter account from Yated Neeman as it appeared on the Ynet site. He wrote to Ynet that “Yated Neeman is against a state for the Jewish people and against secular people living here. Do you support that as well?”

Interviewed on Israeli television, Ben-Gvir decried the “racism” preventing Jews from worshiping or even entering Temple Mount without police supervision of the groups.


Anonymous said...

Muslims can visit literally ALL the religious sites around the globe... the Vatican, all churches, temples, Buddah places, synagogues, congregations... you name it. No one will ever stop them.
And somehow everyone finds normal that these same Muslims prohibit jews and christians from visiting the Har haBayis (the Temple Mount) a 2000-year-old Jewish holy site occupied by this corrupted mafia. Someone explain ?

seeking truth said...

The gedolim including rav shlomo zalman auerbach, rav tzvi tzvi pesach frank, and rav elyashiv ztzkl who were all quasi talmidim of rav kook ztzkl, held it is ossur to up on har habayis as did rav kook ztzkl himself, who also held of the three oaths as binding. The yated is following the psak of rav elyashiv amongst others (including rav shteinman, rav shach, rav chaim kanievsky ztzkl, and yblctv rav gershon edelstein shlita), so what does an am haaretz clown like ben gvir have to do with any godol, let alone one that DIN approves of, such as rav kook ztzl

Anonymous said...

English subtitles :

Anonymous said...

The arabs are blood-thirsty animals, and the Hebron massacres showed that they don't need an excuse to quench their thirst for Jewish blood. Was there any rape documented?

Dusiznies said...

seeking truth said...

The "three oaths "are irrelevant to this discussion.
Rav Kook's psak not to go up on the Har Habayis was before there was a State and a Jewish government. See the latest headline on Arutz Sheva and you will clearly see that he consulted with his rabbanim, and that is all that matters. No Jew be it, Rav Kook, Rav SZ Auerbach have the right to give up any piece of land to goyim, and especially the Har Habayisת anyone that says otherwise is עתיד ליתן דין וחשבון