Monday, June 3, 2019

Satmar Guy Told Off by Yiddish Speaking Guy At Israeli Day Parade


Anonymous said...

Nothing from DIN about the zionist police geshtapo beating the hell out of an autistic kid that everyone is enraged about?

Dusiznies said...

I actually did comment on the "comments" on an earlier post

But since you believe that what I say and think is "toras lukschin" .....I'll repeat what I said

"I would like to know where the hell is this boy's parents?" ...
Why is he at all the violent protests ???
Having said this I believe the police should be punished! "

You call them "geshtapo" .... but the survivors of the Holocaust living here in Bet Shemesh tell me that they remember the Nazi Gestapo .... and they would take "zionist police geshtapo " over the Nazi Gestapo any time, any day and any second! ....
Also ... that boy and all the other boys should know that when you stop traffic ... dont cry when someone beats the holy crap out of you ...autistic or whatever!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a violent protest - there was a fire on lag ba'omer that the police came to shut down. It was on the block of this "special needs" home and this boy was outside at the time. I thought you would have known this information by now.