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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Want to keep the Frummies in the Stone Age Release Letter Opposing New Frum Streaming Platform

A letter has been issued by Lakewood’s leading Mechanchim and Menahelim, opposing a new online video device and platform, which has branded itself a viable option for frum families who are looking for kosher content.

The chinuch leaders, who represent a range of yeshivas, discourage people from using the “24Six” streaming platform and media playing devices, and say that without Rabbinic guidance “we are opening up an anarchist approach” toward what is acceptable. The letter was signed by the BMG Roshei Yeshiva as well.

24Six allows listeners to hear only pre-approved music and content from Jewish singers and entertainers. Its website says, “Have your values. And your music too. 24Six is the only vetted media streaming platform for Jewish families worldwide – with features that give you control.”

The letter, which does not call for an outright ban, points to several concerns, including “exposure to music and videos with content that often runs contrary to the values and ruach with which we bring up our children.”

It adds that the platform is “detrimental to healthy spiritual and emotional growth, as by nature it is a device that promotes constant distractions and an overdose of entertainment.”

The sharply-worded text says that a device which can download from the internet should “never be considered safe in the hands of a child” and that without the guidance of Daas Torah “we are opening up an anarchist approach towards what is or isn’t acceptable in KlalYisroel.”

The text notes that “there is no written Daas Torah backing” the assertion that the platform is a “completely kosher entertainment option.”



Yudel Shain said...

Many OTD children and adults are a direct result of not providing a method of "chilling".

A number of years ago someone in Lakewood arranged for Motzei Shabbos exclusive separate bowling alleys for boys and girls, these same Rabbis banned it, resulted in OTD big time.

Keep giving them RITALIN and see the results.

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between this and naki radio? There was no letter written on that, it's sold in lakewood bookstores.

Youtube Live stream said...

Youtube Live Stream

Sabra65 said...

@yudel, have no fear, all these "rabbonim", or that idiotic term "daas torah", that someone made up not that long ago, will all have their come-uppance after their 120. They will have to answer for every yiddishe neshama that they destroyed with their idiotic bans. And as far as Naki radio, they probably bribed these same bearded men to allow it.

Anonymous said...

Could you read DIN on it?

Anonymous said...

Can't have people thinking for themselves and making their own decisions, after all.

Anonymous said...

How about a ban on how they spend crazy money on homes and food and alcohol that’s not too great for chinuch either.

Amil said...

Just another fatwah from some iman.

Anonymous said...

They are trying to take away everything from us. This is such a great thing. As we'll be able to concentrate on the important things in life while the kids are playing kosher video games in their rooms and hopefully they will come up with a Shabbat mode so we could eat dinner without the kids bothering.

Anonymous said...

My kids look like from the stone ages after watching for 8 hours straight movies

Anonymous said...

It's just like fighting about the Eiruvs in Lakewood.
Signs go up 3 times a week from the local Rabbonim.
That gives the Chasideshe Rabonim to say in your face, and it gives them more encouragement to keep making more Eiruvs in Lakewood.

It might happen with this Fatwa as well.

They should put a fatwah on this BMG freezer, which is against the Halacha, according to every Daas-Torah.

Anonymous said...

If your kids are watching "8 hours straight movies" you've got much bigger problems and no ban is going to help them!
It is your job to keep your kids engaged, this ban will not help them

Anonymous said...

who cares? stop hating. so there are still some erliche yidden in the world who are trying to get close to hashem b'kedusha u'vtahara. if you need your internet and movies you'll have it. no one is stopping you. your just denying your own neshama of kirvas elokim.
nowadays even so called "choshuve rabbonim" in lakewood have smartphones. btw people go otd from the best mishpochas with no internet and from with mishpochas with unfiltered internet and movies. people are individuals who have bechira chofshis.

Anonymous said...

We're talking about giving it to kids before becherah