A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ... the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it ....
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it ....
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us.....
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צארטל בת אסתר מלכה
יעקב דוד שילו בן שיינדל שרה דאבריש
''דף קל''א ''הענבים שנלקחו
Page 131 Mesectas Chullin
''Grapes That Were Grabbed"
There was this incident in a small town in the Galill where a vintner was cultivating grapes in his vineyard.
One nice day, Roman soldiers came and confiscated dozens of boxes filled with grapes.
He came to the Rabbis to inquire whether he was required to tithe from the stolen grapes!
The Rabbis answers that it depends ...
if they just confiscated the grapes for no valid reason, then he was exempt from separating Teruma and Maasrois....
if however, they confiscated the grapes as payment for back taxes that the vintner hadn't paid, then he would have to tithe from the confiscated grapes.
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''דף קל''ב ''בכור בהמה טהורה
Page 132 Mesectas Chullin
''The Firstborn of a Kosher Animal"
The halacha is that the owner of a Bechor, the firstborn of a kosher animal is exempt from giving gifts i.e. "the foreleg, jaw, and the abomasum to the kohein, even if the animal is a "baal mum" ....has a defect.
A farmer bought a "bechor" and as he brought it home, the bechor jumped over the fence and got mixed in with the rest of the herd, and now he cannot recognize which one the bechor is......
Is he now exempt from giving the kohein the gifts from each and every one of those animals in the herd, because one cannot know which one is the one that is exempt...
does he now have to give gifts from each animal of the herd, since he has no clue of which animal is the bechor that has the exemption?
It depends what the farmer plans to do with the entire herd...
if he plans to slaughter the animals then he has to give the parts of the animals that belong to kohein from every animal except one .... because we know for sure that one was exempt..
If the farmer plans to resell them to others, all the animals are exempt, because each buyer can say to the kohein "prove to me that this animal is the bechor.
''דף קל'ג ''מנהגו של אביי
Page 133 Mesectas Chullin
''The Custom of Abayeh"
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Grave of Abayeh |
The Amoreh, Abayeh was a kohein..... he would go to the farmers and request that they give him "the gifts" the parts of the animals given traditionally to the kohein, because he wanted the farmers to see how much he cherished the mitzvah of "matnas kehuneh."
Abayeh relates that once he learned in a briiseh that one shouldn't pressure farmers to give a kohein the "gifts" since they can give them to any kohein they choose, he decided to only go to those farmers he felt really wanted him to have it...
But then he decided not to ask for the "gifts" from any farmer so that poor farmers could enjoy them.
He would, however, ask for "the gifts" once a year, so that people should always remember the fact that he was a kohein.
''דף קל''ד ''פטור ממתנת כהונה
Page 134 Mesectas Chullin
''One Who Is Exempt For Giving A Kohein The Gifts"
There can actually be a case where one owns an animal and is exempt from giving the kohein his gifts ... the foreleg, jaw and the abomasum!
If a Jew slaughters an animal on behalf of a gentile, and then the gentile decides to convert.
The newly converted Jew is exempt from giving the gifts to the kohein from this particular animal since while the animal was being slaughtered he was still a gentile and a gentile is exempt from doing any mitzvois!
''דף קל'ה ''ראשית הגז
Page 135 Mesectas Chullin
''The Very First Shearing"
With this daf, we begin the 11th Chapter of Tractate Chullin called "Reishis Ha'Gaz," the first shearing!
Reishis Ha'Gaz is one of the 24 "maatnas kehunah" gifts to the kohein. The halacha requires someone who owns sheep to give part of the "first shearing" to a kohein. It only applies if one owns a minimum of 5 sheep.....
And there can even be a case where one who owns 5 sheep would be exempt from giving the kohein part of the wool, and that is if there is very little wool on the animals to begin with.
What if there was a partnership, where one owns the animals and one owns the wool?
For example:
A Jew has a partnership with an Arab; the Arab owns the sheep and the Jew owns the wool ...this deal was made while the sheep still had their wool unshorn....
Is the Jew still required to give "reishis ha'gaz?"
The talmud on this daf rules that the Jew is exempt from giving any wool to the kohein, since the Torah writes:
ראשית גז צאנך תתן לו
"from the first shearing of YOUR sheep you should give him"
and these are not your sheep!
''דף קל'ו ''מעקה לגגך
Page 136 Mesectas Chullin
''A Gate To Your Roof "
The Torah in Sefer Devarim writes:
ועשית מעקה לגגך ולא תשים דמים בביתך כי יפל הנופל ממנו
"you are to put a fence to your roof so that you will not place blood in your house if a fallen one falls from it"
The Torah explicitly instructs everyone to install a fence on his roof so that no one should G-d forbid fall off it.
What if one shares the roof with his neighbor, would they still be required to install a fence?
Why would I even think that they are not required to install a fence?
Because the Torah writes .... גגך ..... "your roof" and I would perhaps deduce that since this is not "your" roof exclusively, maybe they would be exempt!
The Talmud on this daf states that partners of a shared roof are NOT exempt from this rule and must install a fence...
we know this from the end of this very verse where the torah writes: כי יפל הנופל ממנו
The Torah gives a reason here why a fence must be installed, because someone "may fall off."
One can fall off a roof shared roof too!
So why did the Torah write the word גגך "roof" in the singular..?
The Torah by writing in the singular exempted Shuls and Places where people learn, because they are not owned by the people that either learn or daven there....they are owned by and large by the entire congregation.
also these places of worship and learning are not places where people live ....
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